I'm currently going through a backlog of emails, and I'm surprised what some people have dug up. For instance, one guy who requested to remain completely anonymous sent me some nice pictures of Mystery. Well, I'll just repost them and you can form your own opinions of it. I think he looks a bit goofy, though. On the other hand, if I accidentally end up in a mainstream club with one of my "obscene" T shirts and skinny jeans, I'll probably look just as out of place.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Again available: Phone Coaching Sessions
I haven't offered any kind of coaching for about a year now. Unfortunately, I don't yet know when (or if) I'll be able to offer one-on-one "in-field" training again. However, my real-life schedule has become manageable enough to revive my phone coaching program.
Prices and duration are the same as last year. Given the current rate of inflation, this probably means that it has become a steal in the meantime. Please have a look at the detailed description at my website and contact me if you are interested.
Prices and duration are the same as last year. Given the current rate of inflation, this probably means that it has become a steal in the meantime. Please have a look at the detailed description at my website and contact me if you are interested.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
OGFurious is Back
I have mentioned "OGFurious" and his hilarious take on the seduction community a couple of times on my blog (such as here, and here). But recently, a reader of my blog (Thanks, M.!) has made me aware of the fact that the creator of the OGFurious persona, Dean Leysen, has returned with a more serious message.
In his YouTube channel he is addressing a view common criticisms, and he also adds some pretty good explanations, too, like in the following video, where he explains what mirror neurons are and why overanalyzing what the other person's reaction towards your behavior might be will only bite you in the a**:
Here's an interesting take on how to deal with break-ups:
Love at first sight explained:
I especially liked his "I won the Lottery!" video:
Anyway, spend half an hour going through his videos if you feel like it. In my opinion, Dean Leysen is a very intelligent person well worth listening to.
In his YouTube channel he is addressing a view common criticisms, and he also adds some pretty good explanations, too, like in the following video, where he explains what mirror neurons are and why overanalyzing what the other person's reaction towards your behavior might be will only bite you in the a**:
Here's an interesting take on how to deal with break-ups:
Love at first sight explained:
I especially liked his "I won the Lottery!" video:
Anyway, spend half an hour going through his videos if you feel like it. In my opinion, Dean Leysen is a very intelligent person well worth listening to.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
This could be the End of Online Dating as we know it. Seriously!
I promised to do more on Vin DiCarlo, but unfortunately I find his emails impossible to read. First I smile, then I laugh, but unfortunately, I too quickly get bored with them, so it might take me a while before I devote myself to this bullshitter again.
Fortunately, there are more interesting topics I have come across. For instance, very recently a friend of mine mentioned software algorithms that are able to make pictures of faces much more appealing. Just have a look at this:
That's pretty amazing, isn't it? You almost wonder how the woman on the left managed to get such a beautiful daughter.
Fortunately, there are more interesting topics I have come across. For instance, very recently a friend of mine mentioned software algorithms that are able to make pictures of faces much more appealing. Just have a look at this:
That's a before/after no cosmetic surgeon will be able to produce |
That's pretty amazing, isn't it? You almost wonder how the woman on the left managed to get such a beautiful daughter.
My buddy was joking that should there once be an app that lets people "fix" their pictures, it will be the end of online dating. Frankly, I think given that there usually seem to be x years and 3 times x pounds between a girl's image on an online dating site and her real self, you can easily see where this will be going. At first, some girls will start just making their forehead a bit higher or their face a bit rounder, and before you know it, they'll all do it. Heck, I bet Tyler from Real Social Dynamics would love to get his hands on such an app as well. After all, it works for videos, too.
For the more scientifically inclined, there has been quite a some research on what constitutes a beautiful face. If you've got access to pubmed, you can check out a study called "An objective system for measuring facial attractiveness". Otherwise, surely, this popular science article will do as well. It even contains some PUA jargon. :P
Friday, August 12, 2011
Upcoming: Illuminatus interviews Aaron Sleazy
My little piece on Vin DiCarlo and loneliness wasn't the surprise I had hinted at in my little teaser on the upcoming German translation of Sleazy Stories. No, it's something even better: while I have been incredibly busy the last 10 months or so, I'm now in the fortunate position to finally see some of my projects come to fruition. I've previously mentioned another book I'm working on already, but there is much more going on behind the scenes, such as an interview with Illuminatus. You may know him as Corvette from mASF, but like pretty much every other big name, he doesn't post there anymore.
I've been in email conversation with Illuminatus for about three years now. At first, he took an intense interest in what I called "God Mode", a state of mind in which picking up girls is about as challenging as picking your nose. There was some confusion about the concept. For instance, people often mixed it up with the nonsense concept of "state" (acting as if you are drunk and pretend to be a rude a**hole) or "Social God Mode" (a phrase my buddy Sixty coined, which refers to a person who is naturally outgoing and nonchalantly talking to everyone in the bar). While I have been exchanging many thoughts with him, about a year ago he approached me with the idea of doing an interview for his forum, Personal Power Meditation, to explore some issues relevant to personal development as well as seduction in a broader context, and to the benefit of all.
The end result was a long dialogue in which Illuminatus picked my brain on mental states, meditation, perception of reality, philosophy of life, women, and everything in between. Currently, the text is undergoing its final editing phase, but it will be posted very soon. Once the text has been green-lighted, Illuminatus will release it, and I'll let you know about it immediately afterwards.
Look forward to it!
I've been in email conversation with Illuminatus for about three years now. At first, he took an intense interest in what I called "God Mode", a state of mind in which picking up girls is about as challenging as picking your nose. There was some confusion about the concept. For instance, people often mixed it up with the nonsense concept of "state" (acting as if you are drunk and pretend to be a rude a**hole) or "Social God Mode" (a phrase my buddy Sixty coined, which refers to a person who is naturally outgoing and nonchalantly talking to everyone in the bar). While I have been exchanging many thoughts with him, about a year ago he approached me with the idea of doing an interview for his forum, Personal Power Meditation, to explore some issues relevant to personal development as well as seduction in a broader context, and to the benefit of all.
The end result was a long dialogue in which Illuminatus picked my brain on mental states, meditation, perception of reality, philosophy of life, women, and everything in between. Currently, the text is undergoing its final editing phase, but it will be posted very soon. Once the text has been green-lighted, Illuminatus will release it, and I'll let you know about it immediately afterwards.
Look forward to it!
Teaser: Cover of German Edition of Sleazy Stories
The German edition of Sleazy Stories with the title "Schmierige Geschichten" will be released very soon. If everything goes according to plan, which it so far does, you'll be able to order it next week already. I will release a sample PDF file as well. A dedicated page on my official website is already up and will be updated in due time.
To wet your appetite, here is the modified cover image:
The tone is a bit darker compared to the English edition, but the reason is simple: When I was going through the text again, it struck me that the cover should match the nature of my thoughts a bit more closely. As an additional bonus for art historians, there is some hidden symbolism in the cover design as well. No, I am not kidding.
(EDIT: With a bit of weed, one could probably even identify a third allusion.)
To wet your appetite, here is the modified cover image:
The tone is a bit darker compared to the English edition, but the reason is simple: When I was going through the text again, it struck me that the cover should match the nature of my thoughts a bit more closely. As an additional bonus for art historians, there is some hidden symbolism in the cover design as well. No, I am not kidding.
(EDIT: With a bit of weed, one could probably even identify a third allusion.)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Are you as lonely as Vin DiCarlo?
I promised to dissect a few of Vin DiCarlo's email newsletters, but unfortunately I barely made it past the title of his latest one, which was called:
"The Loneliest Day Of My Life.."
First, I remembered this:
After a laugh I kept on reading, despite the lousy intro:
...I knew there was no way I'm going to make it through that drivel. I did try, though, but I quickly realized that it was just one very simple idea drawn out to utterly bizarre length, and the idea was:
No shit, Sherlock! Of course, with the exception of non-verbal pickups, you have to start a conversation or at least be able to sustain one if you want to get anywhere. However it is far from being the "secret" that gets you laid. What's next, telling guys that they have to tie their shoes if they want to get their dick wet? If I wanted to be a smart-ass I would now waffle on about the difference between a necessary and a sufficient condition, but it's easy enough to see what the problem is --- except if you are Vin DiCarlo's Internet lackey who has to come up with those nonsensical newsletters.
However, let's talk about a more serious issue here: loneliness. Yeah, I know, we are all afraid of dying alone and being found half-rotten six weeks later because the neighbors start to wonder about the nasty smell coming from our apartment --- and then the whole world will know how despicable we were, and how pathetic.
But let's be real here: loneliness is a feeling and has nothing to do whether you actually are alone or not. You may even have heard of expression such as "the lonely crowd", and while you may not have been familiar with the landmark sociological study I just linked to, you surely know the feeling of sitting with a group of friends or acquaintances and being emotionally distant --- because something else concerns you, and you know you can't share it with the people around you because they won't understand. (Maybe it's as simple as wanting to talk about "common sense" when in a group of PUAs. It just won't work.)
It is obvious that the seduction industry targets the fears of men who feel socially rejected or otherwise unworthy because they lack a woman in their life. But, frankly, had they been with a lot of women, they would know that this will not necessarily change their state of mind. In fact, some of your loneliest moments can be when you are waking up next to a woman you have no desire for anymore. This is a not so uncommon occurrence if you are going through a string of one-night stands and operate solely based on your horniness. Once you've gotten your rocks off, your motivation of having that woman around will drop to zero. For obvious reasons, no "PUA" will ever tell you this because they either barely get laid and thus don't know about this, or because they are afraid that sharing this bit of information would repel potential customers as it destroys the illusion they have created.
If you think my last paragraph was overly misogynistic, then please consider how you use porn. Of course, an argument can be made that directors like Jules Jordan have added an hitherto unknown esthetical component to the genre, and there is much to be said if favour of that position. But, frankly, there is usually a reason why you watch a porn clip instead of some art house film. And how do you do it? Well, you may even have some favourite stars, so you check out random websites and think, "Mmm, Blown By Sativa Rose & Lela Star surely sounds tempting." Thus, you play the video, do your thing, and once you've blown your load --- you are probably not going to finish watching the scene, or are you? Instead, you are much more likely to smile and think, "Now there is no need for that anymore." And as shocking as it may sound, the very same can happen if you go through a lot of women and mainly use them for sexual gratification. Also, if there are any femi-nazis reading this: sexually active women are no different from men in this regard, so keep your misandrist whining to yourself, bitches!
Of course, not everyone wants to bang a lot of girls (because they are brainwashed with pc-nonsense) and want to settle down with "that particular girl", no matter what she looks like, instead. But what do you think how this will be? Yes, you will be less "alone", but this doesn't mean you won't feel lonely anymore. If loneliness was an issue for you before you've entered the relationship, it may very well remain an issue in the relationship. Or do you honestly believe that just one woman on this planet will be able to relate to anything you say? Of course, there will be many areas where she would have absolutely nothing to contribute because it is outside the scope of her interests.
Lastly, as an excurse, I'd like to add that the fact that you will be less alone in a relationship can have grave consequences, too, because if you are a man with serious interests, whatever they may be, you may soon find that suddenly things aren't going so well anymore. Heck, you may even wonder what happened to all your spare time. Maybe you'll even start think that you are not as sharp anymore. But why, oh why, could this be the case?
Of course, if you've got no ambition and no interests whatsoever, then you may as well just marry some random chick (and get taken to the cleaners in your divorce five years later), but if this is not the case, which I assume simply because I attract a smart readership judging from the emails I get, then please read an important study by Satoshi Kanazawa, who is now teaching at the London School of Economics. It is called "Why productivity fades with age: The crime–genius connection" But guess what the main issue of fading productivity in marriage is:
It makes you think, doesn't it?
So, the next time you feel lonely, just devote yourself to your interests, and you'll notice that those feelings will quickly dissipate.
"The Loneliest Day Of My Life.."
First, I remembered this:
After a laugh I kept on reading, despite the lousy intro:
Welcome Back To The Sucess With Women Newsletter
In this issue, I give you the secret to having tons of friends... an active social life... great business connections... a powerful social network... and women who walk up to you and introduce themselves, without you saying a word.
Enjoy :-)
- Vin
...I knew there was no way I'm going to make it through that drivel. I did try, though, but I quickly realized that it was just one very simple idea drawn out to utterly bizarre length, and the idea was:
This Secret Is The Difference Between Being Single & Alone, And Having Tons Of Hot Girlfriends, Loyal Friends And An Active Social Life...
The secret is this:
Getting over your fear of starting a conversation and talking to people is the secret to having an active social life, tons of friends, sex whenever you want it and the hottest girlfriend you can possibly imagine.
No shit, Sherlock! Of course, with the exception of non-verbal pickups, you have to start a conversation or at least be able to sustain one if you want to get anywhere. However it is far from being the "secret" that gets you laid. What's next, telling guys that they have to tie their shoes if they want to get their dick wet? If I wanted to be a smart-ass I would now waffle on about the difference between a necessary and a sufficient condition, but it's easy enough to see what the problem is --- except if you are Vin DiCarlo's Internet lackey who has to come up with those nonsensical newsletters.
However, let's talk about a more serious issue here: loneliness. Yeah, I know, we are all afraid of dying alone and being found half-rotten six weeks later because the neighbors start to wonder about the nasty smell coming from our apartment --- and then the whole world will know how despicable we were, and how pathetic.
But let's be real here: loneliness is a feeling and has nothing to do whether you actually are alone or not. You may even have heard of expression such as "the lonely crowd", and while you may not have been familiar with the landmark sociological study I just linked to, you surely know the feeling of sitting with a group of friends or acquaintances and being emotionally distant --- because something else concerns you, and you know you can't share it with the people around you because they won't understand. (Maybe it's as simple as wanting to talk about "common sense" when in a group of PUAs. It just won't work.)
It is obvious that the seduction industry targets the fears of men who feel socially rejected or otherwise unworthy because they lack a woman in their life. But, frankly, had they been with a lot of women, they would know that this will not necessarily change their state of mind. In fact, some of your loneliest moments can be when you are waking up next to a woman you have no desire for anymore. This is a not so uncommon occurrence if you are going through a string of one-night stands and operate solely based on your horniness. Once you've gotten your rocks off, your motivation of having that woman around will drop to zero. For obvious reasons, no "PUA" will ever tell you this because they either barely get laid and thus don't know about this, or because they are afraid that sharing this bit of information would repel potential customers as it destroys the illusion they have created.
If you think my last paragraph was overly misogynistic, then please consider how you use porn. Of course, an argument can be made that directors like Jules Jordan have added an hitherto unknown esthetical component to the genre, and there is much to be said if favour of that position. But, frankly, there is usually a reason why you watch a porn clip instead of some art house film. And how do you do it? Well, you may even have some favourite stars, so you check out random websites and think, "Mmm, Blown By Sativa Rose & Lela Star surely sounds tempting." Thus, you play the video, do your thing, and once you've blown your load --- you are probably not going to finish watching the scene, or are you? Instead, you are much more likely to smile and think, "Now there is no need for that anymore." And as shocking as it may sound, the very same can happen if you go through a lot of women and mainly use them for sexual gratification. Also, if there are any femi-nazis reading this: sexually active women are no different from men in this regard, so keep your misandrist whining to yourself, bitches!
Of course, not everyone wants to bang a lot of girls (because they are brainwashed with pc-nonsense) and want to settle down with "that particular girl", no matter what she looks like, instead. But what do you think how this will be? Yes, you will be less "alone", but this doesn't mean you won't feel lonely anymore. If loneliness was an issue for you before you've entered the relationship, it may very well remain an issue in the relationship. Or do you honestly believe that just one woman on this planet will be able to relate to anything you say? Of course, there will be many areas where she would have absolutely nothing to contribute because it is outside the scope of her interests.
Lastly, as an excurse, I'd like to add that the fact that you will be less alone in a relationship can have grave consequences, too, because if you are a man with serious interests, whatever they may be, you may soon find that suddenly things aren't going so well anymore. Heck, you may even wonder what happened to all your spare time. Maybe you'll even start think that you are not as sharp anymore. But why, oh why, could this be the case?
Of course, if you've got no ambition and no interests whatsoever, then you may as well just marry some random chick (and get taken to the cleaners in your divorce five years later), but if this is not the case, which I assume simply because I attract a smart readership judging from the emails I get, then please read an important study by Satoshi Kanazawa, who is now teaching at the London School of Economics. It is called "Why productivity fades with age: The crime–genius connection" But guess what the main issue of fading productivity in marriage is:
Crime and genius share something else in common: Marriage depresses both. (...) [E]xpressions of genius among scientists who never married do not decline sharply. Half as many (50.0%) unmarried scientists make their greatest contributions in their late 50s as they do in their late 20s. The corresponding percentage among the married scientists is 4.2%.
It makes you think, doesn't it?
So, the next time you feel lonely, just devote yourself to your interests, and you'll notice that those feelings will quickly dissipate.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Quick Update on German Translation of Sleazy Stories
If you have been waiting for the German translation of Sleazy Stories, which I've kept hinting at for possibly a year now, I can assure you that the wait will very soon be over. All that is left to do right now are some minor modifications with the cover design. Expect the release announcement within a few days.
My non-German speaking fan crowd has no reason to despair either: I'll have a nice little revelation for you tomorrow.
If you have been waiting for the German translation of Sleazy Stories, which I've kept hinting at for possibly a year now, I can assure you that the wait will very soon be over. All that is left to do right now are some minor modifications with the cover design. Expect the release announcement within a few days.
My non-German speaking fan crowd has no reason to despair either: I'll have a nice little revelation for you tomorrow.
Sleazy recommends: Scotty from Goodlookingloser.com
If you've been following my blog and my articles for a while, you'll undoubtedly have noticed that I hardly ever recommend guys in the "pick up industry". But some days ago I have added a link to "Good Looking Loser" in the side bar. Now you may wonder what this is about.
Of course, at first "Good Looking Loser" may look like just any other company in the market, but the reality is far different. While the "professional" PUAs I have met in London and other cities only made me laugh, I had the good fortune to meet up with Scotty on my two trips to the USA last year. We have a common acquaintance, and that guy said I should meet him because he had a feeling we would get along great. I did not know what to expect, not knowing much else except that Scotty was a guy that loved hitting the clubs --- and with that we had one thing in common already. The other was that Scotty was not a "PUA" but simply a guy who is amazing with women. If you told him that you need an "opener" to talk to a girl, he would just laugh at you, and rightly so.
One fine Thursday night we hang out in the Lower East Side in Manhattan, and it was kind of a slow night, so Scotty asks me whether I wanted to check out Long Island with him. We did that, and we had a blast, and in the end we hung out four or five nights in a row, checking out places in Manhattan and on Long Island. But this post is not about me having a blast with Scotty. It is about me vouching for this guy's ability to pull in literally any club you put him in. It may be a dingy joint off Delancey Street in which you can't even lock the toilets, and he may say, "I don't know, man, I usually don't go to such places", while I may wax lyrical about how great the music is --- and moments later he'll be busy in a corner with some hot girl. But the same can happen in an up-scale venue on Long Island (in which I obviously wouldn't praise the music), and anything in between. Heck, you can't even let him check out a bar on his own, because he may just come back out less than two minutes later, dragging a girl behind him. That's the kind of guy he is!
If you want to work with someone to improve your bar or club game in New York City, Scotty is the guy to go to. In my life, I have only met about a handful of guys I consider truly great with women, and he is the only one of those guys you could hire. So, if you are in the NYC area and are looking for a coach, you should seriously consider him. He gets two thumbs up from me.
Scotty |
One fine Thursday night we hang out in the Lower East Side in Manhattan, and it was kind of a slow night, so Scotty asks me whether I wanted to check out Long Island with him. We did that, and we had a blast, and in the end we hung out four or five nights in a row, checking out places in Manhattan and on Long Island. But this post is not about me having a blast with Scotty. It is about me vouching for this guy's ability to pull in literally any club you put him in. It may be a dingy joint off Delancey Street in which you can't even lock the toilets, and he may say, "I don't know, man, I usually don't go to such places", while I may wax lyrical about how great the music is --- and moments later he'll be busy in a corner with some hot girl. But the same can happen in an up-scale venue on Long Island (in which I obviously wouldn't praise the music), and anything in between. Heck, you can't even let him check out a bar on his own, because he may just come back out less than two minutes later, dragging a girl behind him. That's the kind of guy he is!
If you want to work with someone to improve your bar or club game in New York City, Scotty is the guy to go to. In my life, I have only met about a handful of guys I consider truly great with women, and he is the only one of those guys you could hire. So, if you are in the NYC area and are looking for a coach, you should seriously consider him. He gets two thumbs up from me.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Assanova is back
In case you have missed it, Assanova is back under a new URL, which is called Real Made Men. All his classic posts are back, too.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Student of BradP dates widespread bikini girl image!
Whenever you think that the people in the seduction industry have hit a new low, such as BradP with his "two IT guys", it doesn't take much until you realize that this was just the beginning. So, to use one of RSD's Tyler Durden's favourite metaphors, "Let's venture deeper down the rabbit hole."
While it was fishy enough that BradP used an image that was spread on other websites, as my first source pointed out, another reader was quick to direct me to Google Images, a picture search engine. He was kind enough to create a permanent link as well. Now, please take some minutes and click on that link. The results will really blow your mind!
Hold your breath --- because we get 720 results for that image!
For a nice visual representation of it, please check this gallery. It's so absurd, I had to take a screen shot of it:
But don't worry, you have seen nothing yet. You can in fact scroll through pages full of the exact same image (apart from differences in resolution). As that reader pointed out, "She's quite a popular girlfriend!" Yes, indeed.
The very first entries Google records date back to 2007. Here's, for instance, a thread on the Rotten Tomatoes forum from August 2007, where a guy claims that the image was "Some random girl someone randomly posted on eBaums." And in 2011 some random PUA who claims to be the "#1 rated PUA in the world" pulls some shady marketing out of his a** and uses that very same picture! Someone clearly thinks his potential customers are utter morons.
Lastly, for the mathematically challenged among the PUAs, I want to point out that 2011 minus 2007 equals f*cking four years, and now tell me who in their right mind would send you a four year old picture of their girl?
The only question I have for BradP, though, is whether the girl was a "surgeon" back then already, or whether she has finished her training after that picture was taken. :P
While it was fishy enough that BradP used an image that was spread on other websites, as my first source pointed out, another reader was quick to direct me to Google Images, a picture search engine. He was kind enough to create a permanent link as well. Now, please take some minutes and click on that link. The results will really blow your mind!
Hold your breath --- because we get 720 results for that image!
For a nice visual representation of it, please check this gallery. It's so absurd, I had to take a screen shot of it:
But don't worry, you have seen nothing yet. You can in fact scroll through pages full of the exact same image (apart from differences in resolution). As that reader pointed out, "She's quite a popular girlfriend!" Yes, indeed.
The very first entries Google records date back to 2007. Here's, for instance, a thread on the Rotten Tomatoes forum from August 2007, where a guy claims that the image was "Some random girl someone randomly posted on eBaums." And in 2011 some random PUA who claims to be the "#1 rated PUA in the world" pulls some shady marketing out of his a** and uses that very same picture! Someone clearly thinks his potential customers are utter morons.
Lastly, for the mathematically challenged among the PUAs, I want to point out that 2011 minus 2007 equals f*cking four years, and now tell me who in their right mind would send you a four year old picture of their girl?
The only question I have for BradP, though, is whether the girl was a "surgeon" back then already, or whether she has finished her training after that picture was taken. :P
BradP, I'm onto you!
During the last year or so, BradP managed to rise to the position of one of my favourite bullshitters in the pickup industry. This guy loves to spout out how "authentic" he is, and how much "street cred" he has. Hell, he is as authentic as a fake leather jacket.
I'll reserve some longer future posts on his nonsensical back story and his shady marketing practices, but for today, a nice short post shall suffice. While I am not a big fan of anybody in the industry, I considered BradP to be comparatively "solid", which was why I didn't bother posting anything about him. In comparison to guys like Vin DiCarlo he is, after all, just a choirboy. But he certainly ventured off into the shady side of the Internet.
Recently, I got contacted by a guy who sent me some info on BradP's most recent marketing stunt. I'll let the guy speak for himself:
Well, we all know how the others are like.
Also, it's obvious that if you roll in dough, you'll have plenty of girls. So, I won't bother to discuss this one issue. I've done so many times, especially in my free ebook "Debunking the Seduction Community".
But before I'll show you the incriminating evidence, let's talk about BradP's bullshit marketing for a second. In fact, it is probably a sign of his delusions of grandeur to actually mock his already paying customers. He must think that those guys are utter morons.
For one, even if it was true that there were two guys, and one became a millionaire (over night or what?), and the other didn't, it's not as if this was in any way scientific because there is too little that is known about the guys, besides the fact that they both "work in IT". For all we know, one could have been the CTO of Hewlett-Packard, and the other a data-entry clerk at RadioShack.
In either case, the "successful" guy just sounds like an insecure buffoon with a constant need to brag. Just have a look at his alleged email:
Frankly, can you even imagine anyone sending something like this? Well, I could, if my task was to come up with a text that appeals to the basic human emotion of "greed".
Also, IF the whole story is actually true, which I doubt it is, then the additional problem is that picking your evidence after the fact is nothing but misleading. This is actually a much bigger problem that is not so uncommon in the world of Big Pharma, and usually the source of much controversy, and sometimes it leads to settlements that are worth billions of dollars.
Just compare those two scenarios:
1) "I coach 100 guys and if just one of them reaches any kind of success, for whichever reason, I'll feature him prominently in my marketing materials".
2) "I have this new drug here and administer it to 100 people. Of course, in the study I have to publish, I'll only discuss the group of the people in which there was a positive effect."
This phenomenon is broadly called Selection Bias, but if you read the Wikipedia article, also check out the "related issues" section as it is relevant, too.
However, BradP's oh-so superior intellect apparently didn't make him realize that his marketing copy really bites him in the ass. After all, he claims to have worked with the same two guys --- and one succeeded while the other didn't. Yet, he claims responsibility only for the allegedly great success of one guy, but not for the failure of the other. Isn't this just a little bit odd?
Here's a quote from his website:
For the logically inclined among my readers: there are only two plausible options in this fantasy setting BradP describes:
1) Either he has coached both of them
2) Or he has coached none of them
...because why else would you even bother to compare them if your business is selling bullshit, err, pickup coaching.
In the first scenario, Brad did coach those two guys, if they even exist, and even though one may have reached great financial (and thus romantic) success, the other, the unsuccessful one, has also spent tons of cash on BradP's teaching. Yet, he still gets nowhere. If you ask me, that's a fairly moronic way of admitting that your coaching, or pickup coaching in general, doesn't really work. Nice one, BradP!
Besides, if the unsuccessful guy really exists, how classy must it be to be made fun of in an advertisement page? Classy, BradP, really classy!
Now let's consider the second scenario, that is, if BradP didn't coach any of those guys. If this was the case, then the other one "automatically" got good without (!) BradP's help, meaning that he has had "rock solid inner game" already. Only in this scenario would BradP have an excuse for the failure of the other guy because, hey, he hasn't worked with him. So, once again, logic comes to bite lil' BradP in the ass. Hard.
So, which scenario would you rather pick, dear BradP? Frankly, it doesn't even matter because if you try to defend either scenario, you show that you can't think logically. However, BradP's marketing copy clearly states in the beginning, "Let me tell you a story about two of my students." That's a pretty sobering though, huh, BradP? Surely your assistant "Drew" agrees too. Maybe tell him to rewrite the copy. Or maybe he'll send me another lame email in which he's asking to remove something from my website. So, hello "Drew"! I hope you're doing fine, and I can't wait to hear from you again.
As a last remark, I'll let you furthermore know that the whole "inner game" spiel is nonsense. The only true path to "inner game" I know is based on spiritualism, and I'm not talking about Tolle's "Power of Now" here. However, if you really devote yourself to this path and succeed, you won't bother about girls and material possessions anymore because you'll be beyond that. Or can you imagine the Dalai Lama chasing after some blonde bimbo in some LA club, and later on telling his friends that he's bought a condo for 2 million dollars? Frankly, that dude in the email has zero inner game and strikes me as having the ego of a five-year old who has to tell the other kids at kindergarden how much larger his collection of toys is.
Also, someone with sound "inner game" would think twice before sending out an email with an image of a girl that also shows up elsewhere on the Internet:
I'll be back with more laughs on BradP. Stay tuned!
I'll reserve some longer future posts on his nonsensical back story and his shady marketing practices, but for today, a nice short post shall suffice. While I am not a big fan of anybody in the industry, I considered BradP to be comparatively "solid", which was why I didn't bother posting anything about him. In comparison to guys like Vin DiCarlo he is, after all, just a choirboy. But he certainly ventured off into the shady side of the Internet.
Recently, I got contacted by a guy who sent me some info on BradP's most recent marketing stunt. I'll let the guy speak for himself:
I hope you post this on your blog. I can't believe how shitty this seduction industry is. In an effort to continue to expose their fraud, this time, lets talk about BradP.
Recently he posted on his website, a product called Secrets of Inner Game. In that he says he started coaching 2 guys with IT jobs, one of whom remained there, one of whom went on to start his own company and become a millionaire. The millionaire guy is dating hot chicks and magically this is because of his "rock-solid inner game" and not because he is a millionaire. And somehow, all of this is because of him and his "secrets of inner game".
But hey, if this wasn't bad enough, he has the posted a screenshot of this guy emailing him a picture of this girl. I have attached a screenshot of his webpage. I have also attached the screenshot of a picture from another webpage. Somehow the two girls look suspiciously similar
Literally, this BradP guy is supposed to be THE best in the community. I don't even want to think what others are like.
Well, we all know how the others are like.
Also, it's obvious that if you roll in dough, you'll have plenty of girls. So, I won't bother to discuss this one issue. I've done so many times, especially in my free ebook "Debunking the Seduction Community".
But before I'll show you the incriminating evidence, let's talk about BradP's bullshit marketing for a second. In fact, it is probably a sign of his delusions of grandeur to actually mock his already paying customers. He must think that those guys are utter morons.
For one, even if it was true that there were two guys, and one became a millionaire (over night or what?), and the other didn't, it's not as if this was in any way scientific because there is too little that is known about the guys, besides the fact that they both "work in IT". For all we know, one could have been the CTO of Hewlett-Packard, and the other a data-entry clerk at RadioShack.
In either case, the "successful" guy just sounds like an insecure buffoon with a constant need to brag. Just have a look at his alleged email:
Frankly, can you even imagine anyone sending something like this? Well, I could, if my task was to come up with a text that appeals to the basic human emotion of "greed".
Also, IF the whole story is actually true, which I doubt it is, then the additional problem is that picking your evidence after the fact is nothing but misleading. This is actually a much bigger problem that is not so uncommon in the world of Big Pharma, and usually the source of much controversy, and sometimes it leads to settlements that are worth billions of dollars.
Just compare those two scenarios:
1) "I coach 100 guys and if just one of them reaches any kind of success, for whichever reason, I'll feature him prominently in my marketing materials".
2) "I have this new drug here and administer it to 100 people. Of course, in the study I have to publish, I'll only discuss the group of the people in which there was a positive effect."
This phenomenon is broadly called Selection Bias, but if you read the Wikipedia article, also check out the "related issues" section as it is relevant, too.
However, BradP's oh-so superior intellect apparently didn't make him realize that his marketing copy really bites him in the ass. After all, he claims to have worked with the same two guys --- and one succeeded while the other didn't. Yet, he claims responsibility only for the allegedly great success of one guy, but not for the failure of the other. Isn't this just a little bit odd?
Here's a quote from his website:
Now let me tell you about the second guy...
This story isn't as pretty.
The second guy is working at the exact same entry-level job he was five years ago. He's still bitter about women. He can't really get girls attracted to him, and if he gets lucky... she never sticks around. He rarely gets a date. He wouldn't even tell me how long it had been since he last had sex... probably because he was embarassed it had been so long. He still goes out to bars and clubs trying to meet women, but he always goes home alone. He feels like a total loser.
Do you know what the difference is between these two guys?
The Successful Guy Has ROCK-SOLID Inner Game
For the logically inclined among my readers: there are only two plausible options in this fantasy setting BradP describes:
1) Either he has coached both of them
2) Or he has coached none of them
...because why else would you even bother to compare them if your business is selling bullshit, err, pickup coaching.
In the first scenario, Brad did coach those two guys, if they even exist, and even though one may have reached great financial (and thus romantic) success, the other, the unsuccessful one, has also spent tons of cash on BradP's teaching. Yet, he still gets nowhere. If you ask me, that's a fairly moronic way of admitting that your coaching, or pickup coaching in general, doesn't really work. Nice one, BradP!
Besides, if the unsuccessful guy really exists, how classy must it be to be made fun of in an advertisement page? Classy, BradP, really classy!
Now let's consider the second scenario, that is, if BradP didn't coach any of those guys. If this was the case, then the other one "automatically" got good without (!) BradP's help, meaning that he has had "rock solid inner game" already. Only in this scenario would BradP have an excuse for the failure of the other guy because, hey, he hasn't worked with him. So, once again, logic comes to bite lil' BradP in the ass. Hard.
So, which scenario would you rather pick, dear BradP? Frankly, it doesn't even matter because if you try to defend either scenario, you show that you can't think logically. However, BradP's marketing copy clearly states in the beginning, "Let me tell you a story about two of my students." That's a pretty sobering though, huh, BradP? Surely your assistant "Drew" agrees too. Maybe tell him to rewrite the copy. Or maybe he'll send me another lame email in which he's asking to remove something from my website. So, hello "Drew"! I hope you're doing fine, and I can't wait to hear from you again.
As a last remark, I'll let you furthermore know that the whole "inner game" spiel is nonsense. The only true path to "inner game" I know is based on spiritualism, and I'm not talking about Tolle's "Power of Now" here. However, if you really devote yourself to this path and succeed, you won't bother about girls and material possessions anymore because you'll be beyond that. Or can you imagine the Dalai Lama chasing after some blonde bimbo in some LA club, and later on telling his friends that he's bought a condo for 2 million dollars? Frankly, that dude in the email has zero inner game and strikes me as having the ego of a five-year old who has to tell the other kids at kindergarden how much larger his collection of toys is.
Also, someone with sound "inner game" would think twice before sending out an email with an image of a girl that also shows up elsewhere on the Internet:
I'll be back with more laughs on BradP. Stay tuned!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Joint Seminar with Illuminatus & Aaron Sleazy / Nottingham, England / 27th August 2011
it is my great pleasure to announce my upcoming seminar with Illuminatus aka. Corvette. If you have first come across my articles when I was still actively posting on seduction forums, you have surely read some of his writings as well, and if not, I urge you to check out his homepage as he has written a great number of interesting articles, and recently he has released his first book, too. Please note that this will be my only seminar in 2011.
Illuminatus will speak on overcoming social anxieties, a topic most relevant for seduction. My talk will be based on my upcoming third book, in which I will outline the by far clearest, simplest, and easiest to implement "method" of seduction. It will blow your socks off!
The full announcement is attached.
Best regards,
Aaron Sleazy
Joint Seminar with Illuminatus & Aaron Sleazy / Nottingham, England / 27th August 2011
Illuminatus (http://www.personalpowermeditation.com) and Aaron Sleazy (http://www.aaronsleazy.com) team up for a seminar for anyone interested in fixing fundamental issues about social anxieties. While Illuminatus will talk about the topic of social anxiety in general, Aaron Sleazy will tell you how to put this knowledge to good use when it comes to bedding women.
The seminar will take place on 27th August 2011 in Nottingham, England (*), in a central, easy-to-access location.
Start: 4.00pm
End: 8.00pm
(*) Nottingham can easily be reached via Birmingham Airport or East Midlands Airport. Also, there are very frequent train and bus rides to and from London.
The Speakers
Illuminatus is a leading authority on meditation and personal development. He has enjoyed a cult following on the seduction forum mASF as "Corvette", and has gained widespread attention due to his ability to analyse social interactions and emotional states at a level deeper than anybody else. Due to the dogmatic and restrictive nature of seduction-related forums, he searched for other venues to discuss his insights, but being discontented, he founded Personal Power Meditation in 2009. He has recently released his first book, "The End of Social Anxiety", which establishes a comprehensive model of the formation and experience of social anxiety and provides straightforward and easy-to-understand practical exercises to facilitate a total recovery from the condition.
Aaron Sleazy first gained notoriety on mASF also. He is mostly known for a very quick style of sexual escalation and seduction that is completely opposed to the mainstream dogmas advocating processes which, in his view, are countereffective in most cases. Due to his outstanding success and rapidly growing popularity, the owners of mASF saw their financial success threatened and consequently banned him and anyone associated with him. Since then, Aaron Sleazy has built his own presence on the Internet and released two books. His first book, "Sleazy Stories", is an illustration of his extremely powerful style of seduction. In his second book, "Debunking the Seduction Community", he attacked the seduction industry for teaching ineffective methods and financially exploiting desperate men. He is currently working on a third book, which will reveal the basics of seduction. This work is influenced by his experience as a seducer and coach, and thus focuses on relatively simple steps which anybody can do to improve their level of success.
1) Illuminatus on Overcoming Social Anxiety (90 min)
- What social anxiety is and its negative behavioural effects
- Your reality model: Beliefs at the core of social anxiety, how those beliefs were formed, and how they manifest to affect your behaviour today
- Why drugs (including alcohol) aren't a long-term solution
- How to experience your anxiety intentionally and think about it more like a scientist
- Seeing how your brain edits your reality via 'overlays', and training yourself to detach from those overlays
- Understanding equanimity and training yourself to stop labelling emotions "good" and "bad" in order to reduce resistance and suffering
- The biological basis of the stress response: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and how to manipulate them intentionally
- Cultivating unconditional happiness by changing your perspectives, plus exercises for feeling good on purpose
- How to deal with trauma and other "bad things" when they arise
2) Break: 15 min
3) Aaron Sleazy on Foundations of Success with Women (90 min)
- Figuring out what you want and whether you can get it
- Why some men are successful, but most are not
- What women want, and what you can do if you can't quite deliver
- Some easy fixes, some hard ones, and some impossible ones
- Various roadblocks and how to overcome them
- Realistic expectations, a.k.a. becoming the "Guy Next Door"
- Meeting girls in different scenarios (work, nightclubs, and everywhere in between except online)
- Minimal investment, maximal outcome
- Starting and ending relationships
4) Break: 15 min
5) Joint Q&A Session: 45 min
Registration details
1) Send an email to illuminatus@personalpowermeditation.com
2) Either pay 69.00 pounds (GBP) via PayPal (offer valid until: 12th August 2011)
or pay 89.00 pounds at the door (cash only)
3) You will receive a confirmation of your registration and, if applicable, of your PayPal payment as well, within 24 hours
4) You will be informed about the exact location of the seminar in due time
See you soon in Nottingham!
Best regards,
Illuminatus & Aaron Sleazy
it is my great pleasure to announce my upcoming seminar with Illuminatus aka. Corvette. If you have first come across my articles when I was still actively posting on seduction forums, you have surely read some of his writings as well, and if not, I urge you to check out his homepage as he has written a great number of interesting articles, and recently he has released his first book, too. Please note that this will be my only seminar in 2011.
Illuminatus will speak on overcoming social anxieties, a topic most relevant for seduction. My talk will be based on my upcoming third book, in which I will outline the by far clearest, simplest, and easiest to implement "method" of seduction. It will blow your socks off!
The full announcement is attached.
Best regards,
Aaron Sleazy
Joint Seminar with Illuminatus & Aaron Sleazy / Nottingham, England / 27th August 2011
Illuminatus (http://www.personalpowermeditation.com) and Aaron Sleazy (http://www.aaronsleazy.com) team up for a seminar for anyone interested in fixing fundamental issues about social anxieties. While Illuminatus will talk about the topic of social anxiety in general, Aaron Sleazy will tell you how to put this knowledge to good use when it comes to bedding women.
The seminar will take place on 27th August 2011 in Nottingham, England (*), in a central, easy-to-access location.
Start: 4.00pm
End: 8.00pm
(*) Nottingham can easily be reached via Birmingham Airport or East Midlands Airport. Also, there are very frequent train and bus rides to and from London.
The Speakers
Illuminatus is a leading authority on meditation and personal development. He has enjoyed a cult following on the seduction forum mASF as "Corvette", and has gained widespread attention due to his ability to analyse social interactions and emotional states at a level deeper than anybody else. Due to the dogmatic and restrictive nature of seduction-related forums, he searched for other venues to discuss his insights, but being discontented, he founded Personal Power Meditation in 2009. He has recently released his first book, "The End of Social Anxiety", which establishes a comprehensive model of the formation and experience of social anxiety and provides straightforward and easy-to-understand practical exercises to facilitate a total recovery from the condition.
Aaron Sleazy first gained notoriety on mASF also. He is mostly known for a very quick style of sexual escalation and seduction that is completely opposed to the mainstream dogmas advocating processes which, in his view, are countereffective in most cases. Due to his outstanding success and rapidly growing popularity, the owners of mASF saw their financial success threatened and consequently banned him and anyone associated with him. Since then, Aaron Sleazy has built his own presence on the Internet and released two books. His first book, "Sleazy Stories", is an illustration of his extremely powerful style of seduction. In his second book, "Debunking the Seduction Community", he attacked the seduction industry for teaching ineffective methods and financially exploiting desperate men. He is currently working on a third book, which will reveal the basics of seduction. This work is influenced by his experience as a seducer and coach, and thus focuses on relatively simple steps which anybody can do to improve their level of success.
1) Illuminatus on Overcoming Social Anxiety (90 min)
- What social anxiety is and its negative behavioural effects
- Your reality model: Beliefs at the core of social anxiety, how those beliefs were formed, and how they manifest to affect your behaviour today
- Why drugs (including alcohol) aren't a long-term solution
- How to experience your anxiety intentionally and think about it more like a scientist
- Seeing how your brain edits your reality via 'overlays', and training yourself to detach from those overlays
- Understanding equanimity and training yourself to stop labelling emotions "good" and "bad" in order to reduce resistance and suffering
- The biological basis of the stress response: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and how to manipulate them intentionally
- Cultivating unconditional happiness by changing your perspectives, plus exercises for feeling good on purpose
- How to deal with trauma and other "bad things" when they arise
2) Break: 15 min
3) Aaron Sleazy on Foundations of Success with Women (90 min)
- Figuring out what you want and whether you can get it
- Why some men are successful, but most are not
- What women want, and what you can do if you can't quite deliver
- Some easy fixes, some hard ones, and some impossible ones
- Various roadblocks and how to overcome them
- Realistic expectations, a.k.a. becoming the "Guy Next Door"
- Meeting girls in different scenarios (work, nightclubs, and everywhere in between except online)
- Minimal investment, maximal outcome
- Starting and ending relationships
4) Break: 15 min
5) Joint Q&A Session: 45 min
Registration details
1) Send an email to illuminatus@personalpowermeditation.com
2) Either pay 69.00 pounds (GBP) via PayPal (offer valid until: 12th August 2011)
or pay 89.00 pounds at the door (cash only)
3) You will receive a confirmation of your registration and, if applicable, of your PayPal payment as well, within 24 hours
4) You will be informed about the exact location of the seminar in due time
See you soon in Nottingham!
Best regards,
Illuminatus & Aaron Sleazy
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