Thursday, January 17, 2013

Free 170 page Ebook: Johnny's Journey

Johnny's Journey: Critical Lessons from my Involvement with the Seduction Community is a free 170 page ebook, written by Johnny Anti-PUA in collaboration with Aaron Sleazy.

While Debunking the Seduction Community detailed many of the wrongdoings and often downright fraudulent activities within the seduction industry, Johnny's Story presents a unique view based on the personal experiences of a guy who was mislead by the "community".

Some highlights of this book are:

- How PUAs exploit vulnerable and inexperienced men
- The cognitive dissonance the average community guy goes through
- How to recover and eventually free yourself from negative influences
- Mental traps, like feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, and how to overcome them
- How even legitimate PUA coaches get corrupted
- Popular myths within the PUA community put to the test

Johnny's Journey contrasts PUA claims with reality. If you are somehow doubting PUA claims but can't quite articulate them yet, or if you have a lingering feeling that something is seriously wrong because the world just isn't like your favorite PUA describes it, then I can only encourage you to carefully read through this book.

In an appendix, Aaron Sleazy discusses related issues, including areas he has not much talked about before. In addition to a revised version of the popular article "Why Cold Approaching is Mostly Useless" he covers issues such as:

- Fear of rejection
- Why male virginity is a societal fiction
- Why you shouldn't be afraid of the "perceptiveness" of women
- The relative importance of looks, money and status
- Some reminders on how to fix your dating life if you don't know where to start

Click on the link below to download the book in PDF format:
Johnny's Journey

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