Monday, June 4, 2012

A PUA Instructor Tells What he Thinks of his Clients

There were some interesting responses to my re-post of XXX's review of a bootcamp he's taken with BradP. To my great surprise, a commercial PUA instructor chimed in and had this to say about his clients. I was not the only one who couldn't believe it:

That being said... most of the guys in the community are so zeroed down in terms of life skills, social skills and general ability to stand up for themselves that at the end of the day, when we started getting more serious about this & contemplated going pro, we were raised with the following dilemma:
1) Should we help needy idiots who will bug the fuck out of us on questions that they should be able to figure out themselves?
2) Is it really the fact that the customer market for this is filled with people who are A) Okay enough that they will get good enough without our help B) Belong to the first group whom we really, really do not want to spend the least amount of time with.
So yeah. Reading reviews where jlaix spent the better part of the BC drunk or like this and knowing my local 'gurus' makes it easy to call anyone a moron who expects actual results from a bootcamp. But knowing the community and the people who fill it up... man, no wonder they charge so fucking much, for every normal person you have three or four people who need their hands held taking the bus downtown.

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