Friday, July 29, 2011

Frying Little Brains

I certainly can't say that I have been partying with future female nobel laureates recently, but I don't really mind that. Nonetheless, I do enjoy a minimum of intellectual rigour. What sounds like a rather dry affair did start rather juicy, after all:

I was bumping into a group of girls at a club and we were soon sipping champagne. One of them puts her arm around me shoulder and looks into my eyes. She says,

"You are gay, right?"

As I have said so many times, this translates to something like, "OMG!!1! I, like, think you are, like, so totally hot."

Thus I put my hand on her firm ass and teasingly say with a sleazy smile that I wasn't quite sure about my sexual orientation, to be honest. (No, I am not gay.)

She then waves her friend over and says, "This is my girlfriend!"

Then she makes out with her while still having her arm around me. It was certainly an arousing sight, and after it was over, she turned to me again and said with a horny smile, "We've just done what you'd like to do with me. Am I right?"

Unfortunately, I have recently occupied myself a bit too much with mathematics and logic because, when I'm not Sleazy Rockstar, I'm actually a fucking nerd. Thus, my preference for precise use of language made me say:

"You don't know what I want. Instead, you made an assumption."

Now she stood there, looking completely baffled. Apparently she was thinking. After five seconds or so, she said,

"No, I meant that you wanted to kiss me."

"I got that, but there is no way for you to know what I want. You can only assume something."

This was too much for her. She still stood there, trying to figure out what I had said. Again, she was completely without any motion or emotion. Since she wasn't quite able to process it, she walked off with a rather blank stare on her face.

Probably something like this was going on then:

(Picture from

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lovely Chick-Logic

One of my recent encounters involved a tall and beautiful French girl. The interaction did progress nicely, until she asked me from where I was. The conversation unfolded as follows:

"Wait, did you move to Berlin from abroad or are you from Germany?"
"I'm German."

Suddenly her lustful smile disappeared from her face and instead of intensely hugging me and caressing my back, she stepped back and frowned. She also started to sound rather aggressive:

"My ex-boyfriend was German, and he was such a.... such a... I don't know the male word, I mean he was, like, such a slut -- but the male version. Do you understand?"

I understood the words, but was unable to follow her reasoning at all.

Then I shrugged, but she looked at me really angrily and simply walked off.

Of course, there is no male version of "slut" or even "bitch", and not just for cultural reasons, even though the dried-up femi-nazis would disagree, but let's look at this girl's utterly absurd logic:

(1) My ex-boyfriend was German and an "asshole"
(2) You are German.

(3) You are an asshole.

(The hidden premise is "All Germans are assholes", by the way.)

It was so absurd that I found myself laughing out loud in the club.

Of course it's questionable to make a generalization based on single observations, but having encountered plenty of encounters of absurdly twisted logic, I'm not surprised that mathematics is one of the very few academic subjects that are not dominated by women.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quick Update: Upcoming Books, Posts, and a Seminar, too!

I have been incredibly busy with my life in recent months, and I'm spending most of the summer travelling. However, I will update the blog a bit more regularly in the future.

My email inbox is overflowing; and I think I'll do some more "community bashing". However, even though some of my critics love to accuse me for "being negative", a more than just cursory glance at those posts should make it obvious that there is plenty of "value" in those contributions.

Recently, some readers have pointed me towards some of Vin DiCarlo's spam emails. I got hold of a few of them and think they are even more ridiculous than his legendary "Working Out is killing your Chances with Women". I will deconstruct a couple of Vin's emails and point out the many misconceptions and highly questionable psychological tricks he tries to pull off to make you feel bad about yourself - and hand him your money. There will be plenty to learn from my analysis.

Also, I have been working on finalizing the German translation of Sleazy Stories, which is turning out very well. As soon as this book is out, I will devote all my energies on my next project, which is currently about 90% done; it's an instruction manual on the "real" fundamentals of game. Look forward to the announcement.

Furthermore, I will give one seminar in England in late August. It will be my only seminar in 2011, and it will be a joint-seminar with one of the most interesting characters from the old mASF forum. The announcement will be sent out to my mailing list first, and be posted on this blog afterwards. Expect the announcement early next week.

Lastly, I have decided to post some of my "in-field" observations. I have grown a bit tired of writing "field reports", but there are nonetheless interesting tidbits I don't mind sharing. Those posts will appear infrequently, so please don't expect detailed descriptions of my nights out.