Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Peak into Justin Wayne's Music Production History

It seems that "Justin Wayne" is very fond of aliases. He has apparently used "Subliminal" as an alias for his fake MTV group, while his limited professional activity as a music producer went on under the name Justin Wayne as well! As one commenter on my blog pointed out, there is one documented use of both aliases, Justin Wayne and Marcus Nero, on some dubious page on the Internet:

This corroborates the story:

Looks like Marcus produced music through (now defunct)

"Justin Wayne" produced music for some little known rapper named Dagah. Here's an excerpt from the article at
Dagah wrote this song when he was in New York and felt like it was necessary for him to represent the country of his birth. The beat is done by Marcus Nero (nerobeats) aka Justin Wayne. Dagah and Marcus have been collaborating for years in creating a style for him. He does not see himself as a just a rapper but as an artist.

However, none of this justifies any claims (as have appeared by some of Justin Wayne's shills on PUAHate) that he was a "music producer" and "quite good at it." It seems he has done a very brief stint, and after this went nowhere, looked for some other occupation. Let's just be honest here: Had Justin Wayne really been a successful music producer, he wouldn't have to scam desperate men out of their money. Music production is a typical "winner takes all" market, meaning that if you are successful, you are part of a tiny minority, and your compensation will be quite remarkable. On the other hand, if you don't make it, you'll make a pittance.

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