Saturday, July 20, 2013

How Female Ambiguity Promotes PUA and Poor Dating Advice

I was recently ranting about the ambiguous signals of women, which are partly due to nonsensical dating advice, but also to their narcissist wish of wanting to have their cake and eat it, too. They know that they can only get male company if they fuck the guy, but since they don't want to fuck any guy that comes along but still want to have some losers around who bolster up her fragile ego, they just string them along.

An interesting corollary of the female unwillingness to clearly let the guy know whether they are interested or not is that this behavior enabled the spread of the inane PUA culture. PUAs take the words of women at face-value. Instead of realizing that if she doesn't allow physical advances (one of the main points of Minimal Game), she's probably not interested in you as a sexual partner, PUAs are happy as long as women talk to them, and search for techniques to turn the interaction sexual at some point.

However, women can easily string PUAs along since many of those guys are afraid of their own sexuality. Instead, they engage in "cocky/funny" emails and text messages. As long as the girl replies, the PUA thinks he has a shot. He never had a shot, but of course he doesn't want to make a move either and force a decision. Apparently it's easier for the egos of weak men to hope that something will happen somehow, somewhere, instead.

If women immediately said "no" to the PUA, they'd just move on. However, because they then let the guy stick around and feed off the attention they get, the PUA keeps going. He might even ask for her number, and if the guy is non-threatening enough, he will not get a fake number but a real one. Then he texts and calls her, and maybe she'll ask him to join her girlfriends the next time they go out. It's a win-win for her: she's got some dude to come along, paying for drinks, and giving the girls attention, and as long as he gets a hug out of it or a kiss on the cheek, he'll be happy. This arrangement is perfect for her. She will ignore the fact that the PUA, or any of her male "friends" only sticks around because he wants to get laid. Depending on the guy's ambition, or lack thereof, it will now take several weeks or months, and anything between $50 and $10k or more before he'll eventually hear from her, "... but I thought we were just friends!"

So, Jezebel and other feminists hate sites, before you try shitting on PUA again, think about what you've done to enable this trend in the first place. If you women would have learnt to say "yes" and "no", we wouldn't had have to witness grown guys walking around with feather-boas and plateau boots, we wouldn't have guys in their 50s like Vince Kelvin making a complete fool out of themselves, and we wouldn't have Jeffy from RSD with his "rape van". He'd probably still hit on fatties, but he wouldn't pollute the internet with stories of his failed attempts.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

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