Saturday, May 1, 2010

Feedback on "Debunking the Seduction Community"

Since the release of "Debunking the Seduction Community" I have received a lot of feedback. A thread on has over 140 replies, and several dozens of people have emailed me. It will take me a while to get back to all of them, but I will post a couple of interesting passages on my blog and discuss them.

One of my highlights so far is a guy who wrote:

Thanks for the ebook. Upon reading it I deleted all my pickup materials and I'm starting tonight with doing things my own way.

That's the spirit! It's gratifying feedback like this which justifies the amount spent on the ebook.

Also, the first release was a bit rushed and there were some typos in it, which I have now fixed. Get revision 1.0a on my website.

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