Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Overcoming the Seduction Community" / Slides

Here they are:

...plus the description from Scribd.com:

I gave a talk in Rotterdam at the "Real Man Conference Try Out." Five speakers were invited, and the audience was supposed to select people to speak at the Real Man Conference in April 2010.

My talk "Overcoming the Seduction Community" was on the many wrong concepts that are being taught within the seduction community, and what the core of pickup really is. (Yes, it's that simple.)

If you are stuck doing "routine-based" or "indirect" game and not really getting anywhere, those slides might give you some inspiration.

I got a standing ovation from the audience for this talk and glowing reviews from the attendants. Due to other commitments I can't come to the RMC in April, though.

"Hearing him talk was enough to go through the annoyances of the other speakers and intermissions though.."
--Sailing, ThePlace.bz

Some of the attendants asked me for the slides, and a little later more people emailed me, so it seems that there is enough interest to share this PDF publicly.

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