Friday, November 23, 2012

Fix Your Posture in Five Minutes Per Day

In my first yoga session ever, some time in 2006 or 2007 in London, the teacher began with what looked like an amazingly simple pose. It was the so-called Mountain Pose. All it requires you to do is put your feet together and stand upright. You stick your chest out, pull your shoulders back and keep your chin straight. We were supposed to do this for a couple of minutes.

I have been doing sports for many years, which meant that at this point in my life posture was no longer an issue for me. However, the same was not true for many of the people around me. For some, ADHD probably made the Mountain Pose even more challenging for some, but the main issue was of a different nature. Some girls were complaining that it was "difficult" to stand still for so long and keep the balance. One guy had to remark that his shoulder would hurt, and finally someone complained that it felt "unnatural" for him to stick his chest out. It was a pretty average beginners' class.

Our teacher took a long hard look at us. If he thought that some of us were pathetic, he surely didn't let them notice. Yet, he reminded us that modern life was "unnatural" and would lead us to "get out of touch with our true self". This is typical yoga new-age mumbo jumbo. But then he said something I found quite impressive:

"All I am asking you to do is stand tall, like humans are supposed to stand. If this is difficult for you, then you might want to think about how, quite literally, move through your life."

Here's a video of the Mountain Pose:

I remember that you'd have to put your feet close together, but either way should be fine. Just take a few minutes and follow the instructions in this video. If anything about it feel "unnatural" to you, then you may want to work on your posture. This is indeed how you should stand. Don't slouch through life.

Posture alone won't make you attractive to women, or catapult yourself into a leadership position. However, bad posture is universally unattractive, and when I look around, I get the impression that some people are completely unaware of how bad their posture is. It's relatively easy to fix.

As long as you don't feel fully comfortable with this, admittedly very basic, exercise, then I can only recommend you to keep practicing it. The time commitment is insignificant. Quite possibly it'll be zero. Just do it the next time you watch some silly cat video on Youtube, for instance, or when you're watching a sizzling steak in the pan. Within a few months, at the latest, any issues you might have had with your posture will probably be a thing of the past.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Criticizing RSD means you're a "fag" and deserve to be banned

TheSwede documented a case of RSD hypocrisy on the forum. It starts innocently enough with some guy questioning the validity of the concepts one of their coaches, Alex teaches. He seems quite upset that even "logistics" aren't covered, and goes off quite a rant when he denounces the "myth of the natural":

Now IM sure someone will say "lol naturals dont do anything special", well guess what, most naturals suck shit when taken out of their social circle where they have status. The "natural" is a big myth and 99.99% of guys suck shit at cold approaching.Its HARD and you wont have success which such simple stuff.

This is a valid statement. Most "naturals" go only great due to their social circle. This works fine if you're the cool guy in high school or college, but afterwards those people stand a good chance of learning first-hand about dry spells.

Jeffy tries to deescalate the situation with a lame attempt of guilt-tripping the OP. You know, everybody who questions RSD just has to be wrong.
You don't like Alex's shit OP ok whatever. Don't use it. However you have chosen to take valuable time out of your life to come here and write some lengthy essay about how it sucks and you don't use it. That's time you could have spent constructively. The stereotypical person who does something of this nature is a rather unpleasant loser who likely lives in squalor and has little to nothing going on in his life. This is what makes people call you a "fag"... as opposed to the fact that you love to get slammed in the butt hole and mouth with sweaty men's cocks.
Thank you, come again, don't let the door hit you in your (sore) ass on the way out. Fucking faggot
For some reason, though, I get the impression that there are a lot of losers on RSD Nation. I'm of course talking about guys who approach a thousand women and are happy if they get a sloppy handjob out of that, and that level of success is enough to be called an "inspiration" on that forum. You even find guys on there who approach 10,000 women, only to get laid exactly once.

The OP's reply is priceless:
"OP you have critisism so you shouldnt be here, we only like people who heil our products, if ANY person comes with critisism or a negative review, we WILL flame him, call him different immature names and in general act like 14 year old children with daddy issues. That you took 2minutes of your life to write ANY negative stuff about a PRODUCT we EARN MONEY ON is WRONG hence you should be placed in a corner of "basement dweller" or a "fag" (Even tho Im 38 years old, sure as hell live in my own house and make a pretty good earning)."
But ofcourse, this is what happends on RSDnation. Do it on another forum and u will probably get SOME fanboy idiot who cant handle himself, but 80% of the guys posting wont most likely act like they just shit their pants and an instructor whos an PROFESSIONAL and a GROWN UP will most likely NOT act like he have some deep mental issues.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Roosh Spends Two Weeks In Canada, Can't Get Laid

Mace, a member of my forum, compiled statements of Roosh's current failed sex-trip to Canada. He dug up the quotes, I am merely reproducing them here.

Roosh in Montreal:
The pressure of these flag missions is getting high. If I get the flag it's no big deal, because I'm supposed to. But if I don't, then that's a pretty big failure. I will admit that the pressure does drive me. My first month in Croatia there was no pressure since I knew I was staying long. 

Still trucking along. Day game is much easier in cafes than the street. Night is okay. The ratios aren't bad, but huge social circles are killing me. 
I don't know... I think I've lived in EE for too long to enjoy this city. It feels like Sweden to me (but with thinner girls). Being an American really isn't a DHV, so my labor is quite high. 
[Note: In Sweden you have to make an effort to spot overweight girls. This reminds me of the vitriol he spewed about Denmark. Just because Roosh doesn't get laid doesn't mean that the women aren't hot. However, it means that Roosh will invariably speak badly of a those countries.]
I'm also not used to the heavy intoxication level. Lots of girls can't keep it together, so the social circle babysits them. I was doing okay with a French girl last night, but she abruptly left to go puke. I pretended I didn't know her. 

She had a cute face but was really heavy. She was the biggest girl in the bar.
There are a lot of good looking girls though. It's mostly a matter of access. Lots of mixed set groups. 

Well I'm pretty aggressive/fast with my game so I doubt that's the problem. My sample size is also small (one weekend) so I don't want to make any grand conclusions. It just wasn't as easy off the plane as the US or Scandinavia.
I can't say being American helped. They see the French culture as superior, so I felt it was more a hurdle (that I easily overcame) than a benefit.
I'm liking Canada overall, but it's very expensive. I feel I'm not getting much value for what I'm spending. 
Roosh in Toronto:

Tonight was a massacre. 
Quality was lowest of all three nights, but it was most crowded. I got cockblocked on 80% of my approaches. I semi-suited up tonight. Still almost no eye contact. 5's are very thirsty. They smile and want to talk. They half-approach you. The occasional 7 is open. You have to find her. If you do 5-10 approaches a night on 7s you'll find one that is down until you get cockblocked.
 Are you guys getting ONS's in Toronto? I don't see it. The social groupings are tough to crack. Most girls are overweight. I don't believe it sucks this bad for a city this big. The type of bars I went to should have open girls who want to fuck. But girls are doing their thing and then they all hop in cabs. They seem to be more excited about eating after the bar than getting with dudes. Montreal girls are hotter AND nicer AND easier to escalate with. Compared to Toronto it's poosy paradise. I came here with an open mind, I swear, but it's pretty bad.

Another thing I noticed that if you utter one lame joke or say something that can be construed as sexist, the girl is disgusted and walks away. You need 100% perfect game, no mistakes. In the US I could get away with a lot more than in Toronto. It's almost like Scandinavia. Last night I said "I like feminine women" and the girl (a 6) got offended and went back to her huge group (at least six people). 
At one point in the night I was standing in a packed bar and thought, "This is just pointless." Now I know what the PUAs I saw at Madison was approaching like monkeys. That seems to be what you got to do here.

It's 11:25. I've been ready to go out the past 30 minutes but I'm having trouble making it to the door. A man can only take so much abuse in one weekend.

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto. In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."
Mace finally asks, "So a guy whose dedicated all his adult life to picking up women can't get laid in 2 weeks in Canada. How bad is Roosh's game?"

Roosh not only has bizarre ideas about game. If he's doing better in poorer countries, it's only because he's seen as the "rich American", while in all well-off countries, the women don't seem to take him seriously at all. This then leads to Roosh bashing those countries. I wonder whether he'll write "Don't Bang Canada", just because he himself can't get laid there.

Assanova chimed in with the remark, "I think it has less to do with game, and more to do with the absurd standards of North American women. It is outright brutal for any guy that isn't at least an 8. I think it's time for the gurus to finally admit that game means absolutely nothing if your looks aren't top notch."

Indeed, the looks department holds Roosh back, in addition to his unawareness of differences in subcultures. To him, it's either mainstream or "hipster", and any finer distinction he seems to be completely oblivious to. Of course, this doesn't make him popular with the ladies either.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rest in Peace, Manosphere (Guest Post by Shackleford)

Roughly a decade ago, some anonymous guy started a blog called The DC Bachelor. He lived a typical Washington DC life: 9-5 job, then bar hopping in DuPont Circle and Adams Morgan trying to pick up girls. He claimed to have extraordinary success with women, but there was little evidence that he was doing better than the average guy living the same lifestyle. The blog itself was mostly standard Mystery Method game philosophy in a re-packaged form, but it had an interesting distinction: the inclusion of heavy scare tactics regarding uber-alpha male boogeymen. If you did not imitate the dominant behavior of these men, the DC Bachelor maintained, then you are a beta.  And if you are a beta, then you would lose out in the competition for women against this alpha man.

The alpha boogeyman established a new game tenet.  Whereas previous forms of PUA primarily targeted hopeless men who had little success with women, DC Bachelor's brand of PUA also targeted men who had experienced some form of success.  It went after the average man, saying "you may get dates, but I get better quantity and quality by acting more alpha than you.  Adopt my methods or every girl you date will ditch you for me or someone like me."

The DC Bachelor had a regular commenter who jumped on this fearmongering alpha/beta distinction and rode it ridiculous heights, continually cherry-picking from evolutionary psychology studies to emphasize the idea that females have a primal urge be with this alpha boogeyman. He maintained it is a woman's natural desire to be in an alpha male's harem (the 80/20 theory), and that women are driven to crush weaknesses by cuckolding or humiliating beta males.  This commenter also made himself out to be a veritable god with women, the embodiment of all this aforementioned alpha behavior. Soon, this commenter started his own blog, called Roissy in DC.

In reality, Roissy was just another regular DC bar hopper like the DC Bachelor (who later revealed himself to be Roosh), but that didn't stop him from being completely delusional. In Roissy in DC (now Heartiste), Roissy took the extreme version of evo-psych alpha/beta scare tactics and added a combination of hard-right politics and Steve Sailor racial HBD science. Does this now sound completely incoherent to you? Welcome to the manosphere.  

Incoherent is the key word. Roissy, Roosh, and all the subsequent copycat blogs all had a design for life that basically meant acting like an obnoxious, thuggish frat guy. But whenever evidence was presented to them, especially to Roissy, that guys who didn't act this way also got chicks, the manosphere would backtrack and redefine the definition of alpha from a dominant caveman dude to that of a guy who can score lots of girls, regardless of looks and behavior. The guys who look like pussies and don't use game but still get laid, therefore, are actually alphas. But these "alphas" are also pussies, Roosh and Roissy said, so you shouldn't act like them. Act like a dominant caveman.

The anti-feminism and racial politics would garner Roissy and the manosphere a larger audience for a temporary point of time, but it was inevitable that the jumbled game philosophy that was at its core would be its undoing. Although Roissy was not involved in the embarrassing DC meetup, his fingerprints are all over the pathetic thug behavior of all the major players in the post-Roosh/Roissy generation of manosphere bloggers. These guys prioritize the imitation of dominant meathead behaviors over actual success with women.  In fact, it's evident that they have little success at all, but it was surprising just how sloppy and clueless a blog like University of Man could be in blatantly revealing that reality. Generational rot indeed.

The biggest smoking gun, however, was the deflation of the Alpha boogeyman concept.  These guys certainly act like super-alphas storming around ready to take your woman, but their results are no better than the average man they abhor so much.  In fact, they are probably worse than average, if you took 15 men with no knowledge of game and dropped them into a bar crawling scenario similar to that of the Manosphere DC meetup. Imitation of behaviors can't invent attraction.

After the the DC Meetup got slammed, the University of Man shut down, and it's now evident that the manosphere is dying.  Let's look at the evidence:

  • Roosh has transitioned to a lifestyle blog:  In his writings, he has continually distanced himself from Roissy and barely believes in game.
  • Roissy dances in the corner alone. MRAs have disavowed him, and the current generation of gamers doesn't like his racial politics.  
  • The next generation of manosphere bloggers are realizing the lameness of the cause and are dropping like flies.  University of Man is dead.  Another blog, Alpha Persona, closed recently.

These quotes from the closing post of Alpha Persona are very telling:

It just isn’t what it used to be anymore, though. A lot of readers are keyboard warriors, a lot of readers are just looking for a place to be angry, and the number of you who actually practice this shit and work on yourselves and try to be better is frighteningly slim.
There have been too many game blogs for a while now. I get this email all the time, “Dude, I’m starting a game blog – help me out/link to me/help me name it/come up with a gimmick?
The facade is now gone, and the manosphere stands exposed for what it is:  absent the evo-psych window dressing and racial science, it's just the avocation of a 20-something frat boy lifestyle, with meaningless distinctions like wearing a suit and sex tourist traveling. Every guy who goes out and approaches girls on a Saturday night now thinks he can be an expert. The headless chicken remains of the manosphere will have dozens of blogs of this type, but no more relevant ones. It's just a small, insignificant world, much like it was in the beginning with the DC Bachelor.  Full circle.