I completely forgot to mention this article on my blog or the forum. "Spotting Greedy Women" originally appeared on Cliff's List in early January. The backstory is as follows.
When I was going through some of my writings last autumn, I came across notes I had made on dating. As I was sifting through some of my scribblings, containing anecdotes and some rudimentary analysis, it struck me that some of those thoughts should be polished and put online.
I don't plan to release a book on dating and relationship anytime soon, but the article on greedy women I wrote should nonetheless be interesting, and it certainly can stand on its own. It is based on my experiences with dates, and insights into selecting suitable girls for relationships, and on ways to figure out whether she has ulterior motives.
Here's a teaser from the article:
Most guys in the “community” sooner or later want to have a girlfriend. Hopefully, though, they won’t settle for any girl who wants them but make a careful choice instead. Since one of the main gripes with Western women is their rampant materialism if not downright greed, which makes them view men as walking wallets, I’ll give you some good tips on how to easily spot the greedy ones. After all, if her main interest is your bank balance, you better spare yourself the experience of entering a relationship with her.
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