Friday, December 30, 2011

About Models and "Models"

In a discussion of "Krauser PUA", neparlepas from my forum posted a screenshot from a video that guy posted, in which he claimed to "pick up" (getting a flaky phone number?) two Estonian "models." I've discussed "Krauser PUA" before, and I've thoroughly rebuked him on my forum, when he wanted to get kudos for banging a girl exactly once after investing a serious amount of time and money. Here's my money quote:
I have just skimmed your report of the pick-up, and I wasn't surprised that it took you quite a long time to actually bang her. You mentioned five dates with nothing happening except some finger-banging, and that you meet up with her in Turkey after a few months, while having Skype contact from December to March. And in the end you only fuck her once.
Doesn't this strike you as slightly uneconomical?
Krauser PUA didn't show his face on my forum ever again afterwards. He's probably too busy picking up "models" in former communist countries. But what's wrong with picking up "models" you may now ask? Well, here's a picture of one of the "models" Krauser PUA boasts having picked up on YouTube:

As you can readily see, the issue is simply that the label "model" is used in such an inflationary fashion that it makes Rudolf Havenstein look like a choir boy. Neparlepas analyzed it this way:

If the two girls on the Youtube video are models, then im Brad Pitt. It seems to me that when a self-described PUAs start having a modicum of success with non-fat girls sporting blond hair&blue eyes, the change is so dramatic, they are automatically labeled models. 
Indeed, "PUAs" throwing around the word "models" is nothing new. Part of it is just juvenile boasting, but the label "model" is much more problematic. When a girl tells me she's a model, I usually just laugh. Given that I have never bumped into women like Adriana Lima, I have every right to. If she can actually live off her modeling, then she's a model. If not, then not. On a side note, I can call myself an author because I have written a couple of books, and even though I am not Hemingway, I can at least show those works to people. On the other hand, what does a "model" who gets booked twice a year for two or three years of her life, until she's deemed too old, really achieve besides some ego stroking? I used to do live modeling, but I never defined myself through it, and certainly not the same way some of the "models" in New York or London do. They may do some modeling from time to time, but they certainly aren't models.

I know how to move chess pieces, but would I care calling myself a chess player? Magnus Carlsen surely is in an entire different league, and this would still be true if I had an ELO rating of 2,500. By the same logic some women dare to call themselves "models", and "PUAs" fantasize about "pulling models" (i.e. non-fat girls who don't even call themselves "models"), I could easily construct my live to be one of a superstar. After all, I hang out with "publishers", "models", "singers", "basketball players", "pianists", "painters", and "philosophers" all the time.

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