Monday, April 8, 2013

The Great Manosphere Invasion of Russia (Part IV)

Onward to part four, comrades!

One big theme was of course the mystical pussy paradise, which is supposed to exist off the beaten track somewhere deep in Russia. Regular women don't do if for those guys. Instead, they fantasize about getting pornstars, as was pointed out by a commenter to part III of this ongoing report. In addition, the guys seem to overly confident. What struck me as downright absurd was how much of a sure thing they thought going to Russia is. Not having been there, they make the wildest demands:

A lot of information can be deduced from these pics, like for example in Cheboksary, there are some nice looking girls, but there really aren't many blonde girls. For those of us who like girls with a particular look, your site is gold. Keep up the good work.

So, to reiterate: the girls have to meet all kinds of criteria, but those dudes don't think they should have to bring anything to the table besides their "white god factor". This reminds me of the PUA bullshitters who claim that "looks don't matter", yet on the other hand only want to bang "10s". Exploring this topic in more detail would be worthy of another post, though.

At one point, comparisons between guy who are "slaying pussy" in the Dominican Republic were drawn:

just read this entire thread and boy this is looking like a truly epic adventure in the making if we do make it there with 3-4 hardcore guys from here who have their shits together. I love the idea of getting together say in early Sept 2013 and meeting in say Moscow or Ste Pets and from there, get on the Trans Siberia train and then once in the selected city, we could rent/or buy a cheap car/van and go sexplore the region otherwise, we'd get bored to death in some of these shit holes. Depending on how many of us would go there, we could then decide to either get one sick pad, say a luxury 3-4 bedroom penthouse in the best/poshest area in town and share the costs.
I'm really looking forward for this and I'm sure with the well travelled guys who will be part of this it will be a blast. Add to this the local expertise of BB and it will be truly epic that it will DWARF anything the boys in the DR can do...

The back story is something along the lines of: a couple of guys from Roosh's forum went to the Dominican Republic and banged hookers there. It wasn't quite spelled out like that but you don't exactly have to be Einstein to figure that out. The Russian crew, though, doesn't seem to realize at all that you simply pay for whores in the Dominican Republic. The girls ask for cab money or a "tip" or whatever other pretense, but it's still prostitution. This has nothing to do with "game" or any kind of imperialist fantasy whatsoever.

So, what do you have to do if you just know that you're going to bang one Russian pornstar after another in an oasis like Murmansk? Of course you're going to learn the language:

Yeah, i have started learning the language too, maybe we can get rotation groups going like the DR boys, anyone up from mid-december 2013? it's the only time i'll be able to come but i'm really interested on doing this.

By the way, if you want to learn Russian fast, try this genius method:

I learned the alphabet and I have been watching youtube videos of song that have the russian and english lyrics on the screen at the same time. That and learning the 1000 most common words, and phrases. This is what helped me learn spanish so fast. Well that and babylon. I think Rosetta stone is the biggest waste of time personally.

I'm sure you'll be perfectly fluent afterwards.

As a first goal, Novosibirsk was declared to be the dream destination:

Until someone comes up with something better, than Novosibirsk it is it. I am sure there are many siberian villages and towns we can explore also. One thing I found about even with just my brother here in Natal, Brazil, a city of even 800,000 is not enough for 2 or 3 players, especially when there are other foreigners around.

I can see a new branch of applied mathematics emerging: player math. More seriously, though, that guy involuntarily gave an interesting insight into the player psyche since he factored in the abysmally low success rate of the PUA crowd. I guess you really need to live in a city of 3 million if you have to approach 1,000 women to get one date.

Novosibirsk is getting a lot of love,let's find some examples of apartments in the town and prices. It seems like a decent place,big and with plenty of entertainment options. I think we can take it for granted that the quality there is pretty epic. I agree we should pencil it in as our destination. If anyone has other suggestions for a location then by all means speak up and we can debate it's merits too.

One guy was wondering whether they could find a place like this in "2nd tier Russia". I found it quite amusing that the description of that place (in Spain) said:

We don't want crazy young kids or older guys staying here. If you plan to party here and annoy the neighbors this is not the apartment for you.

The Roosh V troupe, though, seems to be a mixture of exactly those two demographics.

Oh, 007, are you watching that thread too? Those guys now want to go undercover and might need your help.

Does anyone into this play an instrument? I'm a singer songwriter and being "a band" would be good cover.

Finally, a healthy does of reality:

The sad thing is that we have 273 posts without boots on the ground. The DR guys went with guns blasting. It is a harder mission but my word----- if Russian Embassy in Ecuador does not intefere with, I will be there with guitar, muscles and my mediocre Russian in Siberia in August.

Of course, the big difference is that in the Dominican Republic, you can bang hookers all day for a modest "tip", so it was a much more attractive proposition to middle-aged guys whom no woman in the West wants to touch with a ten-foot pole. Oh, sorry, I forgot that it's just the guys who don't want to deal with Western women because they are all so shitty. I wonder what would happen if someone explained to them how "ego protection" works.

One guy later on really cracked me up. He was one of the earliest contributors, and guess what he did after about 300 posts in the thread:

Ok I have looked at the map of Russia, it is the largest country in the world and Siberia is huge. 
Driving to the destination would take forever from Germany and like someone rightly mentioned earlier, tough when you are with "strangers".
My question is, how much is it to fly to Siberia from the UK? It isn't something you see advertised too often.

So, he was fantasizing about Russia before without even bothering to look at a map. Oh, the stupidity!

Of course, reality TV got revealed to be a huge influence too:

Just curious does anyone here watch the show Departures? It's about 2 Canadian guys who travel the world and just take in all different cultures. This is originally what inspired me too travel and originally led me to this site.
They did an Episode on Siberia before and it's the thing that originally inspired me to visit Russia. For those who haven't been there I'm presuming this would be a very good representation of what to expect there.
Yeah, another funny part when he says "if you ever want celebrity status come to city-x and you'll be greeted like you've never been greeted before."
The first response was:
I like where this is going.

So do I.

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