Monday, November 18, 2013

Attraction and Age Differences

Following up on my post Male Sex Drive from Teenage Years to the Middle Age, I'm now going to answer the the one remaining question:
What is your view about age when dating and chasing girls who are interested in you but significantly younger than you?
First, what exactly is "significantly" supposed to mean? Let's assume we're talking of girls past the threshold of the age of consent. Okay, say, she's 18. How old would a guy have to be in order to be called "significantly older"? I'd say, 25, 26 maybe. Ten years is certainly an age difference I would call significant.

Having settled that, the question then is how this would affect your sex drive. I'm tempted to say quite significantly. Youth is equated with beauty and sexual attractiveness. There are some absurd feminist campaigns that guys should marry someone "their own age", "a mature woman", or "someone who can handle you", but at the end of the day, this is all just so much hot air. Normally, you would pick a younger woman over an older one. This is fine, since girls prefer older guys, too, which explains the malaise of young guys trying to get girls.

The fact that guys want to get with younger girls also explains why older women complain that they are literally invisible. What happened to all those people she loved to complain about because they were "harassing" her? Turns out they now ogle other, younger, chicks instead. Of course, not having men chasing after her means that she now has time to post diatribes online about all those male sexist pigs who would rather stick it into a good-looking girl in her twenties than a "mature" woman of 38, like herself.

I think that it's not just libido-enhancing when your girl is younger. I would even go as far as to say that her youth is libido-enabling. Without her youth, you would not even think of pursuing her. Of course, if you had a weak mind, then feminist rhetoric that tried to shame you for wanting to fornicate with young girls would make you feel bad about your desires. Just think of the guy who asked me that question above: If those young girls are lusting after you, then go for it, man! Just make sure you're not just a walking wallet for them.

Further, let's not forget about biology. Even if some 38-year old thinks that she would be such a great catch, let's just be honest: She's not going to be the mother of your children. On the other hand, if you managed to settle down with a 24 year-old, you could take it easy for a while. Nature is surely not pressuring you to have children right now.

A few years can make quite a difference, as any guy who ever got involved with a woman around 30 has experienced. Many men find their behavior downright absurd. They might push really hard for a relationship, even in the complete absence of interest from the male. His opinion doesn't count, only his sperm. If this describes you, then please be extremely careful about protection, if you really have to get involved with such women. There is a good chance that she's lying to you about being on the pill. I've had this happen, and apparently any guy I know who had sex with more than one or two women, too. Some guys are not so lucky, and were thus tricked into fatherhood. What lovely little angels older women can be!

The ticking biological clock is just one of the reasons why older women can be quite difficult to deal with. They want to pressure you into anything. Of course, they do feel a lot of pressure themselves, realizing that there aren't so many guys interested in her anymore, and seeing friends of hers popping out babies left, right and center doesn't relax her either. But now she's got a new guy, and she's got to make it work! It sounds horrible, right? But now think of how much more easy-going a young girl could be.

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