Saturday, April 20, 2013

Guest Post: The Flawed Sociology of Roosh V (by Eagle Eyes)

Since the typicial guys in the manosphere were at some point abysmal with women it wouldn't come as a shock that their knowledge about sex comes mostly from porn. Roosh made a post on his blog about whether American women had looser pussies. Keep this in mind for some of the points I'm going to raise below.

In an earlier post, "Going Abroad Just to Bang 6s? -- Taking down Roosh V",  I pointed out that Roosh only goes after girls who are DTF (which is why there is basically no mention of girls he has slept with using "day game"). In a nutshell, Roosh only hooked up with American girls who were openly DTF the same night and based on THOSE GIRLS makes generalizations of American girls as a WHOLE. If you're still not convinced, read Roosh V's blog post "The morality of game".

He writes:
I know they love fucking, partying, drinking, and playing the game. They feel proud to be successfully emulating their horse-faced television role models, and are as likely to pump and dump me as the other way around...


After I was done with a girl, I knew it wouldn’t take more than a couple weeks of going out for her to get boned by a new man...

Does this sound like the type of girl you bang? It doesn't to me. But then I already mentioned the girls Roosh goes after. However, Roosh clarifies this for us even further...:

I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs back in the States were HATE FUCKS. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.

Did you read that? "masculine attitudes" "lack of care" in style or appearance. This description sounds EXACTLY like a 6 or 5. Heck, this is how I would describe the kind of girl that seems to turn lesbian out of necessity. Still not convinced Roosh only bangs below average American girls?:

...a “good girl,” something that I don’t believe exists in American cities. If you think about it, is it even possible for a girl to be considered good if she is BORDERLINE OVERWEIGHT, has a SLOPPY APPEARANCE...

Lets read that again... "borderline overweight" and "sloppy appearance" can you see a pattern here? Roosh is describing the type of girls he is banging, and the picture isn't pretty. Really, manosphere dudes, is this the kind of guy you want to look up to?

Still not convinced? Here, in this post Roosh rationalizes having sex with "full figured" (i.e. Fat) women:
Full figured women are also less inhibited than fragile petite girls (for reason I don’t understand), so things do get nice and sloppy even if moving her around takes more verbal commanding.
Last time I checked, there were plenty of American girls who dressed at least decently and were very slim, but apparently Roosh doesn't have a chance with those. It's obvious sluts are gonna have looser pussies...that's why they were DTF in the first place!! Because they're sluts. How stupid is this guy?
[Note: I'm not convinced this argument holds. People in committed relationships have more sex, so the pussies of those women should be looser, shouldn't they? --- A.S.]

Roosh apparently slept with "good" Polish girls (even though he admits it had NOTHING to do with his game)...about 3 or 4 of them:

Towards the END of my stay, when the THIRD or FOURTH Polish girl insisted on cleaning my apartment after I ravaged her pussy from knowing her just a few hours...

On the surface 3 or 4 lays would seem like a success, but bear in mind Roosh was in Poland for a LONG time (he mentions being there for seven months in the link above) and getting laid is pretty much his profession. Again Roosh admits:

In the past, I NEVER created a one-night stand. I banged girls who were horny, hadn’t been laid in a while, and would have probably fucked another guy if I didn’t show up...

Girls like the ones he just described are gonna behave masculine and dress sloppily...I guarantee the girls who didn't behave this way where ever he was were better looking, better dressed etc. But he's to ignorant to notice, so he goes abroad and tries to take advantage economically poorer countries where whores only sleep with him for a green card.

Here's how he describes Eastern European women:

...With these girls, sex is usually a logical act with many ECONOMICAL FACTORS weighed...The optimal game here is moving the interaction forward while casually displaying status or WEALTH, but not too much or you’ll be taken for a ride...

Nice guy, isn't he?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Guest Post: Why Roosh V is in no Position to Criticize Western Women (by Eagle Eyes)

I suspect Roosh was getting laid in America (gee I sure hope so...because he certainly writes alot about it), but he was NEVER in a position to criticize American women on the whole...because he was always banging LOWER QUALITY.

For example that's like eating the worst pizzas in town and then claiming ALL pizzas are disgusting.  It's all about the competition and the level of talent. A Danish 6 is not an American 6, because grades vary with the country. Yet if you can bang only 6 at home, you can still find the countries where 6 are hotter, and that's what Roosh is doing.

Have you read this entry?

Some of the girls in the pictures were decent some were not. I personally don't see the difference between these girls and the girls in most major American cities...Roosh even mentions this in the link.

I quote:

...You’re probably thinking, “Well NYC or Miami has these types of girls everywhere, too.” Great, but are banging them? Are they giving you the time of day without attitude? Are they fun to interact with? Do they know how to please you? Are you happy with them? If the answer to those questions is yes, then congratulations, you’re the man.

I have NO TROUBLE with western women...

...But I know how the situation is for the average man in most American cities.

The "average man" he is referring to isn't average at all...not everyone is as lame as him.

I don't buy the excuse that Western girls have attitude. Initially, some of them do...but it's all an act, otherwise they'd have no friends. Girls in the Ukraine or Poland may behave differently...but that doesn't make them more easier to bang (Roosh even admits on the link above).

Let's now talk about the type of girls Roosh hooks up with. He clearly tells us the types of girls he goes after (whether it's in American or abroad).

In this post Roosh shows everyone how limited he really is:

This Saturday night I’m going out NOT to practice my game, build my skills, make a girl laugh, entertain her friends, or have a good time. I'M GOING OUT TO FUCK. EVERYTHING I DO after the moment I leave my door will be to find a girl who is open to having sex with me that same night.

This guy obviously watches too much porn (another thing he openly admits)...what he STILL doesn't realize (this post is quite old) is that if you go out looking specifically for sex, girls will sense this...especially the hot ones.

I urge everyone to read these quotes from the entry. My conclusion will make sense in the me:

Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way to sex. MOST GIRLS will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interest, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach A LOT of girls...

and again:

...MY GOAL is to get laid EVERY NIGHT I go out, something that can only be reached by PASSING ON GIRLS WHO ARE NOT GOOD PROSPECTS.

Are you guys still with me?

I have found out that GIRLS WHO WANT TO FUCK ME THE SAME NIGHT tend to give eerily similar responses to my stock answers.

Long quotes, so I apologize. But the capitals emphasize my point...Roosh ONLY goes for girls who are DTF. This is guaranteed to give you paltry results...because the HOTTER the girl, the MORE options she has...the LESS likely she will be willing to fuck someone she just met the same night EVEN IF SHE LIKES YOU.

Now, in my next quote think of the type of girl who would do this:

...I ask her if she’s getting drunk. She’ll say no and then I respond, “Well then how about I buy you ten shots of vodka and then take advantage of you?” She’ll laugh at this and say she doesn’t want ten shots of vodka. Then I joke, “How about I put a drug in your drink?” I mime the act of drugging her drink. If the girl stiffens up and says, “No drugs you rapist!” then she will not fuck me that night. If a girl laughs, and then soon leaves her drink unattended in my presence, I guarantee you I’m fucking her. It has happened to me countless times where I hit her with my drug joke and she asks me to watch her drink while she goes to the bathroom...

In case you missed it Roosh emphasizes the type of girl again:

...Think about that for a second: she’s leaving her drink unattended with a guy who just joked about raping her.

Did you think of the type of girl yet? I bet it wasn't a 9...heck, I bet it wasn't even a 7.

Even worse in fact, is that in this post Roosh inadvertently proves that the Polish girls he banged were BIGGER "SLUTS" than the American sluts...

I quote:


This, of course is referring to the American girls he banged in the past. Girls who are "horny" (without being turned on) "...hadn't been laid in a while..." (which is him inadvertently admitting girls who are too ugly to get laid) and "...would've fucked another guy if I didn't show up..." (again the subtext here is sluts who would fuck ANYONE...these girls tend to be UGLY and are NOT the hot ones).

So Roosh wasn't fucking the NORMAL American girls but the HOES...(which he then idiotically suggests is ALL American girls...which is born out of the frustration of not getting with the hots ones).

But what about the Polish girls?

I quote:

...But in Poland I created bangs. They HAD BOYFRIENDS or were ACTIVELY GETTING FUCKED BY ANOTHER GUY. They WEREN"T cruising for cock and some NEVER had a one-night stand before...

In Poland (apparently) girls who weren't sluts were fucking him (which was NOT happening in America)...meaning they WERE BIGGER sluts than the American girls.

And before you start praising Roosh for banging Polish sluts in this thread...

Roosh admits:

Even in Poland, a place I've lavished much praise on, (which he rightly would...because it was the one place where he ACTUALLY got laid) I have not hesitated to tell you of the BUTTERFACE problem. The truth is that Polish girls GET SMOKED in most Eastern European countries...

Translation? In America, Roosh ONLY banged ugly sluts...However, in Poland, Roosh...ONLY banged ugly sluts.

The End.

Guest Post: The Mind of the Average Manosphere Blogger (by Eagle Eyes)

Roosh loves many foreign women because supposedly they have traditional roles, aren't sluts, are feminine, dress better, can dance, can cook, etc, etc. So what does he do? Does he marry one? Does he get into a LTR? No, he treats them exactly the same as American women..."pumps them and dumps them".

Looking closely at the entries on his blog and his posts on his quickly realizes he doesn't go foreign because it's better...he goes foreign because it's supposedly easier. But he'll never find success where ever he goes because his intentions are all wrong. The best example of this is his pathetic blog entry titled The beginning of the end, where he reveals what goes on in his troubled mind:

The notch was a great metric that kept me motivated in the game longer than my natural disposition. I wanted to hit a high number so that I COULD FEEL LIKE A MAN.

Is anyone here surprised manosphere bloggers have sex because they want to feel like men?

Here's more:

There were girls I banged just so I could send a “+1″ text to my friends and GET VALIDATED by their positive response...

Is anyone here surprised manosphere bloggers have sex so they can feel validated?

and more:

The flag was a new metric that kept me not only banging but traveling as well...

Notice how he uses the flag metric as a motivation for traveling...not a single mention of traveling because the women are supposedly "better".

Also, how about...I don't know...having sex because it's enjoyable?

And if you thought that wasn't pathetic enough...Roosh reveals the one constant thought of all manosphere bloggers:

...On that night, for the first time in eleven and a half years, getting laid was no longer THE NUMBER ONE PRIORITY in my life.

How lame must a persons life be for them to put getting laid as the number one priority in their life?

The answer is here.

For the TLDR's among us just read point 11) and 13):

11. Most of my life is boring. I spend several hours a day in front of my laptop...What you read comes from less than 15% or less of my actual existence...


13. ...As I age it’s getting harder to make friends because I’m becoming more particular and neurotic...

Well, there you have it, the mind of the average manosphere blogger.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Guest Post: Going Abroad Just to Bang 6s? -- Taking down Roosh V (by Eagle Eyes)

I have been working on a piece on Roosh V, pointing out some of the more egregious misconceptions and lies he spreads, but one of my readers just did an absolutely fabulous job, so I will replicate his work here --- and rewrite the post I had intended to publish.

There is something pathetic about boasting to strangers on the internet about your "notch count" and your "harem". There is also something pathetic about meeting up with strangers and traveling to a "unknown" part of the world...

The very nature of Roosh's website attracts social misfits. Since Roosh criticizes American women, American men who can't get laid with attractive (or in some cases any) American women are naturally going to criticize them rather than themselves...and since being misfits, long for others that feel the same. They search google with words like "American girls suck" or "American girls are sluts" and Hey Presto! A link to Roosh's website comes up. Smart, yet pretty obvious.

People who are mentally weak are afraid of change, so they are willing to blame something else other than themselves. It's pretty ironic how they like to talk about the female rationalization hamster...

I remember someone telling me if people go about their lives constantly lying (and more importantly lying to themselves) inconsistencies and contradictions will inevitably arise.

Roosh criticizes American women, says foreign women are feminine and will make men happier.

I quote:
Most guys who dabble in dating travel do it not because they can’t get laid in America, but because they want to lay better...

If being happier means being outcast by low-quality women who don’t even act like women, then so be it. South America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe, here we come...

and yet, over a year later posts this:

The better looking you are, the happier you will be in America. When you consider that American women will actively chase good-looking men, I don’t see the urgent need for handsome men to hit the road in Eastern Europe or South America.

But why still not travel Roosh? I thought you said men wanted to date better? I thought American women weren't feminine? Why would "handsome" men be happier in America?

Since he apparently can no longer bang western women, what type of western women was Roosh banging before?

well, in this post Roosh says:

You’ll do what I have done in Washington DC and carry the Britannica of game on your back just to get with 7s.

So, straight from the horses mouth. Roosh maximized banging 7s (I'm going to assume he was being generous when he said 7s) and how his rationalization hamster justifies banging hogs:

At the bar I identify the top two or three girls...If the 8s don’t bite I move to the 7s. If the 7s don’t bite then it’s on to the 6s. If the 6s don’t bite then I go to the 5s to see if they are capable of giving me a boner....

Hands up if you can guess how many times Roosh ends up banging the 5s?

But that's why Roosh goes abroad right? Where being a green card...Sorry, I mean an American will have women throwing their panties at you the minute you step off the airport right? But even Roosh isn't stupid enough to believe that, so he says: you’ll do abroad is based on how well you do at home.

So Roosh was banging 6s only to go abroad and bang...foreign 6s?

May I ask...what's the point?

I don't criticize Roosh going abroad if he thinks it's "easier" but attacking American women because the hot ones give you no love is cheap.

Two Reader Comments on the Manosphere Invasion of Russia

There was quite a response to my exposure of the follies of the Roosh V forum crew who plans an invasion of Russia, settle in some "Russian shithole"and bang all the local women. I just want to share two of them with you. The first one is from Kurt, which was sent via email:

I had a friend who quite a few years ago, traveled a bit around the former Soviet Union. He said it was one if the hardest places ever, for hooking up with women. A little backstory, this guy at one time had a really hot "9" easy, long term relationship, was well traveled, was socially adept, and was pretty good looking and used to have women offer to buy HIM drinks! Where does that leave these bozos?
I guess the answer is that should they indeed go to Russia, they'll fap off to Russian Internet porn there. I can't even imagine how stupid this would feel.

The second comment was by Jared on the fourth post covering this human tragedy. I like how succinctly he summarized everything that is wrong with the planned expedition:

These guys really don't have a clue do they?
1) Unless they're loaded, how will they support themselves?
2) You can bang hookers anywhere in the world. Big deal.
3) Russian backwaters are kinda racist.In the same way that the Universe is 'kinda big'.
4) Siberia is bloody cold. Good luck sporting the tidy gear.
5) The white God factor. Oh dear. Is there a deluded people only disclaimer on these forums? Sounds like a neo Nazi karaoke competition.
6) Pussy paradise doesn't exist. Period. Except maybe Romania (it's been invaded by just about everyone over history, nice mix of genes) but I'm sure there's no shortage of uglies there too.
Anyway I'm ranting about idiots, I only hope one day they see the true state of things. 

I'm currently taking a breather, but I intend to add at least one more post on  the Great Manosphere Trip to Russia series.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Great Manosphere Invasion of Russia (Part IV)

Onward to part four, comrades!

One big theme was of course the mystical pussy paradise, which is supposed to exist off the beaten track somewhere deep in Russia. Regular women don't do if for those guys. Instead, they fantasize about getting pornstars, as was pointed out by a commenter to part III of this ongoing report. In addition, the guys seem to overly confident. What struck me as downright absurd was how much of a sure thing they thought going to Russia is. Not having been there, they make the wildest demands:

A lot of information can be deduced from these pics, like for example in Cheboksary, there are some nice looking girls, but there really aren't many blonde girls. For those of us who like girls with a particular look, your site is gold. Keep up the good work.

So, to reiterate: the girls have to meet all kinds of criteria, but those dudes don't think they should have to bring anything to the table besides their "white god factor". This reminds me of the PUA bullshitters who claim that "looks don't matter", yet on the other hand only want to bang "10s". Exploring this topic in more detail would be worthy of another post, though.

At one point, comparisons between guy who are "slaying pussy" in the Dominican Republic were drawn:

just read this entire thread and boy this is looking like a truly epic adventure in the making if we do make it there with 3-4 hardcore guys from here who have their shits together. I love the idea of getting together say in early Sept 2013 and meeting in say Moscow or Ste Pets and from there, get on the Trans Siberia train and then once in the selected city, we could rent/or buy a cheap car/van and go sexplore the region otherwise, we'd get bored to death in some of these shit holes. Depending on how many of us would go there, we could then decide to either get one sick pad, say a luxury 3-4 bedroom penthouse in the best/poshest area in town and share the costs.
I'm really looking forward for this and I'm sure with the well travelled guys who will be part of this it will be a blast. Add to this the local expertise of BB and it will be truly epic that it will DWARF anything the boys in the DR can do...

The back story is something along the lines of: a couple of guys from Roosh's forum went to the Dominican Republic and banged hookers there. It wasn't quite spelled out like that but you don't exactly have to be Einstein to figure that out. The Russian crew, though, doesn't seem to realize at all that you simply pay for whores in the Dominican Republic. The girls ask for cab money or a "tip" or whatever other pretense, but it's still prostitution. This has nothing to do with "game" or any kind of imperialist fantasy whatsoever.

So, what do you have to do if you just know that you're going to bang one Russian pornstar after another in an oasis like Murmansk? Of course you're going to learn the language:

Yeah, i have started learning the language too, maybe we can get rotation groups going like the DR boys, anyone up from mid-december 2013? it's the only time i'll be able to come but i'm really interested on doing this.

By the way, if you want to learn Russian fast, try this genius method:

I learned the alphabet and I have been watching youtube videos of song that have the russian and english lyrics on the screen at the same time. That and learning the 1000 most common words, and phrases. This is what helped me learn spanish so fast. Well that and babylon. I think Rosetta stone is the biggest waste of time personally.

I'm sure you'll be perfectly fluent afterwards.

As a first goal, Novosibirsk was declared to be the dream destination:

Until someone comes up with something better, than Novosibirsk it is it. I am sure there are many siberian villages and towns we can explore also. One thing I found about even with just my brother here in Natal, Brazil, a city of even 800,000 is not enough for 2 or 3 players, especially when there are other foreigners around.

I can see a new branch of applied mathematics emerging: player math. More seriously, though, that guy involuntarily gave an interesting insight into the player psyche since he factored in the abysmally low success rate of the PUA crowd. I guess you really need to live in a city of 3 million if you have to approach 1,000 women to get one date.

Novosibirsk is getting a lot of love,let's find some examples of apartments in the town and prices. It seems like a decent place,big and with plenty of entertainment options. I think we can take it for granted that the quality there is pretty epic. I agree we should pencil it in as our destination. If anyone has other suggestions for a location then by all means speak up and we can debate it's merits too.

One guy was wondering whether they could find a place like this in "2nd tier Russia". I found it quite amusing that the description of that place (in Spain) said:

We don't want crazy young kids or older guys staying here. If you plan to party here and annoy the neighbors this is not the apartment for you.

The Roosh V troupe, though, seems to be a mixture of exactly those two demographics.

Oh, 007, are you watching that thread too? Those guys now want to go undercover and might need your help.

Does anyone into this play an instrument? I'm a singer songwriter and being "a band" would be good cover.

Finally, a healthy does of reality:

The sad thing is that we have 273 posts without boots on the ground. The DR guys went with guns blasting. It is a harder mission but my word----- if Russian Embassy in Ecuador does not intefere with, I will be there with guitar, muscles and my mediocre Russian in Siberia in August.

Of course, the big difference is that in the Dominican Republic, you can bang hookers all day for a modest "tip", so it was a much more attractive proposition to middle-aged guys whom no woman in the West wants to touch with a ten-foot pole. Oh, sorry, I forgot that it's just the guys who don't want to deal with Western women because they are all so shitty. I wonder what would happen if someone explained to them how "ego protection" works.

One guy later on really cracked me up. He was one of the earliest contributors, and guess what he did after about 300 posts in the thread:

Ok I have looked at the map of Russia, it is the largest country in the world and Siberia is huge. 
Driving to the destination would take forever from Germany and like someone rightly mentioned earlier, tough when you are with "strangers".
My question is, how much is it to fly to Siberia from the UK? It isn't something you see advertised too often.

So, he was fantasizing about Russia before without even bothering to look at a map. Oh, the stupidity!

Of course, reality TV got revealed to be a huge influence too:

Just curious does anyone here watch the show Departures? It's about 2 Canadian guys who travel the world and just take in all different cultures. This is originally what inspired me too travel and originally led me to this site.
They did an Episode on Siberia before and it's the thing that originally inspired me to visit Russia. For those who haven't been there I'm presuming this would be a very good representation of what to expect there.
Yeah, another funny part when he says "if you ever want celebrity status come to city-x and you'll be greeted like you've never been greeted before."
The first response was:
I like where this is going.

So do I.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Great Manosphere Invasion of Russia (Part III)

I had to take a bit of a break from covering the collective tragedy the Roosh V forum crew was getting into. The amount of bullcrap I can stomach is quite limited, and the first two posts of this series exceeded my quota. Anyway, where were we?

Right, after collectively enjoying fantasies of a pussy paradise somewhere in the hinterlands of Russia, and gathering all kinds of information, our heroes already see themselves swimming in pussy, thanks to their self-declared "white god factor". Any notion of precaution or rationality was quickly thrown in the wind. It seemed that nothing could stop those young adventurers, but a surprise event led to a major setback. BrownBear, who took it upon himself to meticulously research Russia's B- and C-cities, surprisingly called it quits:
I wish I could go with you guys...the heart has been broken (...) She is a 10 to me and I moved to a different city and it's over. But life goes on, I have no regrets I'm very young still.
So, all the while he was fantasizing not only about banging women by the dozen in Russia, he has also been ogling some random plain Jane in his home country, and now she's gone. The immaturity is staggering. With BrownBears withdrawal, some well-kept secrets where shared with the Roosh V forum, like how one would "pipeline" girls well before you arrive. This is how it works, according to BrownBear:

You can just make an account on and start talking to girls in cities that you want to go to. Pick who you like and use google translator to talk to them.
There is absolutely nothing that could go wrong with this genius idea.

It seemed that the Russian Roosh V members were concerned that this army of international playboys would actually get anywhere with the girls:

To my russian brothers who say that I'll "ruin our women" please tell me why does it matter who they have fun with? Maybe we will begin to value how wonderful they are and actually provide them with what they deserve.

LOL. I guess that's what you get when you take a collective frenzy seriously. This reminds me of those moronic threads you frequently see popping up on forums all over the internet that go along the lines of "what if...", with the if-part highly unrealistic. For some strange reason, there is never a shortage of guys who offers their opinion on how they'd invest a million dollars, where they'd go on vacation if they had all the time and money in the world, or which porn star they'd like to fuck. The shallowness on the Internet goes surprisingly deep if you care to explore it.

It's difficult to see whether the thread starter, Vorkuta, is just a troll or actually serious. Witness the following exchange. Guy 1 writes:

You ever been to Abakan BB? It seems to have a lot of boxes ticked: poor provincial city,university,airport,Asian looking chicks but the population is very low at only 165,000. Something about the city just makes me think it is full of slutty chicks willing to suck dick if it offers a way out.

Guy 2 responds:

Are you tempted? That would be absolutely hardcore although going there could end up in you getting a few slaps off the local gopniki. I would thread with caution in going to these small places. In larger cities, you can be more anonymous and smash more women without anybody knowing.

But Vorkuta thinks absolutely nothing of it:

I agree that the large cities are best for quantities but I like the challenge and rawness of these off the track provincial holes. I think the best solution is to be in a big city but one that is only an hour or two from some smaller towns so you can live in comfort but delve into the rawer towns when you want to. To be fair,I guess pretty much any city has its satellite towns so it should not be hard to find.

It seems that once you put some guys together and let them "brainstorm", stupidity will have no bounds. First, it was just about a pussy paradise, but then some dude put up a picture of a chick from one of those sites where Russian women sell them off to basically the highest bidder. Here's the chick:

The dude asks,

How accessible is this kind of quality, as a foreigner with limited Russian?
Keep in mind that the makeup and studio lighting add half a point or more to her appearance. 

Well, Sherlock, on the site where you found that picture, that girl hopes or hoped to find some rich Westerner to marry her and pay her $10k+ a month pocket money, yet you seriously think that you'd get the same if you're broke and go to some random Russian city in the middle of nowhere!? Those women want to cash in their looks but, hey, maybe they'd also get with some random dude in exchange for a quarter-ounce of semen. This somehow reminds of some of the absurd fads in the PUA community like "stripper game" and "hooker game" where the PUAs claimed to teach you how to fuck those women. I guess it takes a special kind of stupid to pay $2.5k for a bootcamp with a guy like Vin DiCarlo who then pays fifty bucks or so to a stripper so that the client gets a quick hand job in the strip club. But I digress. Let's get back to the story.

BrownBear, who revealed to live in some Russian city of 70,000 and who is heartbroken over his "personal 10", responded:

I don't know to be honest, depends on who you are and how you represent yourself, but from my experience I haven't had problems with women like that (I'll show you pictures if we ever meet up) and I've lived in America for a long time, but you probably should learn russian more though!

Right. I bet in his small city he has to fight to get those women away from him.

Part IV will be up tomorrow, where we'll continue our exploration of the collective "mighty whitey" fantasy of the Roosh V forum crowd.