Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Honest Bootcamp Review

There are some big issues with reviews of boot camps online. They are either written by the instructors or people they are hired. This is most obvious when the guy has a post count of just one and then disappears. Further, some companies use high-pressure tactics, literally forcing you to write a positive review in exchange for some intangible benefits, like access to a private PUA lounge, in which instructors allegedly hang out.

Lastly, there is the phenomenon some call "post-bootcamp high". Directly afterwards, some people are very happy about themselves because they managed to talk to some women. This is a huge step up for them. Yet, only in hindsight does it sink in that they actually haven't achieved much, and the gimmicks they have been taught amount for very little.

What I present you here is a very rare kind or review. It was written by XXX, a guy who took a bootcamp with BradP's "Underground Dating Seminar (USD)", and it was originally posted on my form.
I’m fairly new to this forum and my motive is to hopefully persuade people not to take bootcamps (especially not Bradps). I’ve also blocked his website and coach blogs from my computer and I believe that by keeping my negative experience with him in my head, I can avoid paying him any more of my money. I also do not respond to trolls, which Bradp has been doing over in PUAhate to try to lure people into his stupid 3030 forum. 

This account is purposely ambiguous and I wont be naming any names. In advance, I have been spoiled with receiving 1 on 1 attention in other areas of my life, so you will see why I don’t like group instruction. I also prefer infield instruction over asking questions/receiving advice (I can always ask questions on the 30/30 club). But without further ado, here’s my criticism of my bootcamp experience. 

1) Let’s say the student instructor ratio was 3:1. Throughout the weekend, when the instructors weren’t with the other students, some of those students were just standing around. With the money you’re paying (it was about $1200-1300), you ought to receive better infield instruction than that. Like I previously said, I have received 1 on 1 attention in other areas of my life at much cheaper prices than $1300. I could have improved those areas of my life at a faster rate than that of taking a bootcamp. 

2) To continue with point 1, if you have some kind of social anxiety (I’m talking about anxieties such as agoraphobia), you might be better off spending your money on seeing a shrink, because standing around in a bootcamp is an inefficient way of spending your money. 

3) Even when I received 1 on 1 attention, I was constantly told, and I quote, “I’m among the best in the world at this” and “my hourly rate for 1 on 1s is [some price I don’t remember].” This BS irritated me since the former is subjective and the latter should be a lot less. I know of teachers who teach other subjects privately that charge much less and teach more effectively. 

4) The 3rd day review was a waste. The other students and I didn’t do any other approaches. We did receive a Q and A session (which we could have easily done in the 30/30 forum by asking the coach questions there). We were told to write down our goals (we could have googled “how to write effective goals”). We were told to imagine our ideal day (I suspect this is a tactic to make us feel good so we don’t ask for a refund). 

5) The advice I received was generic. I wont say what I received, but I will say the advice you receive (if you take a BC) is only based on what the coach has seen you do during the 3 days. There could be other things in your life that a coach may not know about that could be messing up your sex life. For example, if you still have stuffed animals in your room that might explain why girls don’t mind coming home with you (your front game is good) but when they see your stuffed animals they think you’re a little boy. In hindsight, I know I had other factors that were holding me back yet the coach made it seem like the advice he was giving was the key to my problems. 

6) Bootcamp high: All those “life changing experience” reviews are BS. I bet they were written right after the bootcamp ended just when they felt the rush. But believe me, that high will wear off several months later. But where will your coach who cared about your success be?

There were other minute details but I won’t get into them. I’ve only taken one bootcamp, and if this is how it’s like in the industry, bootcamps should be abolished. They won’t help you get laid, but they’ll help your instructors get paid. People, be reasonable. In the past it was love potions, now its bootcamps. All the seduction industry is doing is attacking your insecurities. Bradp can call it “dating education” if he wants, but to me it sure isn’t. 

“Bradp” has said that he cares about his students getting laid, but his actions show otherwise. Bootcamps aren’t effective and they cost too much. If you care so much why not charge lower for bootcamps? I think it will be even better to just take 1 on 1 instruction. 

I think they key to becoming good at this is consistency and effective instruction. If bootcamps cost less, guys can take them more often. Even if coaches can’t always be with the students, at least the students aren’t spending too much of their money idly. Even better would be when there’s 1 on 1 instruction. All the attention is on you and if the instruction is cheaper, you can take them often.

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