Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Illuminatus Interviews Aaron Sleazy

Some time ago I have hinted at an upcoming interview Illuminatus from Personal Power Meditation conducted with me. It's long, but it will be worth it, especially if you want to learn more about my meditative practice and my general outlook on life, both of which had a big positive impact on my level of success with women.

This is from the introduction:
I made Sleazy my mentor, paying strict attention to his writings and exchanging emails with him regularly. As a meditation teacher, I became particularly interested in how Sleazy had used meditative methods to create the mindset of clarity and focus which he attributes much of his success to. Thus, instead of focusing on his adventures in seduction (which are already well-documented), in this interview I have chosen to focus on the mental basis of Aaron Sleazy: the man himself, and how he developed the psychological wherewithal to become a master seducer capable of flouting social norms and behaving on his own agenda at will – a feat most men only dream of.
Please go ahead and read Illuminatus's "Interview With Aaron Sleazy"!

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