Thursday, April 19, 2012

Women Are Raised to be Friendly

In yesterday's "Reader Success Story" where one of the commenters on my blog describes his experience with cold approaching women, there was an element that deserves further elaboration:

Over a period of 2 x months I approached 100 or so girls (all hot), on the street, nothing indirect about it at all. Here is what I experienced. 
1. 90% + of the girls responded in a friendly manner. The remaining 10+ brushed me off as quickly as they could. Noone was rude or abusive. 
2. All the girls who didn't brush me off loved the compliments and attention etc. 
3. 95% of the girls told me they had a boyfriend and made their excuses. 

Do you already see the big problem?

Obviously, a lot of PUAs and their sheep-like followers mistake friendliness for sexual interests. It's up to you to decide whether PUAs say this because they just don't know any better or because it's an easy way to trick people.

Think about it: If you taught "game", you could just send a guy to talk to some random girl on the street. More often than not, she'd be friendly, but would eventually decline his advances. But instead of telling him that she's just friendly and it is squat, he'll pat you on your back and say the overly clichéd "You are so money, bro!"

Women are usually raised to be friendly. They'll politely decline requests they are not comfortable with, or they will just flake. In fact, the whole flaking phenomenon can be explained by the woman wanting you to save face in public, which is why she'll give you her number. But later on, she finds it easier to just not show up. Being confrontational on the phone and saying, "You loser, stop calling me!" isn't something many women would do.

This is why aspiring PUAs find that "cold approaching" works, but it doesn't really. She's nice to you even if she's not interested because she thinks she has to be nice. Further, if you can interpret body language properly, you'll also notice that they position themselves defensively. Just look at this:

Vince Kelvin doesn't know that crossed arms isn't a good sign.
Does any of this sound familiar?

To any PUA shills who want to jump on this thread, please ask yourself whether you really have experience that contradicts my statement. Remember, Paul Janka has sex with ten percent of the women whose number he gets. Ten percent! And that's for a Harvard-educated guy who looks like a male model! (No wonder Vince Kelvin does not get anywhere with women.)

So, dear PUA shills, how are your success rates? And how often do you delude yourself into thinking that just because she's friendly, she's interested?

In this vein, let me close with a picture I found on the blog of "Superman PUA" on a short article where he tells people to read "Why Cold Approaching is Pretty Much Useless":

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