Sunday, August 7, 2011

BradP, I'm onto you!

During the last year or so, BradP managed to rise to the position of one of my favourite bullshitters in the pickup industry. This guy loves to spout out how "authentic" he is, and how much "street cred" he has. Hell, he is as authentic as a fake leather jacket.

I'll reserve some longer future posts on his nonsensical back story and his shady marketing practices, but for today, a nice short post shall suffice. While I am not a big fan of anybody in the industry, I considered BradP to be comparatively "solid", which was why I didn't bother posting anything about him. In comparison to guys like Vin DiCarlo he is, after all, just a choirboy. But he certainly ventured off into the shady side of the Internet.

Recently, I got contacted by a guy who sent me some info on BradP's most recent marketing stunt. I'll let the guy speak for himself:

I hope you post this on your blog. I can't believe how shitty this seduction industry is. In an effort to continue to expose their fraud, this time, lets talk about BradP.

Recently he posted on his website, a product called Secrets of Inner Game. In that he says he started coaching 2 guys with IT jobs, one of whom remained there, one of whom went on to start his own company and become a millionaire. The millionaire guy is dating hot chicks and magically this is because of his "rock-solid inner game" and not because he is a millionaire. And somehow, all of this is because of him and his "secrets of inner game".

But hey, if this wasn't bad enough, he has the posted a screenshot of this guy emailing him a picture of this girl. I have attached a screenshot of his webpage. I have also attached the screenshot of a picture from another webpage. Somehow the two girls look suspiciously similar

Literally, this BradP guy is supposed to be THE best in the community. I don't even want to think what others are like.

Well, we all know how the others are like.

Also, it's obvious that if you roll in dough, you'll have plenty of girls. So, I won't bother to discuss this one issue. I've done so many times, especially in my free ebook "Debunking the Seduction Community".

But before I'll show you the incriminating evidence, let's talk about BradP's bullshit marketing for a second. In fact, it is probably a sign of his delusions of grandeur to actually mock his already paying customers. He must think that those guys are utter morons.

For one, even if it was true that there were two guys, and one became a millionaire (over night or what?), and the other didn't, it's not as if this was in any way scientific because there is too little that is known about the guys, besides the fact that they both "work in IT". For all we know, one could have been the CTO of Hewlett-Packard, and the other a data-entry clerk at RadioShack.

In either case, the "successful" guy just sounds like an insecure buffoon with a constant need to brag. Just have a look at his alleged email:

Frankly, can you even imagine anyone sending something like this? Well, I could, if my task was to come up with a text that appeals to the basic human emotion of "greed".

Also, IF the whole story is actually true, which I doubt it is, then the additional problem is that picking your evidence after the fact is nothing but misleading. This is actually a much bigger problem that is not so uncommon in the world of Big Pharma, and usually the source of much controversy, and sometimes it leads to settlements that are worth billions of dollars.

Just compare those two scenarios:

1) "I coach 100 guys and if just one of them reaches any kind of success, for whichever reason, I'll feature him prominently in my marketing materials".

2) "I have this new drug here and administer it to 100 people. Of course, in the study I have to publish, I'll only discuss the group of the people in which there was a positive effect."

This phenomenon is broadly called Selection Bias, but if you read the Wikipedia article, also check out the "related issues" section as it is relevant, too.

However, BradP's oh-so superior intellect apparently didn't make him realize that his marketing copy really bites him in the ass. After all, he claims to have worked with the same two guys --- and one succeeded while the other didn't. Yet, he claims responsibility only for the allegedly great success of one guy, but not for the failure of the other. Isn't this just a little bit odd?

Here's a quote from his website:

Now let me tell you about the second guy...

This story isn't as pretty.

The second guy is working at the exact same entry-level job he was five years ago. He's still bitter about women. He can't really get girls attracted to him, and if he gets lucky... she never sticks around. He rarely gets a date. He wouldn't even tell me how long it had been since he last had sex... probably because he was embarassed it had been so long. He still goes out to bars and clubs trying to meet women, but he always goes home alone. He feels like a total loser.

Do you know what the difference is between these two guys?

The Successful Guy Has ROCK-SOLID Inner Game


For the logically inclined among my readers: there are only two plausible options in this fantasy setting BradP describes:

1) Either he has coached both of them
2) Or he has coached none of them

...because why else would you even bother to compare them if your business is selling bullshit, err, pickup coaching.

In the first scenario, Brad did coach those two guys, if they even exist, and even though one may have reached great financial (and thus romantic) success, the other, the unsuccessful one, has also spent tons of cash on BradP's teaching. Yet, he still gets nowhere. If you ask me, that's a fairly moronic way of admitting that your coaching, or pickup coaching in general, doesn't really work. Nice one, BradP!

Besides, if the unsuccessful guy really exists, how classy must it be to be made fun of in an advertisement page? Classy, BradP, really classy!

Now let's consider the second scenario, that is, if BradP didn't coach any of those guys. If this was the case, then the other one "automatically" got good without (!) BradP's help, meaning that he has had "rock solid inner game" already. Only in this scenario would BradP have an excuse for the failure of the other guy because, hey, he hasn't worked with him. So, once again, logic comes to bite lil' BradP in the ass. Hard.

So, which scenario would you rather pick, dear BradP? Frankly, it doesn't even matter because if you try to defend either scenario, you show that you can't think logically. However, BradP's marketing copy clearly states in the beginning, "Let me tell you a story about two of my students." That's a pretty sobering though, huh, BradP? Surely your assistant "Drew" agrees too. Maybe tell him to rewrite the copy. Or maybe he'll send me another lame email in which he's asking to remove something from my website. So, hello "Drew"! I hope you're doing fine, and I can't wait to hear from you again.

As a last remark, I'll let you furthermore know that the whole "inner game" spiel is nonsense. The only true path to "inner game" I know is based on spiritualism, and I'm not talking about Tolle's "Power of Now" here. However, if you really devote yourself to this path and succeed, you won't bother about girls and material possessions anymore because you'll be beyond that. Or can you imagine the Dalai Lama chasing after some blonde bimbo in some LA club, and later on telling his friends that he's bought a condo for 2 million dollars? Frankly, that dude in the email has zero inner game and strikes me as having the ego of a five-year old who has to tell the other kids at kindergarden how much larger his collection of toys is.

Also, someone with sound "inner game" would think twice before sending out an email with an image of a girl that also shows up elsewhere on the Internet:

I'll be back with more laughs on BradP. Stay tuned!

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