Friday, September 17, 2010

Which guru is the most likely to get a sexual harrasment charge?

I was skimming recently. While I think that the forum has gone downhill a lot in recent months, it still makes for the occasional entertaining read, such as when I saw a post by "Monstar" who asked "Which guru do you think is the most likely to get a sexual harassment charge..."

I was disappointed to not see my name in the short list that followed, which was:

3. Ross Jeffries
2. Ozzie RSD
1. Sean Stephanson

But some other guy chimed in (spelling fixed):

What about this guy Aaron Sleazy? He made an ebook about his hate of the PU industry (not community as he points out) but at the same time he has a book out and encourages people on his forum to flirt and get laid by 1) not saying a word, 2) keep isolating and 3) keep sexually escalating.. He also does bootcamps but only with men who are already successful w/women.

Dude I remember i felt a girls hair once and told her she had really pretty hair and then she thanked me and just moved out of the line to another one..(she was with her friend) And I know this guy Sleazy will probably say, "You didn't do the technique right" or "Just move on dude. She probably wasn't being receptive..", but I don't give a f*ck dude..Its just gross, sleazy and requires a really raunchy type of dude to keep doing it..I felt gross after I felt that girls hair too and just left the club because i was kind of embarrassed..

Plus I heard this guy Aaron Sleazy rose in the PU ranks because of his "bathroom game."

Maybe its because hes European and this type of sh*t just flows there but your a** is looking at a class 1 felony doing that type of sh*t in America.. You will not get away with that shit in America and if you do, you will end up f*cking some nasty ass skunks..

Now that was quite funny, because I don't think that touching a girls hair while saying her that it looks nice is nothing special, and then this guy felt embarrassed and left the club. This probably shows pretty well how uptight some men are. Just think of it, if a girl walked up to you and grazed your pecs while commenting on it, you'd feel good about yourself, too, wouldn't you? Of course, in both cases the presumption is that there is some mutual sexual attraction there to begin with, but you don't do this kind of stuff anyway if you get the impression that it is otherwise.

Thankfully "Uncle Stickyhands" came to my rescue and replied:
Dude, you really need to stop going to church and lose your virginity asap.
I couldn't agree more.

On the other hand, there is the obvious issue of how you perceive someone who is making a move but whom you don't find attractive. Those are "creeps" and guys who risk sexual harassment charges, as the following clip humorously shows:


If you are in a bad mood and think I'm being a d*ckhead: No, I am not. Just switch the roles in your head and imagine it would be girls making advances. This also shows why "game" is for the very most part nonsensical (with the exception of some basic issues which I wouldn't even want to call "game" like confidence) because you surely don't think that an otherwise unattractive girl would get a hot guy by certain routines or "techniques". Sometimes you see a hot guy with an ugly dumpling, though, but those are guys who seemingly don't know what they are worth or who are afraid to approach girls they really find hot. Of course, in this case the confident dumpling might be able to "game" her way into his pants.

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