Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Great Manosphere Invasion of Russia (Part II)

In Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer one episode consists of Tom and his friends trying to become "pirates", so they leave the village behind to live off mother nature. It quickly turns out that their romantic notions were quite mistaken. One passage describes how they feasted on some meager fish:
They fried the fish with the bacon, and were astonished; for no fish had ever seemed so delicious before. They did not know that the quicker a fresh-water fish is on the fire after he is caught the better he is; and they reflected little upon what a sauce open-air sleeping, open-air exercise, bathing, and a large ingredient of hunger make, too.
At this point you can probably see the parallels to the Roosh V forum crew already. They are starved for food, er, pussy, and anything would do. We left them when they were collectively fantasizing about being "the only ticket in town" in some remote corner of Russia. What happened next?

Well, what happened was the equivalent of Tom Sawyer and his crew merely seeing some fish in the distance, and starting to salivate. Some dude dug out pictures of "Club Amsterdam" in Volgograd, which showed scenes like this:

Party on, bros!

Two black dudes about to have a threesome each...

I don't see anything that's remotely close to a pussy paradise, to be honest. Even worse, going through the photo stream of that club reveals that the quality of the women really isn't all that great:

Really makes you want to go to Volgograd right away, doesn't it?

I guess perceptions change if you believe that any girl there would fuck you just because you're from the USA. How has this spiel been working out for Roosh? Oh, wait... Quality isn't such a great concern for the Roosh V forum crowd, and people are falling over themselves to prematurely celebrate their victory. Apparently they thought they really had found a treasure.

Russia-nauts: Houston we have a problem.
Houston:What's that?
Russia-nauts: We don't want to come back to the whales of Earth.

The nighclub pics were really encouraging.

One pussy paradise isn't enough. The existence of another one was postulated:

Just wait guys, there are better cities where the women are even hotter and the men are more ugly and dress like shit!

Many of the alleged proofs for the existence of god are conducted along the same lines: x is true because I say so. But where then are all the hot Russian women hiding? Forum member "BrownBear" made use of his highly-developed analytical skills:

I already collected most of the links for everynight club (Except the huge cities I didn't put all the places for them) in over 75 cities now I'm just looking over each night club and reading reviews/gathering pictures/videos/hours of operation etc... I'll do it my way..
President I haven't only collected nightclub data, but pubs,bars,restaurants, grills and then I will do hotels. 
Imagine what working out a similar amount of time would have done for him and his chances with the women in his city. He wouldn't even have to travel to Volgograd in the end. He also spoke of "turning this into an app". I see, it's all about passive income! He eventually started his own forum at http://russianexpatnightlife.com/ Sadly, he forgot to take precautions against spamming, which is why there are tens of thousands of posts by spam bots on there. Way to go!

I found it quite amazing that those guys have apparently never seen women in their life, judging from the comments to the pictures of those thoroughly mediocre looking chicks:

I have spent the last few days looking at those nightclub pics, all I can say is WOW!
Sadly, he seemed serious, just like some other dude a little later:

Those photos are incredible. It's like a professional level stage show. The girls are unreal. Russian chicks combine refined intellect and luscious animality. They are so hot.

I wonder how he managed to assess the intellect of some random chicks on pictures.

Speaking of refined intellects, some other guy chimed in:

I wouldn't put too much emphasis on what country you are from. 90% these girls don't know Brazil from Mexico and many think Canada is part of the United States. 90% of girls know nothing about geography! Fucking Zero and don't give a shit. They will judge you by how you present yourself!

Not knowing shit, yet having strong opinions about everything. Why aren't those guys pursuing a career in business or politics?

Thread starter Vorkuta had even more genius ideas to make "pussy slaying" even easier. Heck, pussy may just slay itself in the end.

I think we should chip in and buy an old Lada over there to use as the RVF pussy hunting mobile,just think of the kinds of places we'll be able to hunt in if we have our own set of wheels!

I guess if you hand the valet the keys to your Lada, all the girls will just flash their tits for you. By the way, this is what a (well-kept) old Lada looks like:

The new number plate will be PZY-SLR 69

Going back to a more serious topic, sex tourist Neil Skywalker warns a black dude not to take the risks lightly:

As for being black in Russia: Maybe it works out in cities like Moscow but I wouldn't go rural if I were you. Once I passed through Moscow I haven't seen one black person in 7 weeks of traveling in Russia and Kazakhstan. This might make you special and some girls might like you for it but it also makes you an easy target for Gopniks with no future besides getting drunk on vodka early in the morning and who have no problem cutting your face up with a broken beer bottle just because you're talking to "their" girls.
I had to deal with them more than a few times while walking down the street or in trains. They could already target me as a foreigner by my non-slavic face and brown eyes. Imagine how you are gonna stand out.
You're welcome to try it and I would admire you for your guts but you've been warned .

So, finally a guy who has been in Russia. All objections were quickly discarded, with BrownBear offering to, "become a personal guard for RVF members"

Delusion after delusion:

Yes that is why it is wise to be in a group, when we set up shop in a 2nd or 3rd tier city in Russia. You should come once we have picked the city. We can pay you to be our english teacher and buy you drinks when we go out, since you will be watching our backs. If Neil, who is a white dutchman, got some harrasment, I am sure we will be targets once we start slaying the local pussy.

When another guy wanted to tell the those would-be adventures that they are merely fantasizing, there was no reaction either:

When I was in the Ukraine, many guys that were not players came expecting a poossy paradise . They ended up sitting in hotel lobbies talking to other men. Girls are not just sitting around waiting for some foreign dude to show up to jump on his dick. So you better come with your game tight or else it could be a cold winter or maybe cool summer! You have to give her a reason to want to date you, DHV.

Apart from the game and DHV bullshit, it's a realistic assessment. After all, how are those guys who have a really hard time getting laid back home going to get laid in a country where they don't speak the language and have zero interest in the culture or anything else. So, they'd either sit in their hotel rooms or the hotel lobby, while back home everything sounded like a done deal, like that:

I would like it to have a) Asian girls, and b) accessible by airport. Really we need to take Partizan's advice and aim for cities 800K and up. I don't care how good the pussy is, you will get bored if there is nothing else there to do, however I will not be able to spend 2 months there. I mentioned some city names upthread.

He doesn't care "how good the pussy is" --- as if it is guaranteed that all Russian women he'll come across will throw themselves at him.

Part III will start with a surprise twist. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Great Manosphere Invasion of Russia (Part I)

Russia is seemingly invincible. In 1812, Napoleon tried to invade Russia. He suffered a great defeat. In 1941, the Nazis undertook "Operation Barbarossa", the largest military operation in history. The Germans never recovered from their losses, and it was a prime cause for losing WWII. Of course, after WWII was over, the cold war began. Eventually, the Berlin Wall came down, the USSR lost some of its territory. Yet, Russia is still strong, and growing stronger.

However, the fate of Russia may turn this autumn. Napoleon has failed. Hitler was defeated. But as it turned out, the USA aren't quite done yet. As it so happened, Roosh V's goons have been plotting an invasion of Russia and intend to right many wrongs. They have been denied pussy in their home country, so they are now going to the Russian hinterlands and take what is rightfully theirs.

In a perfect exemplification of the Mighty Whity trope Roosh V forum member Vorkuta calls his brothers to rise up. His first post perfectly sets the tone for the train wreck that is unfolding over 22 pages of forum posts:
I think we have all at times imagined moving to a shit hole in deepest Russia,somewhere way off the beaten track and spend a few months using our white god factor to the max to bang a stream of hot local women. Well,time is ticking and so that dream can either remain just that,a dream or it can be put into action and followed through on. Of course nothing is stopping any of us going solo and renting an apartment in some random town and seeing if pussy paradises still exist. However I think it would be a lot more fun to do it with a few like minded RVF members. These cities are not getting easier,they will become more difficult and with Russia hosting the World Cup in 2018 etc. the place is going to change. Let's get in whilst being foreign still means something.

Not a man of modesty, he lays out his vision:
So the plan would be simple: we choose a city somewhere in Russia,somewhere off the track,and rent a plush apartment in the centre of town and then spend a month or two or three in an alcohol and Viagra induced debauched daze where we work our way through the town's and nearby town's women. It would not be for lightweights,no guys looking for 'relationships',just constant conquest seeking adventures in random dodgy night clubs,suburban apartments and university dormitories. 

At this point, the protagonist would normally wake up, take a shower and have breakfast, but, no, this wasn't a dream. Instead, it was going to become reality:
The idea as I would envision it would be to have say three or four guys as the
main advance party who rent an apartment and are based in it for a month or two and then other members with less time can come out to visit for a weekend/week or so to experience the delights.
I think that as a team we would be unstoppable and encourage each other to push the boundaries of what is possible as opposed to when you're alone and sometimes can't be assed going out. We would kill it out there,or maybe just get killed. Either way,adventure is guaranteed. This is once in a lifetime stuff,something to tell your Russian grandchildren about. 
Please note the military language.

This is the kind of post you would read, laugh, and move on with your life. However, Roosh V's forum is located in an alternative reality. Within hours, other men awoke from their slumber and wanted to join "Vorkuta" on his mission. Pledges to learn Russian are made, and promising cities singled out. Early contenders were Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, and Novosibirsk. The more women the better, it seems. But of course it would be off the beaten path because otherwise "being foreign" won't mean a thing.

I had a hard time believing those guys are actually serious. One dude chimed in:

I like the idea but think it's OK to have LTR guys in on it and here's why:
Players will benefit from having Betas like me around, because then the womens' fantasy of LTR will help make them more willing to ONS.

You have to stand in awe of this high level of critical thinking.

Of course, the idea of the pussy paradise is popular among those guys:
Asian Russia is the last untapped well of pristine beautiful women. But like anything great, it would be difficult for the lone wolf traveler to pull off.
It would be the first time RVF members would go together to a place......like Cortes headed with his men to Mexico.

So, you think they're hiding 5,000 young beautiful Russian girls there who aren't allowed to interact with any men, just with members of Roosh V's forum once they finally show up? Don't worry, dude, if you don't get laid in Russia, you just have to convert to some other religion and, with some luck and ambition on your part, you'll be rewarded with 72 virgins after your death. 72 virgins, dude!

Of course, the bible of bullshitting, Tim Ferriss' 4 Hour Work Week, is familiar to those guys as well:
We are all responsible for the community except the above have been voted in who provide oversight. We pool our money and come up with various ideas for passive and extra income . Then from there we slay poon
Just imagine that! Move to Krasnoyarsk, shack up with legendary Roosh V forum members, fuck every woman in town, and make millions off Google Ad Words. This sounds like a dream.

Objections were quickly discarded:
Some of you guys are overly fuckin paranoid. All this is gonna be is a small group of guys living together who party a lot. Not different from a frat house or any of those tools on RSDN who live together trying to reinvest a new project hollywood. All the discussed cities have over a million people so being recognized too often shouldn't be an issue."
As the thread went on, there were some surprising revelations. One guy who claimed to have learnt some Russian wrote:
This thread is getting me so excited. I learned the Russian Alphabet and numbers a month ago, it's time to start puting in some time.
Of course, if you are a white foreigner and know the alphabet, then nothing will go wrong. He can already ask all the willing young girls for their age and if they're older than 18, quickly send them away. I've got to say that I admire that dude's efficiency. Always keep your eyes on the ball! Always.

He followed up with:
Russian is a tough language. In a month I will be in Phuket, and I want to use my crappy russian to show the Russian tourists how I appreciate their culture and sth haha. So that is my current motivation as Thailand is one of the main tourist destinations for Russians
This is symptomatic for Roosh and his followers. They have an incredibly limited horizon. Instead of subcultures, Roosh just sees "hipsters", and any kind of culture can be quickly ignored. But, hey, he's got a cock, she's got a pussy, so let's just get it on, right! Right?

As I dug deeper into this thread, I realized that my parallels to some military operations in the past weren't far-fetched. Just look at this descendent of Karl von Clausewitz:
I think you guys should rent apartments in different sections of town. Having twelve foreigners in one complex is going to look suspicious, and drop your exotic factor. Start in your original apartment, and slay pussy in that area for a month. Then switch apartments with another member and work on that side of town. 
Take notes where you were pulling, and pass them off to the next guy during the move. You guys can cover more ground this way, get involved in more social circles, and bring the other members in accordingly.
Set this up right and you guys can help each other get laid without a lot of effort.
Just like Hitler, though, the leader of the pack, Vorkuta, is severely deluded. Not only does he imagine a bunch of random losers from the Internet "cleaning up the town". No, even on their train ride to whatever city deep in Russia they are going to, they'll be going at it:
I see an inevitable 'RVF Trans-Siberian Fuckfest' happening. Seven days of debauched train travel from Moscow to Vladivostok.
Russian trains are well set up for game: all compartments are mixed sex so you end up sharing long journeys with women. In the day time passengers stand in the coridoors chatting and gazing out the window so you just have to walk the length of the train and you get talking to people. Trains have restaurant cars serving alcohol so you can insta-date to the restaurant car. Every carriage has a Provodnitsa who looks after you,stokes the samovar etc. Sometimes you can be lucky and get a hot one - she has her own private bedroom. Even if you only end up sharing with a babushka in your compartment,by tbe time you've shared your drink and food with her for a couple days you'll have bonded to the point where she will want to introduce you to her granddaughter when you reach your destination. Fuck planes,trains are the way to go in the FSU.
Sure, that's totally what it's going to be like.

Support only grew as the thread got longer:
Anyone got any data on how much this would cost? This sounds like a fucking solid idea
Yes, it's so fucking solid that you need a deluded "leader" who tells you how incredibly convinced he is:
I know people are saying Novosibirsk but my hunch is that loads of foreigners have been before for study or tourism etc. I think we need a large town that isn't on the Trans-Siberian. What about Syktyvkar or Kirov? Bratsk or Barnaul? Maybe the best option is a place in the Urals from where we can hit different towns on the weekends. Personally speaking I don't need cinemas and nice restaurants or museums. I just want a run down shit hole where we will be the only ticket in town. I want us to walk into a club and the place falls silent as everyone turns to stare at the foreigners. From there we will go to work. This is 100% possible to find,I'm convinced of it.

On one side, you have people who have completely lost touch with reality, on the other, some people tried to point out some potential problems:
Everything generally takes twice as long as you think it will and will be half as successful as you think.
That doesn't mean to be pessimistic, but adjust your parameters and plan better so you actually achieve what you want.
Right now the elephant in the room is visas. We need to find out a successful, repeatable visa application procedure. I might be wrong but I think the new visa rules for Americans may not require registration in Russia, a good thing.

What followed? Of course:
you are pessimistic. Go execute your DHVs while I'm pulling the chick from under your nose.
What happened next? Pictures of pretty plain looking chicks in some night club in Volgograd were posted, and the guys got really, really excited.

Stay tuned for part II.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Manosphere Myths: The Pussy Paradise

The manosphere is obsessed with many things, most of them entirely imaginary. One of the strongest collective delusions in that corner of the Internet is the belief that right where you live, the women suck, but that somewhere else they literally throw themselves at you just because you happen to have a pulse. It's the myth of the pussy paradise, namely that in some other place the women will literally throw themselves at any (foreign) man.

Roosh V himself is a prime example. I don't want to bash the poor guy this time, but instead talk about the people on his forum. They think that it's only the fault of the women in their area if they get rejected over and over. This must be the case because their idol Roosh V himself says that the women in [insert random country] suck. Salvation is to be found elsewhere, so Roosh travels all over the world, and doesn't really get anywhere with girls, and his forum members aspire to be like him. They don't get laid at home either but believe that in some faraway land things will be much different.

On Roosh's forum you'll find thread after thread after thread were those guys are wondering where in the world the women are beautiful and willing, and which country they should take a vacation in. At the moment, though, they are panicking because the EU plans to crack down on sex tourism.

Let's just be blunt and say it like it is: yes, in some unfortunate circumstances your environment can severely hinder your chances with women, simply because there aren't enough around. Just look at demographics. For instance, in the US there is a surplus of women on the East Coast, while there is an enormous surplus of men on the West Coast. You may have seen this map from National Geographic before:

I hear relatively frequently from guys in the Bay Area who complain about a dearth of women. Given the demographics, especially if you working in the technology sector, this is not an illusion. It simply boils down to a trade-off. Yes, career prospects may be better in a technology hub, but you may also limit your life in other areas. Presumably, you wouldn't want to spent your entire life working on an oil rig either. The money is good, though, so I can understand the motivation.

However, in most places there are enough single men and single women out there, and meeting someone new shouldn't be a challenge. Of course, it's necessary to take a realistic look at yourself, and that's the kind of advice many women should take to heart as well. If you don't get anywhere with women in your city, it's most likely not the fault of the women. With the exception of sex tourism hotspots, it won't get easier abroad. This is especially true if you think you can spend a week in, say, Norway or Denmark, and find your future bride there.

Sex tourism is based on economic inequality. There is a good reason why there are Russian mail-order brides, but not Swedish or Norwegian ones. The latter countries are highly developed, and you as a foreigner will most likely have a lower economic status. Please don't cite skewed GDP per capita figures now. Those figures are high for the US as well, but the average American is much worse off than the average Dane or Swede. So, simply being from the US won't quite cut it there.

Sure, you can look "exotic" abroad, which is a benefit of some races, but not all. In general, though, you will do as well or badly abroad than you'll do at home. As a sex tourist or a regular tourist in a sex tourism hotspot, though, people will only view you as a walking wallet --- if stories from people living in Thailand are to be believed. If getting laid in a third-world country is your goal, dear manosphere members, then please don't kid yourself that the women are easier or whatnot. You're simply paying for a service. In countries of a comparable standard of living, you will probably do worse because a local girl doesn't have much to gain by picking a random foreigner over a local guy. Inter-racial and inter-cultural marriages are still an exception, so please discount any anecdotal evidence. Lastly, in countries in which the standard of living is higher than in your home countries, you will fight a severe uphill battle. Ask Roosh how well he has done in Denmark and Sweden, for instance.

So, where is the pussy paradise, then? Well, if you discount sex tourism, then there is none, but if you are a (potential) sex tourist, then you're simply buying the women, which you could do basically anywhere else as well. Even right where you live.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Manosphere Myths: The Cock Carousel

If you read manosphere writers like Roosh or Heartiste/Roissy, you really wonder in which world they live in. It looks as if they describe some bizarre fantasy. As you may know, just like the seduction community beforehand, the manosphere believes in the alpha-beta dichotomy. You're either an alpha with a harem of willing women, or you are a loser who doesn't get laid at all. A popular phrase in those circles is that 10 % of men fuck 90 % of the women, which directly relates to the myth of the cock carousel. It boils down to the following claims that are slightly exaggerated for effect:

a) 90 % of women are sluts and fuck all the time.
b) Most men don't get laid at all. There's just 10 % of them who fuck all the women.
c) Once women are past 30, their "sexual market value" immediately drops to zero, and they all panic, hoping to find some "beta chump" who will marry her.

Since Roosh and Heartiste write for the constantly sexually frustrated guy, they have to give him good reasons why not getting laid isn't so bad. They do attract a lot of people who have barely any success with women, and Roosh's own dismal track record appeals to them. If their idol hardly ever gets laid, then their own situation can't be so bad, after all. Of course, it's important that the typical PUA/manosphere follower believes that he is part of a "silent majority."

Of course, if you look around, you realize that the world doesn't just consist of promiscuous women and thirty-somethings who think of nothing else but to get married. Yes, it is true that some women are promiscuous. However, if you are an "alpha" and bang a ton of chicks, it is not the case that you learn that they have all been with dozens of guys before. A lot of girls you'll meet will be fairly inexperienced. This is also reflected if you dig up statistics. With a count of sexual partners in the two-digit range, you're already a statistical outlier. Heck, even virginity beyond one's teenage years is not uncommon. In Western society, sex is all around you. Yet, this is just a fabricated illusion, and in reality, things are quite tame. Here, have a look at findings from a Durex study from 2010, based on a survey of 15 to 20 year-olds in Europe:

The mean value of sexual partners is not all that shocking. It's easy to look at extremes and think that they are representative of society. Yet, teen pregnancies are certainly not common, and neither is it common that a young woman fucks a different guy week after week. They get tired of that too.

Based on the "statistical sample" I took when I was playing the field, I can tell you that many girls are pretty insecure. They may have had a boyfriend or two, or maybe a one-night stand. As an amusing anecdote, I'll mention that once a girl said to me that I seem so experienced and certainly have been with many women. I then asked her how many women she thought I've been with, to which he replied, "Ummm... something like five or seven or so." In her world, this counted as "very many", but keep in mind that she had claimed to have been with three or four guys in her life. For girls who pursue relationships, those are plausible numbers.

The PUA community and the manosphere try to create an image of the polar opposite, though. They believe that women go out and party literally all the time, and are willing to have sex with any man as long as his "game" is good enough. The PUAs claim this because they want to sell their bullshit bootcamps, while the manosphere writers want you to think that all women are sluts. But let's just look at people who party hard for a moment. In my experience, this is only ever a temporary phase. There are plenty of people who never go to clubs, and instead meet their sexual partners through their social circle. (No, not on the street either, dear PUAs.)

You can literally see how often someone goes out. Only very few people manage to adopt to a subculture, and even in mainstream clubs plenty of people --- men and women --- have absolutely no clue how to dress. The reason is simply that they are out of touch with those environments. As consequence, most are just there and bascially invisible. Even if you go to "hipster" clubs, you'll notice that at best 10 % of the people really matter. The rest is just a backdrop. This isn't a value judgment. The guys can still be cool in their own way, and the girls attractive. However, just looking at them reveals that they probably don't go out a lot and if they dress up, they just half-assedly copy something from a recent music video or whatnot.

I do think that TV shows like Sex and the City have fucked up a lot of women, and made them pursue a lifestyle that wasn't in their best interest. Most women, however, are very aware of their biological limitations. If you have female friends, then you know that if they are single, finding a boyfriend is a very high priority, and if they are in a relationship, then they obsess about whether he is the "right" guy.

So, what about the "cock carousel" then? I see little truth in it. Most people lead very conservative lives, and prefer to have sex in committed relationships. If they are single, a long time may pass until they get laid. This, too, applies to men and women alike. Statistical outliers don't change anything. Women are normally very aware of their biological clock, meaning that they sooner or later will want to settle down. Yes, some women are a bit late, and may find themselves going after any half-decent man and hoping he'll take them.

The idea that a woman's "sexual market value" drops to zero once she's hit 30 is equally absurd. Sure, if she's overweight, uneducated, and crude, she'll have a hard time finding a mate, but it would be the same if she were 10 years younger and had the same negative attributes. Of course a woman's fertility goes down, which is why women, if they want to have kids, are under greater time pressure than men. Nonetheless, an attractive 20 year-old is quite likely to still be very attractive ten years later, just as an attractive 30 year-old guy can turn into a still good-looking 40-year old.

But why then do manosphere writers mention the problem with "sexual market value"? My suspicion is that the main purpose is to depict a revenge fantasy. They write for sexually frustrated men, and those should feel assured that even though they don't get laid right now, once all the women they lust after turn 30, those will become undesirable --- and thus they will get their revenge because then those women might pursue the "betas", who can then turn them down. In short, it's a complete fantasy, and if you spend some time thinking about it, it's just sad.