Wednesday, December 28, 2011

If you are Batting 0.001

Recently, a guy on my forum, Warped Mindless, pointed me towards a post on RSD Nation that made me shake my head in disbelief. It was about some dude celebrating himself for approaching over 1,100 women and getting laid exactly once. He also mentions two blow jobs, but something tells me that this probably wasn't quite the kind performance you witness in your favourite POV porn clips.
Just witness the absurd level of delusion you must have to write something like this:
My 1000th post will be about my background, my journey and about where I am at. Maybe it will inspire some of you guys to take action.
...and this:
Whenever i feel a bit down or frustrated i just remember what Jeffy told me, something along the lines that I am going to be a beast at the age of 25 and that I got the leverage.
Sure, dude, and when I'm forty, I'll have ten billion dollars in the bank.

I don't want to bash this poor dude too much, but seeing that he gets congratulated by a myriad of people who tell him that he is an "inspiration" is beyond belief. If anything, it tells you how little the average guy on RSD Nation actually gets laid. Warped Mindless offered constructive criticism, but was called a "hater" instead.

Frankly, having to approach over a thousand woman only to yield this kind of results is pathetic, and even if your ratio is ten times better (i.e. one in a hundred), it's still phenomenally bad. In this case, I can only advise you to take a break from pickup and focus on literally every other area in your life. If you fare that poorly, then something is seriously wrong about either you or the situations you put yourself in.

Further, it shouldn't take you much to realize that whatever you are doing is completely wrong. Just compare it to any other field. Let's say you've started working out, and after ten months in the gym you still haven't gained a single pound. What do you do then? Do you keep doing what you are doing, or figure that there must be better way (because it can hardly be any worse)?

I don't want to calculate how many hours this guy has "invested" into pickup, but just a small fraction of this spent on working out would have gotten him in much better shape. Further, he seems to view his time as nearly worthless. Let's assume that he spent over 500 hours "in field." Even if he valued his time at a mere $1 an hour, the outcome is ridiculous, and the price he's paying for pussy is laughable.

There is only one solution: Take a break, and get your head straight.

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