Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Flyer "Justin Wayne" used (+ bonus: statutory rape?)

This morning I found a nice surprise in my inbox as Natascha sent me the flyer Justin Wayne/Marcus Nero used to recruit girls via Craigslist. I've attached the file below.

Natascha wrote:
attached is the flyer justin wayne was using on craigs list to recruit girls, I also would like to remind you that "elaine wayne" her real name was headi was also recruited through this scam. Additionally some other girls have come forward to me, and  we have learned Justin (or Marcus Nero) has had relations with at least one minor (a 16 year old), and to these charges we will probably take them to the police. I am trying to ensure no other girls fall for this horrible man. 
You'll learn interesting tidbits such as "Subliminal" (another alias) claiming to have been in the music industry "for many years", working as a "ghostwriter." Nice! He is joined by "Manny Lal" who claims to have managed Lady Gaga, John Legend, and many others.

Further, they claim associations with some major music labels. This alone should get "Subliminal" into a lot of trouble. Some people have claimed that "Justin Wayne" really worked for MTV, but no matter what he did there, there is no way his bosses would have agreed to that:

EDIT: I received another email very shortly after Natascha's, but before I wrote this blog post, that puts Justin Wayne's scheme in greater context:
I can tell you pretty confidently that almost all of the girls who came out o this event were "recruited" from Craigslist. Anyone who used CL knows the large number of unemployed girls on there looking for work. Getting these girls to travel(sometimes hundreds of miles) to attend this FRAUDULENT event makes me want to throw up.

I don't know anyone who goes to the lengths this guy has gone in falsely representing himself as an agent of MTV ... and using that to lure girls off of Craigslist to come out. 

I think you should make a post and clarify that Justin Wayne is a fraud before a pua. Whether he is or isn't a pua is totally irrelevant to the fact that he used a fictitious association with MTV to score naive vulnerable girls looking to make a buck in this economy. This action of Justin Wayne has way more in common with your average criminal than even the most shitty pua coach.
I partly agree with the last statement. Justin Wayne is a fraudster who has gone to great length to deceive other people. You should think of him as a criminal and a PUA. It's not irrelevant that he is a PUA. Some gullible guys paid him a lot of money for his "social circle game." Yes, he could have pulled off the same bullshit without adding the PUA angle, but he didn't. The girls didn't know that the guys in the group paid thousands of dollars to be part of it, and presumably the guys didn't know about how the girls got recruited to that group. To the world he was presenting himself as a PUA, after all. That he later on turned out to be a low-life scammer doesn't change anything in this regard.

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