Here is the second part of Anthony Myer's post on getting into shape without a gym. It contains more great tips, and may help you to save a lot of time and money. Enjoy!
Jump Rope
When I first started working out I was mostly concerned with losing fat. I couldn’t afford a gym membership, and I hated jogging. I’m asthmatic and my chest would be burning and I’d be ready to throw in the towel after only running a block or two. Plus, jogging was just plane boring. I decided to ditch the jogging for a while and get a jump rope.
A jump rope is about the cheapest, but most effective pieces of cardio equipment you can get. I’d opt for a jump rope over a treadmill any day. I started jump roping every morning at 6:30. Not only was jump roping a lot more fun than jogging, but it also seemed a hell of a lot easier. My chest didn’t burn, I didn’t feel like giving up after only a few minutes. The best part? It seemed to be much more effective than jogging. I lost nearly 40lbs and jumping rope was my only source of cardio.
Here’s another killer bodyweight exercise. Dips will put more mass on your triceps than pretty much any weighted or machine exercise. It’s unfortunate that they are so underrated. There are two ways to do a dip.
Method #1:
Method #2:
If you have access to the right equipment, opt for method #2. It will not only help you build killer triceps, but with a little tweaking you can turn it into one of the best chest exercises ever. Simply lean forward a tad and dip lower than you would when targeting triceps. If you don’t have the access to the right equipment, no worries. The first method pictured is still really effective for building triceps. Plus, you do it almost anywhere. I used to do these with my hands on my bed and my feet on my computer chair!
Hanging Leg Raises
There’s no shortage of expensive and useless exercise equipment. Especially equipment designed to target your abs. Most of the equipment is designed to make the exercise easier, which to me, is absolutely ridiculous. An exercise shouldn’t be made easier. If anything, it should be made tougher by adding more resistance. I’m not going to lie, hanging leg raises are tough. However, they are the ideal exercise for achieving six pack abs. It’s no secret that the bottom two abdominal muscles are the hardest to target. If you’re having a hard time getting them to pop out, start doing hanging leg raises.
You’ve probably noticed by now that since I started talking about abs I haven’t mentioned sit ups or crunches. Those are OK, but exercises like planks will do much more for you. If you can only hold an abdominal plank for 30 seconds, don’t worry. Keep practicing. Eventually you’ll be able to hit a minute or even more. Also, you can throw side planks into the mix to target your obliques.
I have great calves. I get compliments on my calves more often than any other muscle group. It’s almost weird. Either way, I know for a fact that biking 5+ miles a day is the primary reason for my bad-ass calves. It’s also a great form of cardio. If you’re trying to get abs, you need to lose the fat on your stomach, and riding bikes is a great way to do that.
There you have it, a list of the most effective exercise that require little to no workout equipment. The fact is, most people use an unnecessary amount of machines and equipment. There are plenty of people who use machines and equipment on a regular basis, but if you asked them to do a few sets of pull ups or other exercises in the list above they would be huffing and puffing as if they’d never worked out in their life. Master these exercises and you’ll be well ahead of the “average” guy.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Having a Pain-Free Back
My friend Illuminatus recently reviewed 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Esther Gokhale, which seems to be a great book on improving your posture and preventing back pain. I have read his review with great interest, and checked out the freely available YouTube videos.
So, if you spend a large part of your day sitting, then check out the review. It may help. In his review, Illuminatus also draws attention to the fact that attraction and posture are linked, and you tend to view somebody with great posture as more attractive. I know that many people have problems "implementing" some of the absolute basics. Thus, have a look at the review.
So, if you spend a large part of your day sitting, then check out the review. It may help. In his review, Illuminatus also draws attention to the fact that attraction and posture are linked, and you tend to view somebody with great posture as more attractive. I know that many people have problems "implementing" some of the absolute basics. Thus, have a look at the review.
Monday, January 23, 2012 and Forum online again!
There were a few hiccups with the move to my new server, but the support crew was very competent and eventually everything worked out fine. Both and my forum are fully operational again.
Thank you for your patience, and look forward to some more substantial posts in the very near future.
Thank you for your patience, and look forward to some more substantial posts in the very near future.
Thursday, January 19, 2012 is Moving!
My website is being moved to a different server and thus currently unavailable. It should be back online within 72 hours.
Once the site is back online and running again, you can expect some more posts on my blog as well, and a new piece from Anthony Myers is in the pipeline, too.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Once the site is back online and running again, you can expect some more posts on my blog as well, and a new piece from Anthony Myers is in the pipeline, too.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Crowd Wisdom and Minimal Game
Collecting user data seems to be all the rage among corporations. Facebook is built around this idea, Google exploits search phrases for advertising, and Amazon has no reservation recording your reading habits. There is a rather creepy feature on called "Popular Highlights." They collect passages users of the Kindle highlight in their books, and if particular phrases are selected by a few customers, they publish them on the respective product page. You could thus say that Amazon is looking over your shoulder as you read.
In the case of Minimal Game, the following is a collection of phrases people found most noteworthy. If you have read Minimal Game, then you'll probably nod approvingly as you go through the list, and if you haven't bought it yet, then maybe you want to check it out afterwards!
In the case of Minimal Game, the following is a collection of phrases people found most noteworthy. If you have read Minimal Game, then you'll probably nod approvingly as you go through the list, and if you haven't bought it yet, then maybe you want to check it out afterwards!
One of the keys to success in seduction is to talk to strangers as if you know them already.
Only in a sexual relationship is it possible to really get to know someone, because you not only share intimacy, you are being intimate with each other and are not afraid anymore to really open up to the other person.
Your level of success with women is determined by how attractive your life is.
If you just appear to be somewhat secure of yourself, chances are that they will quickly look up to you.
Do not introduce or excuse yourself, but instead say something like, “That's a really nice color.” Full stop.
A guy who makes strong eye contact, stands close to the girl, and possibly even casually touches her, exudes sexuality.
What you should create when interacting with girls is what I call the lover's vibe. Treat her as if the two of you have had sex already. You may indeed only have spoken to her for about fifteen minutes, but if you stop making a difference in how you treat a girl you have already had sex with and a girl you want to have sex with, your life will change drastically.
The more time you spend talking to a woman without being sexual, the harder it will be to finally get sexual with her.
If you don't get anywhere with a particular kind of girl, you have two options:
Focus on different women
Focus on different women
Seduction isn’t making someone do what they don’t want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Seminar in Frankfurt on 11 February 2012
I'll do a seminar in Frankfurt am Main in Germany on 11 February 2012, together with German dating coach and author Kolja Alexander Bonke. This seminar will be held in German, and thus the announcement is in this language as well. (My English speaking followers may excuse this.)
Here is the full announcement:
Aaron Sleazy & Kolja Alexander Bonke
Dating und Partnersuche Seminar: „Viel Erfolg mit wenig Aufwand“
Am Samstag, den 11. Februar 2012, 11.15 Uhr in Frankfurt am Main
Das Pareto-Prinzip ist auch unter dem Namen 80-20-Regel bekannt: 20 % Aufwand bringen 80 % Ergebnis. Dieser Effekt lässt sich auf Dating und Partnersuche übertragen. In diesem einmalig stattfindenden Seminar lernst du, wie du mit relativ geringem Einsatz deinen Erfolg bei Frauen gewaltig steigern kannst.
Wie das genau funktioniert, zeigt dir Aaron Sleazy aus Berlin. Aaron ist ein international renommierter Autor und Coach, seine bisherigen Veranstaltungen in Skandinavien, UK und USA waren große Erfolge. Dies ist sein erstes Seminar auf Deutsch und deutschem Boden. Es basiert auf seinem jüngsten Buch „Minimal Game: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls“ (, das von der Kritik sehr wohlwollend aufgenommen wurde.
Autor Kolja Alexander Bonke aus Frankfurt am Main wird seine Sicht auf Wert und Anziehung zwischen Frau und Mann darstellen. Nach seinem beim humboldt Verlag erschienen Dating Ratgeber „Erfolg bei Frauen“ ( wird er sich in Zukunft hauptsächlich Romanen widmen ─ diese Veranstaltung ist deshalb wahrscheinlich eine der letzten Gelegenheiten, Kolja zum Thema Partnersuche zu hören.
Das Dating und Partnersuche Seminar „Viel Erfolg mit wenig Aufwand“ findet am Samstag, den 11. Februar 2012 um 11.15 Uhr in Frankfurt am Main statt. Über den genauen Veranstaltungsort wird jeder Teilnehmer selbstverständlich rechtzeitig benachrichtigt. Aaron Sleazy und Kolja Alexander Bonke werden jeweils 90 Minuten sprechen, fürs leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt. Der Frühbucherpreis bis einschließlich 31.01.2012 beträgt 99 Euro, danach kostet es 129 Euro. Anmeldung via, Bezahlung per PayPal. Falls du mit PayPal nicht klarkommst oder andere Fragen auftauchen, schreibe bitte eine Mail entweder an Aaron Sleazy ( oder Kolja Alexander Bonke (
Getting laid is easy!
...und das wird dich im Detail erwarten:
Aaron Sleazy
Partnersuche leicht gemacht: Mit wenig Aufwand viel Erfolg bei den Frauen!
In meinem jüngsten Buch Minimal Game: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls schildere ich die absoluten Grundlagen der Verführung. Während dich andere "Gurus” mit absurden Theorien und hochkomplizierten “Taktiken” verwirren, liegt der Schwerpunkt meiner Methode auf einleuchtenden und leicht umzusetzenden Ratschlägen.
Mein Seminar basiert auf Minimal Game. Zur Einordnung wäre es prima, wenn du das kurze und für ein paar Euro zu erhaltende Buch gelesen hast. Die Lektüre ist jedoch keine Grundvoraussetzung. Du kannst dich auch ohne Vorkenntnisse in mein Seminar setzen, und wenn du davor keinen Plan hattest, wirst du danach wissen, was du machen mussst, um dein Liebesleben auf Trab zu bringen.
Mein Seminar wird folgende Punkte behandeln:
- Sich selbst kein Bein mehr stellen: Psychologische Hürden, und wie man sie überwindet
- Realistische Ziele: Durststrecke überwinden oder Don Juan werden?
- “Ich seh’ nicht so gut aus. Hab’ ich denn gar keine Chance bei den Frauen?”
- Mit Kleidung punkten: Stilempfinden vs. “Peacocking”
- Fitness & Ernährung: Wie man mit wenig Aufwand in Form bleibt und sich gut dabei fühlt
- Wissen, was man will: Polarisieren und selektieren
- Marktplatz: Wo und wie man effektiv Frauen trifft
- Wie man all das kombiniert, um sich erfolgreich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben
Dieses Seminar basiert auf meinen Erfahrungen als Verführer und Coach. Im Gegensatz zu anderen in dieser Branche werde ich dir nicht erzählen, dass du jede haben kannst, egal wie du ausseht oder wie viel Geld du hast, sondern darstellen, wie du das absolut beste aus deinen Möglichkeiten machen kannst, damit du entweder überhaupt mal zum Schuss kommst, oder mehr Auswahl hast. Ob aktiver Aufreißer oder Jungfrau — hier lernst du bestimmt was dazu!
Kolja Alexander Bonke
Erfolg bei Frauen statt Pick-Up-Luftschloss: Wert & Anziehung, WTF?
Aussehen oder Kohle spielt keine Rolle, ein paar Psycho- oder Zaubertricks und du landest bei deiner Traumfrau.
Nein, so einen Quatsch wirst du von mir nicht hören ─ dafür sind andere zuständig.
Den Weg, den ich mit "Erfolg bei Frauen" gegangen bin, gehe ich auch mit diesem Seminar weiter: Ehrlichkeit statt Marketing-Gedöhns und realistische Konzepte statt abstruse Techniken. Pick-Up-Luftschlösser dürfen gern andere bauen.
Mit fremden Frauen ein Gespräch anfangen fällt dir schwer?
Während der Unterhaltung gehen dir oft die Themen aus?
Du bekommst häufig falsche Handynummern oder keiner geht ran?
Dir fehlt Selbstsicherheit?
Du wirst immer nur als Kumpel gesehen?
Du willst, dass in deiner Beziehung mal wieder richtig Funken sprühen?
Sowohl bewährte auch bisher unveröffentlichte Facetten meiner Sicht auf Wert und Anziehung zwischen Mann und Frau werden dir nach diesem Seminar dabei helfen, Probleme wie diese zu lösen.
Dann beeil’ Dich, denn der Frühbücherpreis von 99 Euro gilt nur bis zum 31. Januar!
Bis bald in Frankfurt!
Aaron Sleazy
Kolja Alexander Bonke
Here is the full announcement:
Aaron Sleazy & Kolja Alexander Bonke
Dating und Partnersuche Seminar: „Viel Erfolg mit wenig Aufwand“
Am Samstag, den 11. Februar 2012, 11.15 Uhr in Frankfurt am Main
Das Pareto-Prinzip ist auch unter dem Namen 80-20-Regel bekannt: 20 % Aufwand bringen 80 % Ergebnis. Dieser Effekt lässt sich auf Dating und Partnersuche übertragen. In diesem einmalig stattfindenden Seminar lernst du, wie du mit relativ geringem Einsatz deinen Erfolg bei Frauen gewaltig steigern kannst.
Wie das genau funktioniert, zeigt dir Aaron Sleazy aus Berlin. Aaron ist ein international renommierter Autor und Coach, seine bisherigen Veranstaltungen in Skandinavien, UK und USA waren große Erfolge. Dies ist sein erstes Seminar auf Deutsch und deutschem Boden. Es basiert auf seinem jüngsten Buch „Minimal Game: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls“ (, das von der Kritik sehr wohlwollend aufgenommen wurde.
Autor Kolja Alexander Bonke aus Frankfurt am Main wird seine Sicht auf Wert und Anziehung zwischen Frau und Mann darstellen. Nach seinem beim humboldt Verlag erschienen Dating Ratgeber „Erfolg bei Frauen“ ( wird er sich in Zukunft hauptsächlich Romanen widmen ─ diese Veranstaltung ist deshalb wahrscheinlich eine der letzten Gelegenheiten, Kolja zum Thema Partnersuche zu hören.
Das Dating und Partnersuche Seminar „Viel Erfolg mit wenig Aufwand“ findet am Samstag, den 11. Februar 2012 um 11.15 Uhr in Frankfurt am Main statt. Über den genauen Veranstaltungsort wird jeder Teilnehmer selbstverständlich rechtzeitig benachrichtigt. Aaron Sleazy und Kolja Alexander Bonke werden jeweils 90 Minuten sprechen, fürs leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt. Der Frühbucherpreis bis einschließlich 31.01.2012 beträgt 99 Euro, danach kostet es 129 Euro. Anmeldung via, Bezahlung per PayPal. Falls du mit PayPal nicht klarkommst oder andere Fragen auftauchen, schreibe bitte eine Mail entweder an Aaron Sleazy ( oder Kolja Alexander Bonke (
Getting laid is easy!
...und das wird dich im Detail erwarten:
Aaron Sleazy
Partnersuche leicht gemacht: Mit wenig Aufwand viel Erfolg bei den Frauen!
In meinem jüngsten Buch Minimal Game: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls schildere ich die absoluten Grundlagen der Verführung. Während dich andere "Gurus” mit absurden Theorien und hochkomplizierten “Taktiken” verwirren, liegt der Schwerpunkt meiner Methode auf einleuchtenden und leicht umzusetzenden Ratschlägen.
Mein Seminar basiert auf Minimal Game. Zur Einordnung wäre es prima, wenn du das kurze und für ein paar Euro zu erhaltende Buch gelesen hast. Die Lektüre ist jedoch keine Grundvoraussetzung. Du kannst dich auch ohne Vorkenntnisse in mein Seminar setzen, und wenn du davor keinen Plan hattest, wirst du danach wissen, was du machen mussst, um dein Liebesleben auf Trab zu bringen.
Mein Seminar wird folgende Punkte behandeln:
- Sich selbst kein Bein mehr stellen: Psychologische Hürden, und wie man sie überwindet
- Realistische Ziele: Durststrecke überwinden oder Don Juan werden?
- “Ich seh’ nicht so gut aus. Hab’ ich denn gar keine Chance bei den Frauen?”
- Mit Kleidung punkten: Stilempfinden vs. “Peacocking”
- Fitness & Ernährung: Wie man mit wenig Aufwand in Form bleibt und sich gut dabei fühlt
- Wissen, was man will: Polarisieren und selektieren
- Marktplatz: Wo und wie man effektiv Frauen trifft
- Wie man all das kombiniert, um sich erfolgreich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben
Dieses Seminar basiert auf meinen Erfahrungen als Verführer und Coach. Im Gegensatz zu anderen in dieser Branche werde ich dir nicht erzählen, dass du jede haben kannst, egal wie du ausseht oder wie viel Geld du hast, sondern darstellen, wie du das absolut beste aus deinen Möglichkeiten machen kannst, damit du entweder überhaupt mal zum Schuss kommst, oder mehr Auswahl hast. Ob aktiver Aufreißer oder Jungfrau — hier lernst du bestimmt was dazu!
Kolja Alexander Bonke
Erfolg bei Frauen statt Pick-Up-Luftschloss: Wert & Anziehung, WTF?
Aussehen oder Kohle spielt keine Rolle, ein paar Psycho- oder Zaubertricks und du landest bei deiner Traumfrau.
Nein, so einen Quatsch wirst du von mir nicht hören ─ dafür sind andere zuständig.
Den Weg, den ich mit "Erfolg bei Frauen" gegangen bin, gehe ich auch mit diesem Seminar weiter: Ehrlichkeit statt Marketing-Gedöhns und realistische Konzepte statt abstruse Techniken. Pick-Up-Luftschlösser dürfen gern andere bauen.
Mit fremden Frauen ein Gespräch anfangen fällt dir schwer?
Während der Unterhaltung gehen dir oft die Themen aus?
Du bekommst häufig falsche Handynummern oder keiner geht ran?
Dir fehlt Selbstsicherheit?
Du wirst immer nur als Kumpel gesehen?
Du willst, dass in deiner Beziehung mal wieder richtig Funken sprühen?
Sowohl bewährte auch bisher unveröffentlichte Facetten meiner Sicht auf Wert und Anziehung zwischen Mann und Frau werden dir nach diesem Seminar dabei helfen, Probleme wie diese zu lösen.
Dann beeil’ Dich, denn der Frühbücherpreis von 99 Euro gilt nur bis zum 31. Januar!
Bis bald in Frankfurt!
Aaron Sleazy
Kolja Alexander Bonke
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Guest Post: Getting into Shape Without a Gym (I) by Anthony Myers
This is the second post by Anthony Myers from He discusses how to get into shape without equipment or access to a gym. Part II of this post will follow in a few days.
In a comment to my introductory post, Don Draper asked:
Personally, I prefer working out at a gym and I suggest you work out at a gym if possible. After all, you will have access to tons of equipment, professional knowledge from the staff, motivation from other gym members, and even the opportunity to meet women, sexy women who take care of their bodies and care about their appearance. However, if there’s some reason you can’t get into a gym, I have compiled a group of exercises below that require little to no equipment.
While I didn’t place these exercises in any specific order, I can tell you that pull ups being listed first is not a mistake. They are the not only the best bodyweight exercise, but I’d put them in the top 5 of all exercises, ever. The pull up will be your #1 tool in creating that sexy ‘V shaped’ tapered body. Pull ups help develop this physique by widening your back, specifically your lats. Also, pull ups are going to do more for your biceps than any fancy dumbbell or barbell curls ever could. If you want to focus more on your widening your back and creating that V shape, perform a traditional pull-up, gripping the bar overhand style with your arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart. If you want to focus more on your biceps, perform a underhanded chin-up with your arms about shoulder width apart.
It doesn’t matter if you can only do 1 pull-up. Do 1, rest and do another. Rinse and repeat until you’ve achieved your desired amount of reps; eventually you’ll be able to do 2 in a row, and then 3 in a row, etc. I consider pull-ups the core of any good back routine, so I start off every back workout with 4 sets of 10-15 pull-ups.
The push up is to your chest as the pull up is to your back. It’s extremely simple and extremely effective. Also, there’s a ton of variations that target different areas and keep things from getting boring. If I were new, I would start off by doing 3 or 4 sets of as many standard pushups as I could perform on a regular basis. You can even replicate incline bench presses and decline bench presses by elevating your feet during pushups or elevating your upper body by leaning on table to put more emphasis on the top or bottom of your chest. Lastly, you could put more emphasis on your triceps by doing close-grip pushups. Simply put your hands closer together while doing pushups and you will be targeting your triceps.
Note: Most people who want big arms spend a lot of time on their biceps. Since this is “Minimal Bodybuilding” and we’re concentrating on greatest reward with minimal time invested I’m going to share a little secret with you. Somewhere along the line things got mixed up. People started spending a ton of time on their biceps and not showing much love to their triceps. Well, your triceps account for nearly 75% of your total arm mass. So spend a little more time on your triceps by doing things like close grip pushups and your arms will start to appear bigger in a shorter amount of time.
Jump Squats
I have a love hate relationship with Jump Squats. I hate to do them, but I know how good they are for me. There are plenty of guys in the gym who can squat 225lbs for 10 reps. I challenge you to show me a guy who can do 4 sets of Jump Squats without feeling like he just got his ass kicked. These are a great workout for toning up your legs, and also aids in fat loss.
In a comment to my introductory post, Don Draper asked:
“Could you also share some good exercises for people who are always traveling, so you can perform the exercises without any instruments (like dumbbells)?”And that’s exactly what today’s post is about, getting into shape even if you have no access to a gym, or equipment.
Personally, I prefer working out at a gym and I suggest you work out at a gym if possible. After all, you will have access to tons of equipment, professional knowledge from the staff, motivation from other gym members, and even the opportunity to meet women, sexy women who take care of their bodies and care about their appearance. However, if there’s some reason you can’t get into a gym, I have compiled a group of exercises below that require little to no equipment.
While I didn’t place these exercises in any specific order, I can tell you that pull ups being listed first is not a mistake. They are the not only the best bodyweight exercise, but I’d put them in the top 5 of all exercises, ever. The pull up will be your #1 tool in creating that sexy ‘V shaped’ tapered body. Pull ups help develop this physique by widening your back, specifically your lats. Also, pull ups are going to do more for your biceps than any fancy dumbbell or barbell curls ever could. If you want to focus more on your widening your back and creating that V shape, perform a traditional pull-up, gripping the bar overhand style with your arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart. If you want to focus more on your biceps, perform a underhanded chin-up with your arms about shoulder width apart.
It doesn’t matter if you can only do 1 pull-up. Do 1, rest and do another. Rinse and repeat until you’ve achieved your desired amount of reps; eventually you’ll be able to do 2 in a row, and then 3 in a row, etc. I consider pull-ups the core of any good back routine, so I start off every back workout with 4 sets of 10-15 pull-ups.
The push up is to your chest as the pull up is to your back. It’s extremely simple and extremely effective. Also, there’s a ton of variations that target different areas and keep things from getting boring. If I were new, I would start off by doing 3 or 4 sets of as many standard pushups as I could perform on a regular basis. You can even replicate incline bench presses and decline bench presses by elevating your feet during pushups or elevating your upper body by leaning on table to put more emphasis on the top or bottom of your chest. Lastly, you could put more emphasis on your triceps by doing close-grip pushups. Simply put your hands closer together while doing pushups and you will be targeting your triceps.
Note: Most people who want big arms spend a lot of time on their biceps. Since this is “Minimal Bodybuilding” and we’re concentrating on greatest reward with minimal time invested I’m going to share a little secret with you. Somewhere along the line things got mixed up. People started spending a ton of time on their biceps and not showing much love to their triceps. Well, your triceps account for nearly 75% of your total arm mass. So spend a little more time on your triceps by doing things like close grip pushups and your arms will start to appear bigger in a shorter amount of time.
Jump Squats
I have a love hate relationship with Jump Squats. I hate to do them, but I know how good they are for me. There are plenty of guys in the gym who can squat 225lbs for 10 reps. I challenge you to show me a guy who can do 4 sets of Jump Squats without feeling like he just got his ass kicked. These are a great workout for toning up your legs, and also aids in fat loss.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Gawker and WSJ on Pickup
One of my readers (thanks, E.!) sent me a link to an article on Gawker with the title How to Talk to Real Live Women. It was easily the most amusing piece on pickup I've read in a while, but check it out yourself:
Yes, this article is a parody, but if you've spent some time on typical Internet forums on seduction, you'll probably admit that it is eerily close to some of the accounts you can read on there.
On an even more absurd side note, Gawker links to a recent article on Wall Street Journal, On a Wingman and a Prayer: Singles Bow to Cupids-for-Hire, that made me check the date twice. I just found it hard to believe it wasn't published on the first of April:
What did Einstein again say about the universe and human stupidity?
And she kind of looks at you for a long moment with a quizzical look on her face like she really seriously doesn't know what you're talking about, and kind of smiles politely and says "Okay," and starts to turn back to her other conversation again. And you're like "HI, I'M NICK" (yelling).
Yes, this article is a parody, but if you've spent some time on typical Internet forums on seduction, you'll probably admit that it is eerily close to some of the accounts you can read on there.
On an even more absurd side note, Gawker links to a recent article on Wall Street Journal, On a Wingman and a Prayer: Singles Bow to Cupids-for-Hire, that made me check the date twice. I just found it hard to believe it wasn't published on the first of April:
Paired with a confident wingwoman, her customers "can see prospective partners right away, and know right then and there if there is chemistry." Ms. Baxter, whose fees start at $130, insists that clients who go out with a pro have better odds of success than those who troll with an untrained male buddy. Often, the friend "says stupid stuff, like 'my friend thinks you're hot,'" she says.Please note that "Ms Baxter" is 32, and not selling her body but wants to get paid for hanging out in a bar. For $130, though, her services better include anal in the bathroom, otherwise, this sum is completely ridiculous. Yet, the absurdities don't end:
Josh Mitchell, 27, started his Indianapolis wingwoman service, "Miss Pivot," last year after attending an event for young entrepreneurs. Romance aside, there was something else that convinced him he had a winning concept. No one, he says, seems to know how to have a face-to-face conversation anymore. "A lot of social skills you used to pick up watching your parents, but now everyone is busy watching stuff online or playing videogames online," he says.
Mr. Mitchell now runs Miss Pivot with a team of five friends, including a "head coach," plus eight freelance "pivots" for hire at $45 to $65 an hour.Honestly, if you pay a random woman that amount of money to "hang out", then get your head checked. What I find really odd is that even though the typical guy seems to want to get laid, they are unable to put two and two together, and just hire a call girl. I thought that most people prefer the path of least resistance! Not that I want to promote whoring, but if somebody told me that he paid a woman $65 to go to a bar with him, in the vain hope to pick up other girls, I'd question his sanity.
What did Einstein again say about the universe and human stupidity?
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