Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BradP wants you to void the warranty of your iPhone!

Oh well, oh well! Technology isn't everybody's strong suit, and being forwarded an email with the title "How to Chick-Proof your Iphone" surely raised my suspicion. In it, BradP, or some marketing drone that works for him, actually recommends a procedure for "proofing" your iPhone that will void your warranty. Isn't that handy?

Before I go on chastising BradP for making you void the warranty on your iPhone, let's have a laugh at this quote:

BTW, this article could be good for women too. Lots of boyfriends are insecure and stalker-ish. So here's an easy guide to how to secure your iPhone from anyone who wants to control you, including boyfriends, girlfriends, fuck-buddies, parents, roommates, and any other weirdos that you may have in your life.

So, BradP, do you really say that the family and anybody the reader of your marketing email has sex with is a weirdo? The wording certainly suggests so.

But enough of that, and onto hacking our iPhones:

Here's the process, abbreviated:

1- Jailbreak your iPhone
2- Get BiteSMS from Cydia
3- Get LockInfo from Cydia
4- Set a password in the general settings of your iPhone

Even though jailbreaking is relatively common, it is not without drawbacks. Apple isn't especially fond of it either. To quote from their support document "Unauthorized modification of iOS has been a major source of instability, disruption of services, and other issues".

Apple strongly cautions against installing any software that hacks the iOS. It is also important to note that unauthorized modification of the iOS is a violation of the iPhone end-user license agreement and because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software.

But, all is cool, because who cares if Apple tells you to GFY once your iPhone stops working due to certain hacks. After all, at least now nobody can snoop our your phone. Not even yourself.

Nice one, BradP!

I'm looking forward to your other emails, BradP, and I have a hunch that they won't disappoint me.

Monday, September 26, 2011

BradP loves him some money!

I'm currently preparing two articles on BradP, but as a warmup, here's something I don't know whether I should laugh or cry about: His latest offering called "Millionaire Makeover". The price is a modest $100k. Surely, that's not exactly chump change. The reader who sent me that info commented, "$100k...what a joke!!", and I am sure if you have a sane bone left in your body, you'll agree.

But, hey, for that amount of money you'll receive some great stuff, like:

Lifestyle Streamlining
Positivity training

Wow. Where do I sign up for that?

The kicker was the description:

When you complete this process, you can expect to be fully transformed. Your game, your appearance, your presence, and your lifestyle will be drawing women in at all times. Brad will also make sure that you are attracting a specific kind of woman, the kind of woman you have always wanted. You will learn how to leverage your wealth effectively, without allowing women into your life who are self-interested, manipulative, or negative.

But let's be honest here, if you are wealthy, then wealth will always be a factor for the women you are with, no matter what they say. Golddiggers will try to reel you in before they make demands, or do you honestly think they approach you with, "Sweety, do you want to by me an apartment in the Latin Quarter in Paris?"

If you want to leverage that amount of money effectively, you are probably better off spending two weeks in LA or Vegas and booking a different porn star every day. One hour with the star of your choice sets you back $1,000 to $1,500 and, as I have been told, you can get them cheaper if you make the effort of emailing them privately.

Now, I am not a big advocate of paying for sex, but if you are so desperate, and wealthy enough, to seriously consider shelling out $100k for a "boot camp" that doesn't even guarantee sex, then there are better options. Of course, there is always the hope that the person organizing the boot camp will shell out a few hundred dollars and plant a hooker in the club, to make sure the rich client gets something for his money in return.

However, in real life, a rich guy should have no problem having women throwing themselves at them. It's all a matter of comparative wealth anyway. The same way Joe Average and his brother Jim Ugly can get laid like rockstars in Cuba, Costa Rica, Thailand, or the Philippines, a wealthy guy will have no problems getting laid in the more exclusive places on this planet. As long as he flaunts a bit of his money, he'll be golden. Heck, I have seen plenty of not exactly handsome older men with beautiful women on their sides, and the fact that those dudes were driving Lamborghini Gallardos or owning yachts surely had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Three interesting posts at The Seduction Community

The magic over at The Seduction Community is already happening, and some very good posts have already appeared.

My buddy Sixty has re-posted his classic "Anti-Manifesto", which you should definitely check out if you haven't already.

I consider this an anti-manifesto because most strategies usually focus on what you need to do or say. There is nothing to say. There is nothing to do.

Your whole life you have been doing things to lessen tension. You have always tried to make everybody else around you feel more comfortable at your own expense. You do this with your friends, your co-workers and especially the women you like. When things get tense or awkward you're the big clown making everyone laugh and feel comfortable. Even when girls reject you, you are more worried about their comfort level than your own. You don't want her to feel awkward. Aw!

This is bad because doing things to help women feel more comfortable with the sexual tension will be viewed by her as supplication. A woman is never going to be attracted to a man that can handle LESS sexual tension than she can.
But there is some new blood, too. Warped Mindless wrote an article on "The ESP Model of Escalation." The acronym stands for Eye Contact, Sexualization, Physical Touch.

Most guys go about touching women the wrong way. They give her a little should touch when she says something funny, or gives her a little high five to reward her for something she does that he likes. Lame touches like this isn't going to turn the woman on. She isn't going to want to drop her pants and spread her legs because you gave her a tap on the shoulder or a small pat on the back. If anything she will just think your weird and honestly, she would be right.

The right way to touch a woman in to touch her like a man. Every thing you do in an interaction should be "From a man to a woman" kind of way. Not as her friend, not as her buddy, but as a MAN.

It is definitely a good reminder for guys who are afraid of being sexual when they are out to pick up women.

Lastly, Illuminatus wrote an insightful post with the title "Women do not actually know why they find you attractive!". If you are not familiar with Illuminatus's writing, you should definitely check him out, because he has a gift for getting at the core of problems (and in a completely non-rambling way, too).

The issue with asking women what it is they like, at its core, is neither that the reasons women give are all different, nor that they share some hidden commonality, but rather that the feeling of attraction in a woman is based in such primitive pre-language circuits that it happens too quickly and they have no hope of articulating the actual THING they liked.

This leads to women completely rationalizing their attraction after-the-fact, often with the first reason that pops into their heads! Like all humans, women cannot stand the cognitive dissonance of feeling something but not knowing why -- so they rationalize it away. Except women are not too interested in accuracy generally, so they will attribute ANY trait as the causative factor of their attraction.

So, join us over there at The Seduction Community!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sleazy Stories finally in German!

You wouldn't read this if you weren't able to read German, so I'll switch to that language now:

Schmierige Geschichten: Bekenntnisse eines modernen Verführers

Schmierige Geschichten: Bekenntnisse eines modernen Verführers ist eine Sammlung von Aaron Sleazys erinnerungswürdigsten Begegnungen mit dem zarten Geschlecht. Er schildert seine unterhaltsamsten, verrücktesten und bizarrsten Abenteuer auf seiner Mission, im Nachtleben Londons und Berlins Frauen aufzureißen. Diese Memoiren zeichnen nach, wie Aaron Sleazy ein wahrer Meister der Verführung wurde. Obwohl dieses Buch die Erlebnisse von weniger als einem Jahr beinhaltet, enthält es mehr sexuelle Vielfalt und Kuriositäten als das gesamte Leben der meisten Männer.
Aaron Sleazy: Schmierige Geschichten
Obwohl Schmierige Geschichten kein Lehrbuch über die Verführung von Frauen sein will, sind die Geschichten, die es enthält, nicht nur höchst unterhaltsam, sondern auch mit faszinierenden Einblicken in die weibliche Psyche gespickt, die jedem, der an ihr interessiert ist, neue Erkenntnisse bringen wird. Egal, ob Du unterhalten, inspiriert oder über das wahre Wesen der Frauen aufgeklärt werden möchtest — dieses Buch wird Dich mehr als befriedigen!
Details und Bestellinformationen
Taschenbuch: 230 Seiten
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN: 978-3-942017-02-2
Verlag: Black Swallowtail Publishing
Veröffentlichungstermin: 1. September 2011
Paperback: €8.95
Amazon.de (bald erhältlich) • Amazon.com • Amazon.co.uk
Ebook (Amazon Kindle): €3.99, $4.99, £3.49
Amazon.de • Amazon.com • Amazon.co.uk

Please note that I have no idea what's wrong with Amazon.de. The paperback is already available at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, but the catalogue entry at their German site hasn't been changed. I'll email them about it.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Join us at TheSeductionCommunity.com!

Together with friends and colleagues, we have begun setting up a general-purpose forum on seduction which is open to everyone. We have aptly named it TheSeductionCommunity! Please join us over there.

Note: If you have an account at TheSeducers, then please register under your old username. TheSeductionCommunity is a separate forum, but we may be able to import the old forum posts. Consequently, the forum at TheSeducers will be frozen. But enough with the preliminary remarks, here is the announcement:

Our forum "The Seduction Community" is the result of our discontent with the general forum landscape on the Internet. There is literally no independent forum seduction left. Instead, sites such as mASF, MPUA Forum, RSD Nation, or the Attraction Forums are primarily used as a funnel for making people spend money on oftentimes questionable products.

Despite the rampant commercialism of mASF, it used to be the last remaining forum on which you could openly exchange your views. Well, this was at least the case until people like Aaron Sleazy, TVA_Oslo, TheCostOfSuccess, and SixtyYearsOfChallenge gained prominence and not only gathered a massive crowd of followers. They also questioned the efficiency of the mainstream teachings, which was still largely based on "routines" and baseless promises of "quick-fixes". Obviously, the stakeholders of mASF weren't too pleased about this development.

As the owner of mASF, Jay Valens aka "formhandle" let his forum fall into utter disarray, almost all influential members left his site more than two years ago. If you have been a member of it, you will probably agree that the competency of those people is sorely missing. However, the reason for our departure was not just hostility from the moderators and the owner of mASF, but also that mASF just didn't provide a suitable venue anymore due to its lack of moderation. "Trolling" is a problem you could easily fix, at least if you weren't complacent about it.

Also, the "signal-to-noise" ratio deteriorated dramatically, and looking for a decent post is akin to finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. This is also a result of poor management, because if you let inexperienced users post on every board, they will of course dilute the quality of the discussion. The negative consequences of this are obvious as well.

At "The Seduction Community" we have solutions to both problems. Not only do we have proper moderation to avoid trolling. We also have a two-tiered system of users. This means that every user starts out as a "beginner" and has access only to the beginners' section on this forum. However, as soon as he has contributed insightful posts, he will quickly be promoted to the rank of "seducer" and is allowed to post in every section of the forum.

We believe that this is a sensible approach to solving the problems that plague other seduction forums. Also, we are against rampant commercialism, which means that we will not use advertising on this forum, apart from links in signatures. However, everybody is welcome to join us, no matter for whom you work for or associate yourself with. It may be LoveSystems, Real Social Dynamics, PUA Training, BradP, or any other outlet. But be aware that this place is run by some very experienced people, and our bullshit detector works very well.

Lastly, the aim of our site is not to become the biggest seduction-related forum on the Internet, but the best. We invite everyone to join us, no matter at which level he may be. Together, we will achieve what has been sorely missing on the large commercially driven forums on the Internet: to become a true community that will allow people to improve and learn from each other.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review: The End of Social Anxiety by Edward Cottrill (Illuminatus)

I am not the biggest fan of classical self-help books, and I only have to refer to a well-known title such as Tony Robbins’s Awaken the Giant Within to demonstrate why. First of all, a lot of those books are tomes. You could probably substitute your dumbbells with them. But filling hundreds of pages is not so easy, which is why you will find page after page full of jargon, hackneyed phrases with a kernel of truth and lengthy attempts to sell you seminars, often with greatly exaggerated claims. Reading those books almost makes you think that used car salesmen are pleasant to be around in comparison.

On the other hand, The End of Social Anxiety is presented in a down-to-earth tone. If you are looking for another story along the lines of “I used to sleep in my car --- and now I live in a castle”, you will therefore be disappointed. However, if your motivation is to get help for some very specific problems, all related to social anxiety to varying degrees, then please read on.

I have known Edward as “Corvette” for many years now. He used to be one of the most prominent contributors to the seduction forum mASF, but he eventually left to set up his own Internet presence at Personal Power Meditation and now calls himself “Illuminatus”. He had a similar motivation to me, namely to look for a venue in which he could express his views and experiences without being attacked by narrow-minded people who felt threatened by someone who undermined their view of the world. One of his projects was to use meditation as a tool for overcoming certain psychological problems. It has worked for him, and now he is sharing his success story.

But if you read “success story” and want to roll your eyes in reflex, you should take it easy, because The End of Social Anxiety focuses on tried-and-true methods for overcoming social anxiety. It won’t promise you the world, and Edward doesn’t claim that he will magically transform you into a superhuman being either. I found it particularly refreshing that there was not even a trace of sensationalist language in the book. Instead, he writes very clearly, and if you have read other books in the self-help area, you may wonder why he doesn’t “motivate” you more strongly. Hopefully, though, you will quickly realize that this is by design, and that it will be good for you as it will keep you from forming unrealistic expectations, therefore potentially making you more content as well:

The point here is that life goes on, and what bored you before will probably still bore you, and what made you happy before will still make you happy, but the difference is that you aren’t getting any unnecessary suffering from being out in public, or having thoughts all the time about your social anxiety and how to deal with it. It’s a huge weight off your shoulders. The message here is, if you do make images of your future life without social anxiety, make them as realistic as possible. Simply not feeling fear is a great place to start.

In order to help you get rid of social anxiety, Edward tells his story to help you relate to typical problems you may face. It also helps you to put some of the exercises into context. So, even if you are not an especially anxious person, the book also deals with aspects you may very well be familiar with although you may view yourself as a confident person. Or wouldn’t you want to have fewer distracting thoughts in addition to feeling a bit happier? I thought so.

Two parts stuck out to me. In one, Edward analyses “overlays”, which could also be called flash images. The example he uses is rather drastic, but you are surely familiar with having sudden thoughts that deal with how you should have acted in a certain situation, or what you want to do some time in the future. A simple example is you caving in to some inane wish of your partner. You really don’t want to, but you do it just because you want her to stop throwing a childish tantrum. But later on, you think back and paint a picture in your mind about how you should have resisted that urge to give in. This is an example of an “overlay”, and I am sure that most of you have overlays popping into your mind on a pretty regular basis.

Of course, overlays can be very distracting and emotionally consuming. Edward then describes a method to overcome them that shares some similarities with my experiences from meditation. In fact, I managed to get rid of overlays, which I more broadly refer to as “distracting thoughts”, through years of meditation, and the mental process I have used is close to the one described in this book.

Another high point was the description of how to get rid of negative feelings by simply focusing on them and allowing yourself to experience them without resistance. As a practical application, Edward even tells you how to use this skill to get rid of pain much quicker. Again, this is something I am very familiar with as well. As is described in the book, by making use of the example of a cold shower, it is often the case that the mere thoughts surrounding an action determine your reaction to it, and if you learn to control your thoughts, you will realize that what you perceive as a negative experience, which you naturally seek to avoid, may not be so bad after all. Of course, you don’t have to go as far as Edward and take a cold shower every day to hammer home this point. It is not mentioned in the book in particular, but the problem of procrastination is deeply related as well, where the focus is too much on avoiding potentially negative emotions. This applies to the student who has to work on a term paper the same way as it applies to the office worker who has wanted to ask his boss for a salary rise for half a year now.

Those were just two examples, but they have hopefully whet your appetite. The book also has a very good culmination in a chapter on happiness, which analyses a key problem of Western civilization, namely the motive of delayed gratification. This keeps you in a loop of constant discontent, always wanting the next shiny thing, which will make you happy for a while, but then you have go out again to shop for a new pair of shoes, a dress, or a smart phone. As a consequence, this might affect your whole life as it could make you hold on to a job you don’t enjoy much, just because it is well paid. But all is good in the end, because after toiling away for decades, you will finally be able to enjoy retirement. Of course, you can already see what is wrong with this kind of reasoning, and what the path to happiness might consist of instead.

Overall, I have greatly enjoyed The End of Social Anxiety. If you feel uncomfortable in social situations and want to change this, I would definitely recommend this book. Admittedly, social anxiety is none of my personal concerns, at least not any more. However, I did recognize some of the issues I had in Edward’s descriptions, and the method I used to overcome them was similar to the techniques he recommends. The effects were the same, though. Thus, I can attest to their effectiveness.

The End of Social Anxiety is available as a PDF. It is also available for Amazon’s Kindle e-book reader.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Upcoming: Review of Illuminatus's "The End of Social Anxiety"

I just finished reading Illuminatus's "The End of Social Anxiety". I'll re-read some parts of it tomorrow, and will write a review shortly afterwards. The book has made a very good impression on me, and even if you don't suffer from social anxiety, you will benefit from reading it. But this short statement has to suffice for now. Look forward to the review!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Upcoming Interview in German

The interview by Illuminatus I recently mentioned isn't the only one I recently finished. Those of you who understand German will soon have the chance to read even more from me. Instead of talking about seduction in detail, I will reveal more about my development as a seducer and what role my environment has played, before I eventually drift off to discussing the nightlife in London and Berlin. Finally, I will speak up on various gender issues. Feminists surely won't enjoy the reading, but if you've got a pair of balls in your pants, you will.

The interview will appear in the next issue of Anti-Everything, which will be released in early October. It will be available in various stores and from a number of mailorders. More news will follow in due time.

Re: Chat log with DutchAttraction.nl

You may remember that I have had a chat session with DutchAttraction last year. In my current drive to make my website and my writings more easily accessible, I have thus also re-edited the chat log, which is now much easier to read.

It went from somewhat unsightly formatting and the cumbersome fact that you had to read the log from bottom to top, as in:

Aaron Sleazy - do mei 20, 2010 8:28 pm
Trust me, if she doesn't like you, she will remove that arm
Aaron Sleazy - do mei 20, 2010 8:28 pm
She might stand at the bar and I put my arm around her waist casually
Aaron Sleazy - do mei 20, 2010 8:27 pm
Screening: Once I approach, it's how she reacts to my touch
Aaron Sleazy - do mei 20, 2010 8:27 pm
before deciding whether you should move on or not
Aaron Sleazy - do mei 20, 2010 8:27 pm
Think about it -- some basic maths -- would you rather approach four girls a night and spend 20 to 30 minutes with each, or approach

...to this much more pleasant formatting:

Aaron Sleazy: Think about it -- some basic maths -- would you rather approach four girls a night and spend 20 to 30 minutes with each, or approach 30 girls and invest 5 minutes
Aaron Sleazy: before deciding whether you should move on or not
Aaron Sleazy: Screening: Once I approach, it's how she reacts to my touch
Aaron Sleazy: She might stand at the bar and I put my arm around her waist casually
Aaron Sleazy: Trust me, if she doesn't like you, she will remove that arm

So, go ahead and have a look!

Friday, September 9, 2011

People's Search Phrases

I almost fell off my chair when I went through my search log recently, because I came across this:

So, no, it is not "cool" to date rape someone, and it never was, even though the brainless minions on RSD Nation think otherwise. Jesus!

Some recent Forum Highlights

I'm still busy adding some of my best articles to my forum, but there is plenty of great stuff going on there already:

Illuminatus wrote an excellent introduction on meditation:
The Purpose of Meditation (For people who don't meditate)

To my great surprise, Krauser PUA himself joined the discussion. Unfortunately, he didn't stand much of a chance against my critical readers, and my questioning response whether it wasn't uneconomical to court a girl for half a year only to fuck her once seemingly drove him off for good.

Furthermore, the classic question how important money is for getting girls got settled once and for all (hopefully). But there is much more, so read on!

Major drama ensued when one of my readers wanted to be reassured that his girlfriend won't cheat on him when she goes out with a group of single female friends, and that her texting him that she was "so horny" (but can't come to his place) won't mean a thing. Unfortunately for him, and to the delight of some other guy, the opposite is true.

Some days ago, my forum also got invaded by a troll who asked, "Whats so bad about RSD?", and made use of the lamest rhetorics I have come across in a long time. Deservedly, he ended up getting the beating of the century. In the process, a handful of forum members, and me, too, demolish RSD's teaching ideology, demonstrate that the company sells little more than snake oil, and that their teaching concepts are not only vague but harmful. Illuminatus his the nail on its head, when he demolished the concept of "state":

"State", as Tyler describes it, is a talkative high-energy emotional state caused by neurotransmitter saturation. He gives specific exercises to reach this saturation point, e.g. "unstifling" and otherwise doing things involving facing fears. "Get into state" is a core teaching of RSD. I have not heard them give the definition you just did.

However, that is still useful in this analysis: the fact you have a very different interpretation of "state" shows its groundings in metaphysics. He is not pinning down anything specific, else it would not be possible for us to have this conflict of interpretation. "State" therefore is very similar to saying something like "mojo". It is metaphysical, non-defined, and consequently cannot be relied upon as a consistent factor in your pickup. Imagine saying "I can't do pickup tonight because I don't have my mojo" and you will see how meaningless the statements become when trying to teach something.

The RSD troll hasn't dared to show up on my forum again. Well, unlike other forum's on mine the teachings of other people can be freely discussed, even if they are "competitors", but of course

I certainly won't ban anybody for a dissenting opinion, like it's the case on every other seduction-related forum. But now that RSD Nation has to send their minions, it can't be long before the jokers over at "Ruthless Truth" will show up and tell me that "there is no YOU". I can't wait for that confrontation to finally happen.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"A Week with Sleazy" by Illuminatus

In late August I spent one week at Illuminatus's place in England. He has recorded his impressions in a post called "A Week with Sleazy" on his forum, and he covers a whole range of issues: meditation, breathing techniques, my world view,  but of course he also gives an outside view of seeing me in the club interacting with women.

Check it out!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Update on Interview by Illuminatus

Some time ago I mentioned an upcoming interview Illuminatus from Personal Power Meditation has conducted with me. I can already tell you that the interview is done now. The word count is close to 7,000. This means that there will be a lot of content in it. The focus is not on seduction, though, but more on my worldview.

Now you may ask why the interview hasn't been released if it's done. Well, the reason is simple: it got picked up by Interesting Times magazine, a PDF publication that describes itself as a "self-help magazine for extreme people".

The next issue should be released in September. I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Classic Posts from 2009 are up now!

Following up on the previous post, I have now updated the Classic Posts section of my forum with a high-quality selection of posts from 2009. It includes masterpieces such as:

Really Smooth Escalations 
Three Techniques for indirect sexual Stimulation 
How to get away with utterly inappropriate Behavior in field
Practicing Push/Pull with Cats and Chicks
How the looks scale can keep you from progressing 

So, you think entering and maintaining a (monogamous) relationship is difficult!?
“All I want is a girlfriend!"
Lick her nipples like you lick her clit
Don’t expect anything and be grateful for everything 

Basic Club Dynamics: The Rhythm of Venues and People 

If you know of any other "guru" who not only is as experienced and knowledgeable as me, but also willing to share the majority of his work with the world free of charge so that others can improve their love life, then please let me know. (Yes, this remark is aimed at some of the trolls over at PUAHate.com)

Classic posts by Sleazy!

Today I have begun making some of my classic posts available again on my forum. Those are articles that have originally appeared on various forums or on my old blog. So far, I have gone through my posts from 2008, and have selected 26 great pieces, with all-time favourites such as:

The Power of Sexual Stereotyping

Don’t just be non-reactive. Be a bit of a dick!

The Asshole Rockstar gets away with everything

Is the PU industry a sham industry? Some observations.

Downsides of Being Alpha

Target selection for frustrated and constantly horny guys

Please check out the Classic Posts section on my forum!

I will add articles from 2009 later today. Posts from 2010 onwards will probably be cross-posted in relevant sections of my forum.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Russian guy grabs 1.000 (!) pairs of boobs

This is one of the most ridiculous videos I've seen in quite a while:

I don't quite get the Putin reference in the beginning, but I raise my hat for a guy who managed to convince 1.000 girls to get their boobs squeezed in front of the camera. If anything, it proves that there can be quite a healthy side to obsessive-compulsive disorders.