Thursday, June 6, 2013

Feminism as an excuse for being ugly

Apparently last month there was a three-day celebration of feminism at the University of Cambridge. The pictures on Facebook are well worth a look due to their concentrated stupidity. I just want to talk about one particular issue, and it might be a somewhat controversial one, at least in the mainstream media.

Ask yourself whether you have ever seen a good-looking feminist? I certainly haven't. I don't want to stoop as low as Roosh V with his post on the "ugliest feminists of America", but it's hard not to notice that the "intellectual" leaders as well as the typical follower isn't exactly the kind of woman you'd fantasize about having sex with. Somehow I get the impression that "feminists" like to influence other women to look less attractive, i.e. as unattractive as they themselves are. Why they do it I don't really know, but it could be that they are simply envious of better-looking women, which makes them want to work towards a future were all women are unattractive. This is all just conjecture, though, but I wouldn't know how else to explain this phenomenon.

Let's have a look at this picture:

Oh, it shouldn't?
Try an experiment: Look at this picture for a few seconds, and afterwards then cover that girl's armpit with your index finger. You might find that she suddenly looks significantly more attractive to you. I would be quite surprised if I was the only guy who had this reaction.

One of the big issues with feminism is that it doesn't acknowledge biology. There are obvious biological differences between men and women. Further, men don't really make a mental effort to decide what they find attractive. It's a visceral reaction, and you just can't help it. Body hair is a turn-off, especially when it's dark. Sure, dear feminists, go ahead and stop shaving your legs and arm pits! The consequence will simply be that men will avoid you even more. Or do you want to tell us what we're supposed to find attractive?

What's your opinion? Do you like hairy armpits? Let me know in the comments below!

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