Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stephen Nash says, "Get a dog!"

Blog reader JCZ commented on the first of two recent posts on Tyler/Owen Cock Cook, pointing out another utterly bizarre example of a lame guy playing guru. It is Stephen Nash who, if I recall correctly, was mentioned in Neil Strauss' horrible The Game (as PlayboyLA). In this book, he is revered for his ability to "get a girlfriend". But it's the mere fact that he has a girlfriend that makes the other "gurus" admire him. Some people really should have had a look around and then asked themselves how rare it really is that a guy and a girl get into a relationship. To me it seems to be the norm, but not for the community and apparently it's not normal in the mind of Stephen Nash either. Heck, he even got what must be the creepiest URL ever:

...and I thought Ross Jeffries was marketing to the lowest of the low.

Here's Stepen Nash's revolutionary video, in which he tells you that you should get a dog:

JCZ wrote:

"Mystery may have magic tricks, but Stephen Nash has the only perfect dog, Magic."

Did he just admit to naming his dog Magic, so he could make commercial advantage by setting himself apart from Mystery in a cheap way?


"Guys, you want to get laid? Get yourself a dog."

The innocent bystander will now probably think we're talking bestiality here.

Outright hilarious is when he tells us he wanted to honor 'guru' Eben Pagan by putting some plant somewhere behind him, placed so that it seems to be growing from his own head (probably not intended, as to me ridiculing _oneself_ seems to miss the point of honoring David D.).

Of course, Stephen goes on to present his "plan B", which is this 11-bullet-point-list on how to be awesome (a.o. to treat others with respect, just like he is treated like that by his women; one second later his dog, which as he points out is a girl, is seen walking over his nice white couch). By then I'm already skipping through the clip because otherwise I'd fall asleep fairly soon.

Anyway, just thought I'd show you this as yet another example of silliness in the "seduction community".

If you find more creepiness, just let me know. I'll gladly post anything that makes me shake my head in disbelief or has me laughing in tears like Tyler's recent performance. But don't worry, RSD fans, I'm just thinking negatively. :P

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