There is something pathetic about boasting to strangers on the internet about your "notch count" and your "harem". There is also something pathetic about meeting up with strangers and traveling to a "unknown" part of the world...
The very nature of Roosh's website attracts social misfits. Since Roosh criticizes American women, American men who can't get laid with attractive (or in some cases any) American women are naturally going to criticize them rather than themselves...and since being misfits, long for others that feel the same. They search google with words like "American girls suck" or "American girls are sluts" and Hey Presto! A link to Roosh's website comes up. Smart, yet pretty obvious.
People who are mentally weak are afraid of change, so they are willing to blame something else other than themselves. It's pretty ironic how they like to talk about the female rationalization hamster...
I remember someone telling me if people go about their lives constantly lying (and more importantly lying to themselves) inconsistencies and contradictions will inevitably arise.
Roosh criticizes American women, says foreign women are feminine and will make men happier.
I quote:
Most guys who dabble in dating travel do it not because they can’t get laid in America, but because they want to lay better...and...
If being happier means being outcast by low-quality women who don’t even act like women, then so be it. South America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe, here we come...
and yet, over a year later posts this:
The better looking you are, the happier you will be in America. When you consider that American women will actively chase good-looking men, I don’t see the urgent need for handsome men to hit the road in Eastern Europe or South America.
But why still not travel Roosh? I thought you said men wanted to date better? I thought American women weren't feminine? Why would "handsome" men be happier in America?
Since he apparently can no longer bang western women, what type of western women was Roosh banging before?
well, in this post Roosh says:
You’ll do what I have done in Washington DC and carry the Britannica of game on your back just to get with 7s.
So, straight from the horses mouth. Roosh maximized banging 7s (I'm going to assume he was being generous when he said 7s) and how his rationalization hamster justifies banging hogs:
At the bar I identify the top two or three girls...If the 8s don’t bite I move to the 7s. If the 7s don’t bite then it’s on to the 6s. If the 6s don’t bite then I go to the 5s to see if they are capable of giving me a boner....
Hands up if you can guess how many times Roosh ends up banging the 5s?
But that's why Roosh goes abroad right? Where being a green card...Sorry, I mean an American will have women throwing their panties at you the minute you step off the airport right? But even Roosh isn't stupid enough to believe that, so he says: you’ll do abroad is based on how well you do at home.
So Roosh was banging 6s only to go abroad and bang...foreign 6s?
May I ask...what's the point?
I don't criticize Roosh going abroad if he thinks it's "easier" but attacking American women because the hot ones give you no love is cheap.
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