Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Dirty Secret of the "Community"

Alek Novy recently made an excellent statement on my forum in a thread on the real success rate of game. I thought it should be shared with a wider audience. It should make some of you guys think.

There's this mentality in the community that it's not "real game" unless you worked your ass off. That if you used something that makes it easier - that it's like "cheating"

I've actually fucking seen guys being lambasted for getting too ripped, coz if they have a sixpack and get laid, then it's "not real game".

I've actually seen a guy who will like meet a super hot lingerie model, like his cousin sets him up with a lingerie model -> and the PUAs will be like "IT DOESN'T COUNT!"

I'm like wtf do you mean it doesn't count. Dick in hot pussy. "IT DOESNT COUNT!! she was given to him by a friend" loooool

Here's the dirty secret about community -> It's never ever been about getting laid

If the community were about getting laid, it would include discussions on how to get a career that gets you laid like... If the community were about getting laid, it would teach leverage and crutches itself...

- Fashion Photographer Method
- Club Promoter Method
- Fitness Modelling and Male Stripper Method
- Becoming a minor celebrity in a niche with a crappy band Method

The community has always hated crutches/leverage, because it never WAS about "the most efficient way to get laid". It was always about feeling like you "control and create attraction"

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