Monday, December 17, 2012

There is No Point in Pretending

In his guest post, Alek Novy made the important point that it is impossible to improve your chances with one particular girl. Of course, there are more or less universally attractive features, and on the other end of the spectrum, there is an element of randomness. Imagine a woman goes out and desperately wants to get laid. In that case it's sufficient to be the first guy who is just good enough, and you'll get laid. However, once you move past one-night stands, your personality and lifestyle play a much bigger role. For a relationship, or even just for a fling, girls surprisingly care about what kind of person you are.

If you're familiar with "old school" game like Mystery Method, then you may remember that one of the biggest fears of those losers was to "run out of routines." Having a girlfriend was seen as an elusive goal, only achievable by true masters, and even then only after years and years of practice. The issue is that it is certainly possible to claim to be someone you are not and keep the facade up for some time. A "gamer" may read that he has to like animals to be more attractive to girls, because many girls like animals. Thus, he creates his own little "routine" and tells fake stories of how he liked to play ball with the neighbor's dog when he was a kid.

Let's just assume he has a normal night out for a "gamer" and approaches women indiscriminately. Ten or fifteen in a row shoot him down, until he finally comes across one that thinks he'd kind of cute --- and then she finds out that he likes dogs too! He gets lucky and gets laid. Big deal. He thinks he's really onto something with his little animal routine. However, if the two start to date, there will be a big problem. After all, he just doesn't like animals at all, and animals may play a big part in your life. So, for how long do you think the deception can last? You won't fake to be a dog lover if you don't like dogs.

If this wasn't clear enough, then let's discuss a travesty you can witness in more exclusive nightclubs weekend after weekend: A couple of guys put their money together for bottle service. None of them has money, because otherwise one of them would invite his buddies and pay the bill. Now they all chip in a few hundred dollars and hope this gets them closer to pussy. They all try to act as if they're rolling in dough.

Just like telling lies to a girl, pretending to be rich when you aren't won't work for long. What if you meet a girl at such a club, and make her believe you're a big spender? Let's say you pulled all the punches and rented a fancy sport car for the night, and you even got a room in a nice hotel. How long will you be able to keep this up? After all, it's not the case that you'll be able to take that girl to McDonald's or Domino's Pizza afterwards. Hard indicators of status such as money are quite difficult to fake, which is precisely the reason why some women pay close attention to it.

No matter how you intend to do it, it's pointless to attempt to trick yourself into the pants of some girl. Telling fake stories won't work, and neither will you be able to pretend that you are more popular than you are, or that you have more money than you do. Even if you are able to dupe a girl in the short run, they'll quickly figure out that you were just making it up. At this point, your little house of cards will collapse. This is why it's absurd to pretend to have certain interests in order to appear more attractive to women, and it's just as absurd to ruin your credit score by spending money you don't have.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guest Post: What "game" is and isn't (by Alek Novy)

In the following guest post, Alek Novy dismantles "game" once again. In particular, he is responding to the claim that you can become more attractive by changing a few minor things. For instance, Mystery and Love Systems want to tell you that you have to approach from a 45 degree angle. Others tell you to pepper your language with "NLP anchors", and whatnot. The number of bullshit ideas in the community is endless.

The concept of "creating attraction" is fraudulent as demonstrated by science. I've argued and proven this over in length, I won't have time to argue now (I have a life, so no time). But basically, you can become more attractive in general by

  • Adding muscle, removing fat
  • Getting plastic surgery
  • Getting status in a given circle/community
  • Making lots of friends and raising your social status
  • Money
  • Money
  • Money
  • Fame

However, becoming more attractive to one specific chick doesn't work since it involves:

  • Personal compatibility (you could try to fake it, but you don't read thoughts, so you don't even know what to fake)
  • Being her type (genetic matching displayed through facial shape, skin type, body ratios, unique smell signature of your individual body etc)

You can become a more attractive person (scientifically validated to making a significant difference, go lose 50 pounds and tell me how many more dates you get, same with getting an expensive car).

You cannot, however however merely speak or stand or ask for the date in a "different way" and suddenly get drastically different results. You will still get roughly the same amount of yes responses per 100 chicks. No game believer has ever shown to get a yes per 100 chicks asked more often than a control subject (the control would be average beta-guy game by your terminology).

You can learn how to get laid more often, but that doesn't have anything to do with "creating attraction through walking, talking and acting differently" (the fradulent concept that all game is based on).

So I said that it is possible to learn how to get laid more, right? What is it that you "learn" when you learn how to get laid more? Oh, just how to

  • meet more hot women 
  • ask for sex more often

As for improving your ratio? (how to get more yes-es per 100 attempts)? That's simple too... It boils down to

  • identifying which chicks are likely to say yes to you
  • asking in a way that doesn't scare women away. 

That's pretty much it.

For example I've quadrupled the amount of lays I get during this past year. All it involved was simply building a life where I meet and am friends/acquintances with more super-hot women than you could ever even "open" doing cold-approaching. I literally am friends with hundreds of hot women (models, tv personalities, etc etc)... But that all falls under how to be rich and influental and well-connected and "how to network and build social status", not "game". Though I'm sure a game guru is about to claim to have invented networking skills any day now (I'm sure Dale Carnegie stole his ideas from a game blogger).

Asking for sex requires either balls or social intelligence. You could either ask every woman if she's down to fuck outright (experiencing a ton of rejection) or you could learn how to test and tell which chicks are likely to say yes, and only ask the hottest leads to come over to your place (pretty much what I do).

That's it. A PUAtard might chime in and go "Durr, my favorite PUA teaches us about IOIs too, and he also talks about how to network!" or "A guru once told me to join the gym!" But that's not the point! Game is not defined by what it shares with other disciplines, what defines game is its unique claims. Yes, one of the 52,456 PUA methods might also teach you to for example make lots of female friends - but that's not game, that's common sense. The game part is where he the guru claims that by standing differently or constructing sentences differently or communicating differently you will cause the woman to desire your cock more than otherwise. This is the fraudulent part. Get it?

The unique claim of game is that you can "create attraction" by merely displaying or acting out certain traits (not possessing them, merely acting them out). But this claim is without basis.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Paul Janka pays 500 dollars for an "outstanding" testimonial

Paul Janka is one of the very few guys in the seduction industry whom I consider legitimate. I've read his free Getting Laid in NYC ebook some years ago, which is one of a still shockingly small number of decent books on dating and seduction. My only gripe is that he recommends getting a girl drunk on a date, but that's a more philosophical issue. I don't follow Paul Janka closely, but whenever someone forwards me an article or a few paragraphs, and asks for brief feedback, I normally nod my head in agreement.

As good as his materials may be, his marketing is now on the same low level as the rest of the industry. Just have a look at the following email, which he sent out to his list of paying customers. He offers 500 bucks in exchange for an "outstanding" video testimonial. Please note that if your testimonial is only "average", you may only get a hundred bucks, if at all. Wanting to leave little to chance, Paul Janka also offers detailed instructions and remarks that you shouldn't bother if your apartment is a mess, because the video should look authentic. Faked authenticity, how lovely!

Here's the entire email:

You've gone through my program, you know how powerful it
is. You know it's the best men's program available. You know
it can change a guy's life if he applies the techniques…

Now.. it's one thing for me to tell people how great my material
is.. but it's a whole 'nother thing to hear it from a real
guy --like you-- who's used the program, and had great results…

That's where you (and $500 bucks) come in...

I need you to record a video testimonial. I need you to share
your story and tell other guys how powerful my material is...

And if you do, I will pay you HANDSOMELY for your video, and
even more importantly, you'll be improving the lives of other guys,
by showing them a better way to get results with women...

Sounds good right? Well here's the catch. It's gotta be at least
2 minutes long. And you need to sign a release that allows me to
use it on the web, tv, radio, or where-ever my advertising runs.

Since I want real, enthusiastic testimonials, with lots of detail,
I'm going to stagger the prize money and make this a competition.

I'm awarding $500 to 10 guys for "outstanding" testimonials.
I'm awarding $250 to 20 guys for "great" testimonials.
I'm awarding $100 to 30 guys for "average" testimonials.

So, as you can see, this is LIMITED TO 60 GUYS and you
must submit your testimonial by FRIDAY 11/23 at Midnight EST.

Here's how this will work. If I get 100 testimonials by Friday,
the best 60 will receive prize money and the worst 40 will
receive nothing. I will watch and rate every testimonial that
comes in before the deadline. Since not everyone will be willing
to do this, should you submit a video, you will have a very
good chance at receiving prize money (seriously).

Your testimonial video can be easily captured by your webcam.

Don't worry about how your apartment or house looks. It should
look like a "home video" and doesn't need to be fancy. What
matters is that you're honest and enthusiastic.


Get into detail about why Attraction Formula is so great and how
it improved your life. Here are a few questions to answer, but don't
worry about following any specific format...

Here are some sample questions to answer in your video:

1. What is your first name, where are you from, what do you do?
2. What's your story? How were you with women initially?
3. Were you skeptical about buying/trying the program?
4. What where some of the things you learned from the program?
5. What kind of results have you had with women?
6. Would you recommend it to others?

Remember, you should be enthusiastic and excited to share your
story! Try to avoid talking too slow. Be honest. Really share
your success and failures and you'll have a great shot at winning.
If your girlfriend or wife wants to be in the video, that would
be pretty great too. If you're just playing the field, and don't
have a girlfriend at the moment, I understand that too. ;-)


On a PC (Windows):

1. Open Windows Movie Maker
2. Select File and Record Movie or something like that
3. Select video device and click Next
4. Enter file name and saving location
5. Press Start Recording button
6. Click Stop
7. Windows will save your video

On a Mac:

1. Open iMovie
2. File Menu > Import from Camera
3. Make sure camera is set to FaceTime camera
4. Click Capture to start the video recording
5. The movie will automatically be saved in your home
directory / Movies / iMovie Events as a .mov file


To deliver the video to me, use this service, it's free
and supports large file sizes (like videos). There is no
registration process either, it's very simple and easy.

1. Go to
2. Enter as the recipient.


In order for me to legally use your testimonial, I have to ask
you to sign a release form that grants me permission to use
your video. So if I, or someone on my team contacts you and
asks you to sign a release form, then you're definitely winning
one of the prizes. You also have the option to get a personal
coaching package from me, which is a $500 value. If you are
selected for any prize, you can also upgrade to a phone coaching
package, should you wish to do so.  My way of saying thanks!

Ok, this is quite a long email. If you have any questions, about
submitting your video, please email

Remember, you have until FRIDAY 11/23 at Midnight EST to submit
your video. I look forward to seeing your video!

To The Good Life,
Paul Janka

Friday, November 23, 2012

Fix Your Posture in Five Minutes Per Day

In my first yoga session ever, some time in 2006 or 2007 in London, the teacher began with what looked like an amazingly simple pose. It was the so-called Mountain Pose. All it requires you to do is put your feet together and stand upright. You stick your chest out, pull your shoulders back and keep your chin straight. We were supposed to do this for a couple of minutes.

I have been doing sports for many years, which meant that at this point in my life posture was no longer an issue for me. However, the same was not true for many of the people around me. For some, ADHD probably made the Mountain Pose even more challenging for some, but the main issue was of a different nature. Some girls were complaining that it was "difficult" to stand still for so long and keep the balance. One guy had to remark that his shoulder would hurt, and finally someone complained that it felt "unnatural" for him to stick his chest out. It was a pretty average beginners' class.

Our teacher took a long hard look at us. If he thought that some of us were pathetic, he surely didn't let them notice. Yet, he reminded us that modern life was "unnatural" and would lead us to "get out of touch with our true self". This is typical yoga new-age mumbo jumbo. But then he said something I found quite impressive:

"All I am asking you to do is stand tall, like humans are supposed to stand. If this is difficult for you, then you might want to think about how, quite literally, move through your life."

Here's a video of the Mountain Pose:

I remember that you'd have to put your feet close together, but either way should be fine. Just take a few minutes and follow the instructions in this video. If anything about it feel "unnatural" to you, then you may want to work on your posture. This is indeed how you should stand. Don't slouch through life.

Posture alone won't make you attractive to women, or catapult yourself into a leadership position. However, bad posture is universally unattractive, and when I look around, I get the impression that some people are completely unaware of how bad their posture is. It's relatively easy to fix.

As long as you don't feel fully comfortable with this, admittedly very basic, exercise, then I can only recommend you to keep practicing it. The time commitment is insignificant. Quite possibly it'll be zero. Just do it the next time you watch some silly cat video on Youtube, for instance, or when you're watching a sizzling steak in the pan. Within a few months, at the latest, any issues you might have had with your posture will probably be a thing of the past.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Criticizing RSD means you're a "fag" and deserve to be banned

TheSwede documented a case of RSD hypocrisy on the forum. It starts innocently enough with some guy questioning the validity of the concepts one of their coaches, Alex teaches. He seems quite upset that even "logistics" aren't covered, and goes off quite a rant when he denounces the "myth of the natural":

Now IM sure someone will say "lol naturals dont do anything special", well guess what, most naturals suck shit when taken out of their social circle where they have status. The "natural" is a big myth and 99.99% of guys suck shit at cold approaching.Its HARD and you wont have success which such simple stuff.

This is a valid statement. Most "naturals" go only great due to their social circle. This works fine if you're the cool guy in high school or college, but afterwards those people stand a good chance of learning first-hand about dry spells.

Jeffy tries to deescalate the situation with a lame attempt of guilt-tripping the OP. You know, everybody who questions RSD just has to be wrong.
You don't like Alex's shit OP ok whatever. Don't use it. However you have chosen to take valuable time out of your life to come here and write some lengthy essay about how it sucks and you don't use it. That's time you could have spent constructively. The stereotypical person who does something of this nature is a rather unpleasant loser who likely lives in squalor and has little to nothing going on in his life. This is what makes people call you a "fag"... as opposed to the fact that you love to get slammed in the butt hole and mouth with sweaty men's cocks.
Thank you, come again, don't let the door hit you in your (sore) ass on the way out. Fucking faggot
For some reason, though, I get the impression that there are a lot of losers on RSD Nation. I'm of course talking about guys who approach a thousand women and are happy if they get a sloppy handjob out of that, and that level of success is enough to be called an "inspiration" on that forum. You even find guys on there who approach 10,000 women, only to get laid exactly once.

The OP's reply is priceless:
"OP you have critisism so you shouldnt be here, we only like people who heil our products, if ANY person comes with critisism or a negative review, we WILL flame him, call him different immature names and in general act like 14 year old children with daddy issues. That you took 2minutes of your life to write ANY negative stuff about a PRODUCT we EARN MONEY ON is WRONG hence you should be placed in a corner of "basement dweller" or a "fag" (Even tho Im 38 years old, sure as hell live in my own house and make a pretty good earning)."
But ofcourse, this is what happends on RSDnation. Do it on another forum and u will probably get SOME fanboy idiot who cant handle himself, but 80% of the guys posting wont most likely act like they just shit their pants and an instructor whos an PROFESSIONAL and a GROWN UP will most likely NOT act like he have some deep mental issues.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Roosh Spends Two Weeks In Canada, Can't Get Laid

Mace, a member of my forum, compiled statements of Roosh's current failed sex-trip to Canada. He dug up the quotes, I am merely reproducing them here.

Roosh in Montreal:
The pressure of these flag missions is getting high. If I get the flag it's no big deal, because I'm supposed to. But if I don't, then that's a pretty big failure. I will admit that the pressure does drive me. My first month in Croatia there was no pressure since I knew I was staying long. 

Still trucking along. Day game is much easier in cafes than the street. Night is okay. The ratios aren't bad, but huge social circles are killing me. 
I don't know... I think I've lived in EE for too long to enjoy this city. It feels like Sweden to me (but with thinner girls). Being an American really isn't a DHV, so my labor is quite high. 
[Note: In Sweden you have to make an effort to spot overweight girls. This reminds me of the vitriol he spewed about Denmark. Just because Roosh doesn't get laid doesn't mean that the women aren't hot. However, it means that Roosh will invariably speak badly of a those countries.]
I'm also not used to the heavy intoxication level. Lots of girls can't keep it together, so the social circle babysits them. I was doing okay with a French girl last night, but she abruptly left to go puke. I pretended I didn't know her. 

She had a cute face but was really heavy. She was the biggest girl in the bar.
There are a lot of good looking girls though. It's mostly a matter of access. Lots of mixed set groups. 

Well I'm pretty aggressive/fast with my game so I doubt that's the problem. My sample size is also small (one weekend) so I don't want to make any grand conclusions. It just wasn't as easy off the plane as the US or Scandinavia.
I can't say being American helped. They see the French culture as superior, so I felt it was more a hurdle (that I easily overcame) than a benefit.
I'm liking Canada overall, but it's very expensive. I feel I'm not getting much value for what I'm spending. 
Roosh in Toronto:

Tonight was a massacre. 
Quality was lowest of all three nights, but it was most crowded. I got cockblocked on 80% of my approaches. I semi-suited up tonight. Still almost no eye contact. 5's are very thirsty. They smile and want to talk. They half-approach you. The occasional 7 is open. You have to find her. If you do 5-10 approaches a night on 7s you'll find one that is down until you get cockblocked.
 Are you guys getting ONS's in Toronto? I don't see it. The social groupings are tough to crack. Most girls are overweight. I don't believe it sucks this bad for a city this big. The type of bars I went to should have open girls who want to fuck. But girls are doing their thing and then they all hop in cabs. They seem to be more excited about eating after the bar than getting with dudes. Montreal girls are hotter AND nicer AND easier to escalate with. Compared to Toronto it's poosy paradise. I came here with an open mind, I swear, but it's pretty bad.

Another thing I noticed that if you utter one lame joke or say something that can be construed as sexist, the girl is disgusted and walks away. You need 100% perfect game, no mistakes. In the US I could get away with a lot more than in Toronto. It's almost like Scandinavia. Last night I said "I like feminine women" and the girl (a 6) got offended and went back to her huge group (at least six people). 
At one point in the night I was standing in a packed bar and thought, "This is just pointless." Now I know what the PUAs I saw at Madison was approaching like monkeys. That seems to be what you got to do here.

It's 11:25. I've been ready to go out the past 30 minutes but I'm having trouble making it to the door. A man can only take so much abuse in one weekend.

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto. In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."
Mace finally asks, "So a guy whose dedicated all his adult life to picking up women can't get laid in 2 weeks in Canada. How bad is Roosh's game?"

Roosh not only has bizarre ideas about game. If he's doing better in poorer countries, it's only because he's seen as the "rich American", while in all well-off countries, the women don't seem to take him seriously at all. This then leads to Roosh bashing those countries. I wonder whether he'll write "Don't Bang Canada", just because he himself can't get laid there.

Assanova chimed in with the remark, "I think it has less to do with game, and more to do with the absurd standards of North American women. It is outright brutal for any guy that isn't at least an 8. I think it's time for the gurus to finally admit that game means absolutely nothing if your looks aren't top notch."

Indeed, the looks department holds Roosh back, in addition to his unawareness of differences in subcultures. To him, it's either mainstream or "hipster", and any finer distinction he seems to be completely oblivious to. Of course, this doesn't make him popular with the ladies either.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rest in Peace, Manosphere (Guest Post by Shackleford)

Roughly a decade ago, some anonymous guy started a blog called The DC Bachelor. He lived a typical Washington DC life: 9-5 job, then bar hopping in DuPont Circle and Adams Morgan trying to pick up girls. He claimed to have extraordinary success with women, but there was little evidence that he was doing better than the average guy living the same lifestyle. The blog itself was mostly standard Mystery Method game philosophy in a re-packaged form, but it had an interesting distinction: the inclusion of heavy scare tactics regarding uber-alpha male boogeymen. If you did not imitate the dominant behavior of these men, the DC Bachelor maintained, then you are a beta.  And if you are a beta, then you would lose out in the competition for women against this alpha man.

The alpha boogeyman established a new game tenet.  Whereas previous forms of PUA primarily targeted hopeless men who had little success with women, DC Bachelor's brand of PUA also targeted men who had experienced some form of success.  It went after the average man, saying "you may get dates, but I get better quantity and quality by acting more alpha than you.  Adopt my methods or every girl you date will ditch you for me or someone like me."

The DC Bachelor had a regular commenter who jumped on this fearmongering alpha/beta distinction and rode it ridiculous heights, continually cherry-picking from evolutionary psychology studies to emphasize the idea that females have a primal urge be with this alpha boogeyman. He maintained it is a woman's natural desire to be in an alpha male's harem (the 80/20 theory), and that women are driven to crush weaknesses by cuckolding or humiliating beta males.  This commenter also made himself out to be a veritable god with women, the embodiment of all this aforementioned alpha behavior. Soon, this commenter started his own blog, called Roissy in DC.

In reality, Roissy was just another regular DC bar hopper like the DC Bachelor (who later revealed himself to be Roosh), but that didn't stop him from being completely delusional. In Roissy in DC (now Heartiste), Roissy took the extreme version of evo-psych alpha/beta scare tactics and added a combination of hard-right politics and Steve Sailor racial HBD science. Does this now sound completely incoherent to you? Welcome to the manosphere.  

Incoherent is the key word. Roissy, Roosh, and all the subsequent copycat blogs all had a design for life that basically meant acting like an obnoxious, thuggish frat guy. But whenever evidence was presented to them, especially to Roissy, that guys who didn't act this way also got chicks, the manosphere would backtrack and redefine the definition of alpha from a dominant caveman dude to that of a guy who can score lots of girls, regardless of looks and behavior. The guys who look like pussies and don't use game but still get laid, therefore, are actually alphas. But these "alphas" are also pussies, Roosh and Roissy said, so you shouldn't act like them. Act like a dominant caveman.

The anti-feminism and racial politics would garner Roissy and the manosphere a larger audience for a temporary point of time, but it was inevitable that the jumbled game philosophy that was at its core would be its undoing. Although Roissy was not involved in the embarrassing DC meetup, his fingerprints are all over the pathetic thug behavior of all the major players in the post-Roosh/Roissy generation of manosphere bloggers. These guys prioritize the imitation of dominant meathead behaviors over actual success with women.  In fact, it's evident that they have little success at all, but it was surprising just how sloppy and clueless a blog like University of Man could be in blatantly revealing that reality. Generational rot indeed.

The biggest smoking gun, however, was the deflation of the Alpha boogeyman concept.  These guys certainly act like super-alphas storming around ready to take your woman, but their results are no better than the average man they abhor so much.  In fact, they are probably worse than average, if you took 15 men with no knowledge of game and dropped them into a bar crawling scenario similar to that of the Manosphere DC meetup. Imitation of behaviors can't invent attraction.

After the the DC Meetup got slammed, the University of Man shut down, and it's now evident that the manosphere is dying.  Let's look at the evidence:

  • Roosh has transitioned to a lifestyle blog:  In his writings, he has continually distanced himself from Roissy and barely believes in game.
  • Roissy dances in the corner alone. MRAs have disavowed him, and the current generation of gamers doesn't like his racial politics.  
  • The next generation of manosphere bloggers are realizing the lameness of the cause and are dropping like flies.  University of Man is dead.  Another blog, Alpha Persona, closed recently.

These quotes from the closing post of Alpha Persona are very telling:

It just isn’t what it used to be anymore, though. A lot of readers are keyboard warriors, a lot of readers are just looking for a place to be angry, and the number of you who actually practice this shit and work on yourselves and try to be better is frighteningly slim.
There have been too many game blogs for a while now. I get this email all the time, “Dude, I’m starting a game blog – help me out/link to me/help me name it/come up with a gimmick?
The facade is now gone, and the manosphere stands exposed for what it is:  absent the evo-psych window dressing and racial science, it's just the avocation of a 20-something frat boy lifestyle, with meaningless distinctions like wearing a suit and sex tourist traveling. Every guy who goes out and approaches girls on a Saturday night now thinks he can be an expert. The headless chicken remains of the manosphere will have dozens of blogs of this type, but no more relevant ones. It's just a small, insignificant world, much like it was in the beginning with the DC Bachelor.  Full circle.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Guest Post: Uber-alpha manosphere writers meet up in DC, fail to get laid (by Shackleford)

This gem of a post from Roosh/Roissysphere 3rd tier lackey Professor Mentu details how Roosh V hosted a meetup in DC for some of his deluded underling bloggers for a night of...shoving girls and not getting any play. The most hilarious aspect of this post involved the clueless "professor" Mentu puffing his chest out about this huge night of failure. Honestly, why bother trying to expose these guys as frauds when they make it completely obvious?

Here is the link: [EDIT: "The University of Man" website has been shut down shortly after this post was published.]

Now, for the break down:

Mentu notes that right off the bat that Roosh and his lackey bloggers have serious GAME in the field, if by game, you mean having conversations that don't result in anything concrete happening:

Manosphere writers practice what they preach. I was able to wing for VK with his Latina of choice, Roosh wasn’t in the post-meetup bar for 30 fucking seconds until he was chatting up a cute girl (different than the one he was talking to outside), Bronan caught two women on their way to the bar, chose off the blonde, so I immediately grabbed the brunette (the queen bee) and kept her busy while he did his thing. Gmac had a cute little number on lock in less than 20 minutes, and the other guys were on the prowl.

Excellent work, gentleman. Congratulations on fucking talking to girls and being on the "prowl". Can I buy the next book that's published by one of you?

Of course, when it comes time to drop all that talking and begin physical escalation, the bros in the Roosh-o-sphere truly get it violently pushing girls and pouring beer on them:

Never in my life have I shoulder-checked a bitch, but after watching one of our esteemed writers knock a princess into the railing on the sidewalk after she refused to move out of his way, I decided to give it a try. DC women can be rude as hell, so after the third or fourth time of literally being physically pushed out of the way, I shoulder-checked the fuck out of some little tart, and she spilled her drink on her sleeve. I did that twice last night, and it felt great.
It turned out I left a little too early, because I heard some chick tried to punk them, and Gmac poured a drink over her head. Damn, I wish I would have been there for that.

I guess this is the type of stuff Mentu is referring to when he wishes that Roosh and his ilk would move to his native city of Austin, so they could end up in "jail every weekend." But hey, maybe they would get some action there.

The cause is not all lost, however. Despite Mentu admitting that DC is a tough environment, in which neither Roosh or his sycophants get any for the evening, someone in the blogging meetup group did succeed in getting some action:

one of the writer’s friends who was there got to the makeout session pretty quick, and if I’m not mistaken, he took her home.

Whoa, stop the presses! A friend of one of the bloggers beat out these uber-alphas and actually got a women, probably by not using stupid game methods in the process. Or maybe, you know, he wasn't going around hip checking girls into railings.

Wow. Just. Fucking. Wow.

Monday, October 8, 2012

What About Consistent Results? --- An Anti-Seduction Community Rant

There was a lot of great feedback to the recently posted "RSD Escape Story". An anonymous poster wrote a very good analysis of how typical community teachings not only not help you, but set you up for ever greater failure. Again, accidental or not, the parallels to how cults operate are more than obvious.
Very solid post ! Props to OP and thanks Aaron for sharing it. I’d like to add something about consistency of results: consistency of non-painful, negative results. If you have anxiety around people and girls, the “community” gives you a bazillion reason as to why getting laid is indeed a huge deal, defines your social status, worth as a person, etc. This way, if you already tend to be anxious about it (which was probably the reason for lack of sexual/social life in the first place), your anxiety explodes and you tend to attach yourself to the solution presented as miraculous to solution this anxiety.

The worst part is that it is hard to adopt really the behaviors taught by the community since they correspond to the average narcissistic sociopathic asshole. So you’re here with enhanced anxiety and you know –or think you know-the way to avoid it forever, but you can never totally adopt these behaviors and bullshit mindsets, so you’re in for yet another seminar which will finally give you THE KEY to freedom. Another reason for anxiety increase is that, by advising you to meet girls in the most random of environment, they are getting you to internalize that a lot more things can happen than what the average guy will experience by meeting people normally. By meeting people randomly in random places in weird ways, anything can happen, and since those behaviors are new to you, you cannot predict what might happen to you (contrarly to your regular behavior) which causes stress and you have to do it again and again to become comfortable with this anti-social loser behavior.

The part about situational confidence is awesome. Once again, this “core confidence” idiocy comes from a common sense idea, that you shouldn’t take things too personally. From this obvious idea stems this bullshit mental masturbation that your emotional state should never vary according to the situation. Not only is it impossible to attain, it is also counterproductive, since not feeling confident in situation you don’t master or understand is the key to either bettering yourself in that field or avoid it altogether. Being insensitive to situational issues is comparable to not feeling any physical pain: people suffering from such malfunctions don’t live long because they cannot tell when they are being harmed or not.

Same goes for your social life and personality: if you always feel okay whatever happens, you will just spend your life doing nothing, like all instructors do, and the reason they can do that is because they have “students” (jeeze, what a usage for this word) to sell this bullshit idea in order to sustain this parasitic lifestyle. The only reason for instructors to dismiss situational confidence is their fear of being exposed as fakers, which will inevitably come from fucking girls through your lifestyle, i.e. seeing them again and again. By always meeting new girls in an environment where they aren’t known, they feel they can totally master the image they are projecting, which they are after. They don’t even really want chicks: they want to feel like studs. Which is probably why many students end up dropping the pursuit of chicks: you don’t need to score to become a caricature of frat morons.

The most interesting thing is that the “student”, once he starts going down this route, will progressively become unable to function properly socially, fueled either by narcissism or fear deeper down the hole of personal marginality, and the best way for them to sustain this lifestyle will become to sell the same “advice” again. And again, and again, which somehow turns the whole thing into a sort of bullshit Ponzi scheme, where profit for top people come from screwing people underneath, who then have to do the same thing.
[Note: This is especially evident by the trend in the community to offer "teacher training". Some companies, for instance Venusian Arts, seem to be focussing on this aspect nowadays. --Aaron Sleazy] 
It’s pretty crazy what you can do to escape fear or for ego, and in this case, it boils down to doing everything wrong. The guys who were more normal to begin with and claim they found value in the community generally are fooled by randomness, as put by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Coincidence of result with a new practice does not guarantee causality, especially when you are trying ten times as hard as before. Stay the fuck away from the community.

How to "open" and start conversations with women

If you're not following my forum, you are missing out on some great discussions, like Martin's practical tips on "How to "open" and start conversations with women". Here's an excerpt:
Judging by the questions and comments I often read from guys, especially from those who are just getting into pickup, I get the impression that starting conversations with women (“opening”) is for many one of the biggest sticking points. As someone whose work absolutely requires him to be social and start conversations with total strangers, I’m going to share with you a very simple trick to getting the ball rolling: establish proximity first!
Read the rest here. If you've got issues with "approach anxiety", it will probably help you a lot.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reader Comment on Roissy and Roosh

Shackleford left a comment on my recent post Roosh V Sucks With Women And Doesn't Know It, which I thought deserved greater attention. Lean back and enjoy the read!
Roissy appears worse because his bullshit has more followers, but as others have noted, his site has the unexpected effect of actually de-programming a lot of people from game. It's not just the flowery language and mixed metaphors (actually, 'mixed' is being too generous, it's more like a metaphor puree), his general philosophy will lead most readers who still possess a modicum of sanity to draw the following conclusions:

1. If the world is like Roissy describes, then I want to kill myself
2. If following Roissy's model is the way to salvation, then I want to kill myself even more.

Thankfully, the real world is nothing like Roissy's softcore collapse porn, and it's pretty easy to conclude that he and his followers have lost the plot entirely.

Roosh's approach, however, is more annoying, because he presents himself as some sort of "everyman," and he thinks that his frustration with American women represents that of the average dude. No; Most American men with a shred of common sense are doing fine. In addition, Roosh doesn't seem to be very bright or openminded when it comes to discussing American women. He has lived in ONE motherfucking American city in his adult life, and he draws all sorts of conclusions about US females based on it. Just drive 40 miles North to Baltimore and you'll see a world of difference in interests and attitude. But no, Roosh chooses to dismiss Baltimore based on a few nights out in FUCKING POWERPLANT LIVE. That's the thing; how can you draw conclusions women in cities, much less women in general, if you don't know where the actual cool areas to hang out are?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Roosh V Sucks With Women And Doesn't Know It

After bashing  Vince Kelvin, it's time for a break. A guy people on my forum occasionally mention, but someone I haven't paid much attention to is Roosh. His "game" consists of travelling to poorer countries and trying his luck with the ladies. However, more often than not he goes home empty handed.

Roosh has a particularly deluded crowd of followers who don't even realize that there is something wrong with a guy who proclaims that a "real player" gets between five and eight girls in a year. No, this is not a typo. Despite having little luck with the ladies, Roosh keeps on going to foreign countries. Recent highlight included three weeks in Sweden and one or two "lays". For a guy whose full-time job is getting laid this is nothing but pathetic.

A member of my forum, neparlepas, recently collected a number of Roosh's tweets, and I felt like sharing them with the readers of my blog. Read them and marvel. Neparlepas writes:

When Roosh announced he was going to eastern-europe, I was thrilled. I knew that his "pen opener" would make him look like an alien. So for your enjoyment, here is a collection of quotes from his twitter and forum account. 
Don't forget this is from a "professional pua" making a living by teaching guys how to get laid.

Without further ado, here are some of Roosh's own admissions of failure. I find it ludicrous when he calls girls who see through his lame act "simple minded."

My first instinct was to think that these girls don't care about sex, but truth is they're all getting it from some guy. So this neighborhood guy gets easy pussy, while I'm sweating my ass off for measly droppings. It seems like their entire game is "don't show any interest." I can spend an hour with a girl here and have no idea where I stand.
Would you guys call Ukrainian girls "simple minded"? I don't mean that to insult, but from a Western perspective, that's the first word that pops to mind.
What a waste of effort. one month here and I know that Western game will lead to paltry results.
Also a lot of girls here don't drink at all, or just one drink. It's fucked up my whole dating progression. I've never done so many coffee shop dates in my life. And we know that even if a coffee shop date goes well, the odds of sex or even a kiss is very low.
So just when I thought I was figuring it out, last night I was massacred. Just completely shut out. I have to admit that my club ROI is the lowest it's ever been since Colombia. My American sarcasm fell off the boat months ago. You can be funny but it's more of a silly humor they dig instead of the witty/dry humor that Americans dig. They don't understand dry humor here. You know the deadpan humor I use in my old Youtube videos? That doesn't fly here.
It's hard. Night game, anyway. The initial approach is going fine... I'm getting warm responses. Girls ask me where I'm from, etc. But the conversations are crapping out and I can't figure out why. It doesn't help that the girls don't really talk much, because of both a language barrier and their shy nature. One night stands... forget it.
It's not as bad as Latvia, but somewhat similar. I feel like I'm hitting a lot of foul balls. So I am making contact with the ball, but not rounding the bases. Unless the girl is REALLY into me from the beginning, I have no idea what the optimum game is.
(last twitter)
I gave up on Russian b/c main girl speaks English and I have enough survival knowledge. It was a good effort, though I faded bad in the end. And now back to Spanish. :banana:

This is simply breathtaking. Please note that he is unable to realize that the girls are just not into him. Thus, he keeps looking for ways to improve his "game." Buddy, if the girl isn't really into you, it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you move the interaction forward. On the other hand, if she's not into you, then it also doesn't really matter what you do because you simply won't get anywhere.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An RSD Escape Story

The following is a "survivor story" from C. who has been heavily involved with RSD. I particularly like how he analyzes the mind games the community plays, unknowingly or not, and how mere "belief" can make you ignore blatant inconsistencies.

Real Social Dynamics is often compared to a cult, and I can definitely see why people make this conclusion. Just think about how RSD, as C. writes, always mentions a "higher level". This could be taken straight out of the playbook Scientology uses. Of course, to reach those higher levels, you've got to take more bootcamps and more training, and just like Scientology, they slowly suck your bank account dry.

Also, please pay special attention to the section where C. discusses the "fucking huge elephant in the room", and RSD's "cult of the cold approach."


Dude, great website! My mind has been completely blown over the last few days reading your posts and blog - it's all so clear now. Anyway, perhaps you want to put this on your blog as a "survivor story" or something but I just wanted to say thanks for spreading the truth and helping me clear my head of all that bullshit!

I used to be massively involved in RSD - bootcamps, world summits, hot seats etc. and even though I have a girlfriend now I still believed their stuff and basically gave them credit for all my success. Until I started reading your website. It's amazing how RSD creates so much confusion and bullshit for something so simple - I honestly think that they believe their own bollocks now.

I started in the "community" in 2008. Within a month of starting I met a number of girls that I failed to pull the trigger on and then I met my ex girlfriend in a bar. I literally had the blueprint for a "perfect" approach on that one. I talked to her for a minute and then went to the bar. Half an hour later she appeared next to me with her friend with her back to me. I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around with the biggest smile on her face and we got chatting. Make out. Got her number and then she had to go. We met up the following week and I fucked her. We were together for 6 months until my immaturity and lack of experience caused me to overreact and dump her. So basically I did a "test approach", walked away and then she showed me she liked me by her proximity. Then I just escalated! Simple. If I'd continued to do that I wouldn't have needed the community. But no, I got suckered in.

I asked her why she hooked up with me and she said "I thought you were the best looking guy I'd seen in years". The sick thing about the "community" is that when I mentioned this to other community members and "experts" and they told me that "she doesn't know what she is talking about" or worse "its a rationalisation, you were just doing everything right but didn't know it". The disturbing thing about that line is that when you do the same thing with other girls and they don't respond well then you don't look at the obvious fact that she wasn't into you. It had to be your "game", and that even though you thought you were doing the same things you were before maybe she "sensed you didn't 100% believe in yourself" or some fucking bullshit like that. This keeps you trapped in this mental mindfuck.

At the same time I started reading a lot of RSD, I brought Flawless Natural and the Blueprint. I got a couple of ONS's after that. The funny thing was that I didn't "use" any of the techniques or mindsets in those products, the ONS "just happened". Like every hook up that happened to me before and during the community, there was no rhyme or reason to it. The girl was receptive and we fucked. Damn, before the community I fucked a stripper and then two girls from the same office within the space of a few weeks. Did I do any "game"? Nope. The way they get you is a promise of "consistency" - I was inconsistent before the community because it was always social circle and the occasional "cold approach". They lead you to believe that the times you got laid or had success wasn't due to the fact that by sheer statistics you had met a girl that was into you, but because it was something you did, or said or an attitude that you had. This leads you to investigating the techniques thinking "damn if I can just replicate what I did then I'll pull every girl I want".

I then took a bootcamp. The name of the instructor is irrelevant because ultimately they teach the same thing: approach and escalate (depending on the instructor that could be escalate slowly aka Alex or escalate fast aka every other instructor). After the bootcamp my "game" exploded. I was banging left and right. Why? Because I was approaching more girls! You don't realise it after or during bootcamp but the whole thing is a massive state pump mixed with some bullshit mental masturbation. The bootcamp just primes you to approach more and more and do the right thing - escalate. This is good. But the problem comes with the associated bullshit - the complicated inner game theories, their insistence that you are not quite finished yet and there is always "another level". They will never say to a client "well done you are complete". They tell you "you are enough" and then just when you've got things straight in your mind they pull the rug out under your feet - changing "attraction theories" etc. which require you to learn some new inner game theory. Then there are new instructors with new theories on things.  You are constantly being dangled a carrot that promises to explain why you've not been getting more lays/success or getting the uber hot girls. Maybe Julien's game will help me to the "next level" or Alex or Tyler or Jeffy or now Todd's back with some stuff. It completely ignores the possibility that it's all pre-determined.

Of course the instructors have publicly mentioned that its a "numbers game" - Tyler and especially Jeffy. Jeffy cites "Evil Stifler" his "natural friend" who just approaches everywhere and escalates on girls. Apparently he had fucked over 600 girls. I believe this because the guy apparently doesn't do anything else besides hitting on girls. The problem is that they then add a caveat that even though it's a numbers game you have got to be sure you have "momentum" or that you "communicate man-to-woman" or that you have "entitlement" and can "look into her eyes without wavering cos a woman can tell if you are present or not" (complete mental wankery).

The problem is that you believe it because its such a cognitive dissonance to not believe it. When you have taken a bootcamp and invested time and money in them and SEEN your results SHOOT UP you automatically assume it's the "techniques" or "inner game" or whatever you believe they have given you. You never think that they have just pumped you to approach more and then taken credit for your results that would have normally happened, if you are socially normal and not fucking ugly, whether you approached that girl "man-to-woman" or "friend-to-friend" or "out of state" or whatever.

Tyler even shows a video where he "pulls out of state". He then pulls some theory out of his ass that it's because he was "authentic to his emotions" and sometimes "girls will like you for being authentic even if you aren't in state". He fails to explain that she would have liked him anyway whether he was authentic or not - she found him attractive. But the truth is in there, hidden away within that authentic statement - he is half right, she liked him when he was being authentic because he wasn't being wierd. The fact she was attracted to him was a coincidence. It wasn't the fact he was authentic to his emotions that got him the attraction. She was already attracted and the fact he was fucking normal and not forcing "game" when he wasn't feeling great meant he didn't weird her out and she felt she could act on that attraction.

The sad thing is, and I've seen Tyler actually say this while acting out his "warm-up" process for a night. He says (mimicking himself walking into the club) "Oh, I'm not in state yet so no-one is going to fuck me" so that's his rationale for approaching a load of girls - not to see which ones like him but to actually become attractive. Then of course he says "but you are enough and girls will like you just for you.......but you've got to be in state to be attractive......but you can also pull if your not in state......but it's better to be in state......but don't worry about not being in state......and by the way if you need clarification about what is right and what is wrong then you are immature and not at the level of game that I and my instructors (people you look up to and want to be) are because we, like all the top elite level gamers, can hold multiple conflicting ideas in our heads and don't need to clarify which is right and which is wrong." Which leaves everyone confused as to what to do and makes them think that the problem is on their end and not on RSD's teachings.

Then you have the differences between the instructors styles - Alex who just says "approach, talk, make moves" and is all about being friendly and escalating very slowly versus Jeffy who is all about "approach, communicate man-to-woman, express not impress". Jeff (and Tyler) state that if you talk to the girl "friend-to-friend" then she won't be attracted to you. Well, Alex talks to the girls "friend-to-friend" and he has plenty of girls attracted to him. I'm pretty sure they just skirt the issue, Tyler rambles on about "different styles but the core fundamentals are the same". Which is true, the core fundamentals are the same - they approach a lot of girls and screen out the ones that don't like them, whether that's through fast escalation (most of RSD) or slow escalation and reading the signals (Alex). That's the reality, but no they say - the core fundamentals are "Core confidence, not giving a fuck what people think, expressing not impressing, freedom from outcome, intent, blah blah blah".

The fucking huge Elephant in the room which everyone hooked into RSD ignores or doesn't recognise cos their brain is too clouded (which was myself until very recently) with RSD bullshit is that there is only ONE reason why two COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY styles work.......

It doesn't matter what you say or do! It's pre-determined whether the girl fancies you and whether she will sleep with you. You can walk up and talk friend to friend and the girl will be into you or not. You can walk up man-to-woman and the girl will be into you or not. I've done both. Jeffy shows a video where he shows him talking to a girl at the beginning of the night. He is talking "friend-to-friend" aka like Alex. She laughs a bit and then walks off to find her friends. Jeffy explains that she doesn't fancy him BECAUSE he doesn't go "man-to-woman". He could be right in some respect, she could be deliberately out looking for dick and she fancies him but when she sees him not escalating she looks to find someone who will. But the causality of attraction isn't "escalation". Jeffy then shows a different girl later in the night that he is escalating on and she is into him - he states that this is because he is "man-to-woman" with her. Maybe, but it's more likely she would have still fancied him anyway.

You've still got to make moves, you've still got to move things forward with a girl you like and sometimes if she likes you and is just looking for dick and you don't escalate fast then she will ditch you to find someone who will. But escalation isn't a pre-requisite of attraction. If it was then nobody would ever receive approach invitations and I certainly wouldn't have had sex with half the girls I've fucked.

Of course there is no business model if they just say "it's all pre-determined and there is nothing you can do about it". Just improve your look and style and approach a ton of girls or look for those giving you AIs. Ironically, Tyler is into "freedom from outcome" - apparently it's the "key" to getting laid. Well, there is no bigger freedom from outcome when you realise it's all pre-determined and if a girl likes you there is nothing you can really do to fuck it up!

The whole looks debate with RSD is tiring as well - Tyler and Jeffy go on about how they aren't good looking, how none of their instructors are good looking except Brad (whose game apparently is "nothing to do with his looks"). Well actually, no instructor in RSD is "ugly" and for the most part they all have a good look. They have style - they dress "cool". They don't look like uber nerds (except Tyler) but even Tyer dressed well and looks good most of the time. Julien, well the dude is over 6 foot and dresses like an archetypal LA douchebag who fucks hot chicks. It's nothing to do with his "game". Jeffy talks about his height and how it can't be looks because he is short. Well, guess what, it seems there are a number of girls who find a well dressed, muscular, short, slightly assholish, charasmatic man with a mullet attractive. He just finds them, screens out the ones that are not attracted and fucks them. Simple.

It's all so obvious now - but when they've hooked you in, your brain just finds every reason why its true. And half the people on that forum aren't even interested now in fucking girls - cold approaching is all about becoming a better man, or becoming socially fearless. Not bad goals but certainly completely unneeded to get laid a lot. Cold approach for everyone on that forum becomes almost a dick measuring competition. RSD publically state that you need to do the "hardest approaches to grow". So to get better at the game you are supposed to chuck yourself into a situation where success is probably less than 1%. Then of course when you eventually have that inevitable success in that situation (pure statistics) you attribute it to your "game". Of course it doesn't make sense then in the next situation like that you do that the girl rejects you but that's a cognitive dissonance that you just ignore. Indeed Jeffy even states that he "doesn't remember his rejections" - cognitive dissonance that his brain ignores.

Ozzie has his students stand in the middle of London being socially weird to give them confidence to approach girls. At least in his defence he says once you have no fear and just approach then there is nothing you need to do - if she likes you its on. You can't make her like you. But the rest of it - doing "fear drills" each night is a waste of time when you can just find girls that are into you and fuck you. That's going to boost your confidence more than overcoming your fears and being able to walk up to that girl in an impossible situation and "survive 2 minutes of conversation".

In RSD's eyes anyone who doesn't "cold approach" is a faggot - if you gave them the choice between having a lifestyle set up where they could bang the hottest girls constantly (film actor, model photographer, famous DJ etc.) or cold approach I think they would choose cold approach. I remember reading on the forum that someone asked Julien and Brad about this and they said they wouldn't want it because they would get "bored"! It's clear that it's not about the pussy but about showing off to their mates and becoming some kind of fearless machine because it means they have "core confidence" rather than "situational confidence" - i.e. they would rather get less hot pussy just so they can say "well that dude is only getting laid cos he is famous/rich and if you took him out of that environment he would not get laid - I can get laid anywhere, I have core confidence and he doesn't" --- completely missing the point that unless the whole of western society breaks down Jamie Foxx or whoever is never going to not be in that situation! I'd rather have situational confidence and be banging chicks like Vinnie Chase than be running around every night of my life chasing girls down the street. There is a reason RSD followers struggle to overcome their fear of what people think, its because everyone with any social intelligence instinctively realises that what Tyler and co promote is just fucking weird.

I remember being out with so called "naturals" who would just spot a girl giving them the eye, approach and escalate and get laid. I, on the other hand, would run around approaching until finally hooking up with --- Surprise, surprise! --- a girl who gives me the eye or makes it obvious from the first few minutes that she is into me. The brainwashing is so strong that you ignore these guys who tell you "dude stop approaching so much and watch for the girls that want you to approach" - you think that it's "chode" or that they are just taking what they can get. Despite the fact that you approached 50 girls to get laid that night and they approached 1 you still think it's better because there could be a shy girl who hasn't the courage to look at you even though it has never gone down that way before.

The level of brainwashing is so strong that I ended up still believing in it despite hooking up with my now girlfriend with no "game" whatsoever. I believed it was down to my "becoming an attractive man" after bootcamp, completely ignoring the fact that I was always attractive to girls and RSD had literally fuck all to do with it apart from encouraging me to approach and escalate towards sex, hence getting me laid more and me naturally concluding that it was RSD that made it so. RSD is sinister and highly manipulative.

If I look back at every girl that I fucked, fingered, got a blow job from, made out with it was "on" from the first few minutes. That was the case before game, during and now I'm in a relationship so it doesn't matter. It was "easy" and it just clicked, attraction already existed. Sure there were logistical obstacles but that's all you really need to "learn" in the game. Dealing with logistics and being ruthlessly efficient - screening girls out and being ruthless with the girls that already like you.

I wish I hadn't wasted so much money on their products, I wish someone had showed me this from the beginning but then again everything happens for a reason and I have fucked a lot of girls since joining this community. I just wish I hadn't been sold a lie and RSD hadn't taken credit for something that was always mine in the first place!

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Peek into Project Hollywood: Vince Kelvin and Speer's Empty Promises, Part II

Here is the second part of K.K.'s story about Vince Kelvin and Speer's big New Year's Eve event:


Now I didn't go into the "Big Night" of the New Year's Eve bash at the Mansion yet, because I wanted to save the best for last! They did have an open bar for much of the night, until I heard Speer bark at one of his "Knights/slaves" to start pulling the hard liquor back inside the Mansion. The whole inside of the Mansion was off limits to the attendees, so where was I going to bang a chick, if I did pick one up, the back of my SUV, or in the only bathroom accessible off the servant's kitchen and locked down from access to the interior of the Mansion that had an average of 20-30 people waiting in line to use all night long?!!! There was more like a total attendance of 30-40 women and many of those were with their own men, or weren't hot enough to even get my dick hard for!

I have to say that as I circulated and talked to most everyone, most in attendance were very cool people and many told me how great it was to meet me, including the owner of the record label for the up and coming rapper, who sang poolside, where the whole event was staged, and the rapper himself was a real down to Earth dude and not a prima-donna. While standing in line to use the crapper, I would just chat up some of hottest girls there like they were my little sister's friends, teasing them and just letting my true personality come through, which tends to be a bit sarcastic but in a humorous way, with sexual innuendo thrown in to shock and delight them.

I had several dudes in attendance at the party tell me that I was "the man," (out of all the dudes in attendance, which presumably included Vince Kelvin, Speer, and a couple of the "Gurus". On a couple of occasions dudes commented, those girls are way into you, and they're all yours (a couple of tall hot French girls), and one guy who asked if I could keep an eye on his girl a real hottie, by the way, while he went to get the car or something told me, if I hadn't have brought her, she would be leaving with you (I guess she let it be known to him that she liked my style).

Here's the final description of the evening's events that pretty well depicts Vince Kelvin for the scum-bucket he truly is, and what a loser he is at getting with women, in reality. I was standing out poolside and chatting up a group of about 3 girls out of which one I considered do-able and she seemed to be warming up to me quite nicely, when Kelvin walks up, and asks if we want to take the party to his room. I figured maybe he'd break out some upscale booze, or at least I could sit down and chat up the prettier girl that I was into. As we approach the poolside french door entrance to his room, he says plenty loud enough for all to hear, speaking directly to me, "Hey, no newbies allowed!" So to sum it up, he charges you to come to a party to practice your pick-up skills and pick up women, and when you are successful, he steals the woman that you are successfully gaming, right from underneath you!

All I have to say about that is, there was a time when I would have grabbed by the throat and taken him down with one hand/arm, as I'm 5'10", 165 lbs. and in excellent physical shape, while that pathetic little "pin d_ _k," is maybe 5'6" with his 3 or 4 inch platform shoes on, he smokes like a chimney, and I don't have any proof that he does hard drugs, but let's just say that his behavior and appearance are "druggie like." Also, it is common knowledge that Speer had a huge drug problem at one time, (maybe still does, who knows?).

I'll just wrap this up by saying that at the total of $80.00 paid total, it was a fairly inexpensive lesson on what a "rip off" these so called "Pick-Up" Artists are. I'd say it's more likely that they are handling what little they've got much more than any females. By the way, I'm an older dude (58, as of April 2012) that has fucked around 60 women (many multiple times), probably most before these frauds were even born, and anyone ever heard about "The Game," or pick-up. I'm not talking fatties here, either. My first wife was a smoking hot Cuban woman, and I still have smoking hot 20 somethings throwing themselves at me, when I realized that I didn't need all of this phony pick-up crap then, and I don't need it, now! I credit my bad experiences with the so-called pick-up community, and reading your book which I purchased with helping me to turn it around.

I got a same night lay with a 30 year old with a cute face, and a little heavier than I normally go for, but after an evening with a couple of margaritas and a pitcher of beer under my belt, when I offered her a ride back to her hotel instead of having to wait for a cab, she was all over me, before I was pulling out of the parking lot to the bar, "telling me how hot I was, and how she wanted to fuck me so bad," that I pretty much knew it was a done deal before we got back to her upscale hotel room. Funny thing was, I was probably more concerned about waking up her female roomie sleeping in the bed next to us, than she was! Once, I was inside her, I forgot all about the roomie!

Oh, let me add one more thing! Most of the attendees for the New Year's Eve Boot Camp/Guru Summit paid anywhere from $500.- $1,500 and upwards to attend this same event, so $80.00 was a cheap education in the true nature of at least those scum bagging portions of the "pick up" community! I suppose in retrospect, it's a good thing that I was on unemployment at the time, brought my own food in an ice chest, and took my chances parking on their street that warned of being towed as it was permitted parking only, but I couldn't afford $12.00 a day parking in the structure across Sunset Blvd, or they may have "fleeced me for more!" Oh, I probably drank $60.00-$80.00 worth of their booze, too, so I guess I ended up even.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that they work those "Knights" like slaves, trying to suck in more "marks," on the phone and computer all day long, and they sleep in a converted garage with bunk beds and a space heater, and well, you know what a place with a bunch of dudes, dirty laundry, etc, smells like after awhile, so I doubt that any of them could pull anything beyond a street walker, or an absolute skank, back to that hell-hole! I actually felt sorry for those dudes. It doesn't take most of them long to figure out that most of what comes out of Kelvin's mouth is total B.S., about hey they will make big money working for him, etc.  I even know of at least one dude who I heard on a pod-cast that Kelvin had him pick up groceries, booze, etc. to the tune of like $300.+, and never paid him back! Kelvin is actually going bonkers of late, and have heard messages he left on some Website owner's voicemail threatening his life, threatening lawsuits, etc. I doubt if we'll be hearing more about Kelvin in the future, unless it's news that he's been committed to a padded room, or a jail cell! He deserves every bit of it, too!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Peek into Project Hollywood: Vince Kelvin and Speer's Empty Promises, Part I

Some time ago I was posting about the high-pressure sales techniques of Arash Dibazar. Shortly afterwards, I received some inside information from K.K. about how Speer and Vince Kelvin conducted their business.

As far as I know, their "Project Hollywood" is no more, with Speer moving to, I think, Miami, and Vince lying in a hospital bed. Apparently the entire project was bankrolled by some rich European benefactor who has either left completely or followed Speer. Either way, the story of Vince Kelvin and Project Hollywood is yet another chapter that's now closed.

Below you will find the first part of K.K.'s story. I'll post another one tomorrow.


Arash Dibazar sounds like Vince Kelvin and his protoge "Speer!! They would invite you through some local pick-up artist group where they would give a "free" talk. They invite you to their house in Hollywood, called "Project Hollywood," and promote the fact that it's the house that Neil Straus was living in when he wrote the Game as they give you a "grand tour." This used to be Mystery's room, this was Neil's room, etc.

So the 1-2 hour talk is free, but at the end, Speer gives the hard sell pitch about it's only those who "take action" are the ones who will improve with women, and then they basically try to shame anyone there who doesn't want to meet up with one of their "Hollywood Knights" who are supposedly up and coming pick-up artists who are studying under the "Masters," so that they will one day be skilled enough to teach at their boot camps, etc. The Knights then used the old  "we are giving you a special offer that is good only for tonight, then the price almost doubles, and if you act now, we will throw in an invitation to the New Year's Eve party at the Mansion!

Speer during his pick-up talk personally guaranteed, that he himself had personally invited at least 75 good looking women to the party, so the place would be teeming with women ready to go on one of the best nights of the year! I, like the guy making low wages flat out couldn't afford any money up front, which later on turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I did get sucked into paying into a $5.00 a day plan, and gave them credit card information, but I had a very low credit limit, and told the dude who signed me up for this plan, after having to go to Speer to see if he would "approve" such a small payment and I think I gave them $20.00 cash up front.

Well, to make a long story short, their big World Pick Artist's Summit/ boot camp/ New Year's Eve weekend, where they represented you would be working one-on-one with each of the best pick-up artists in the world at some point during the 3 day boot camp: gurus like Tyler Durden, who's real name is Owen Cook, I believe, Vince Kelvin himself lol!, Brad P., Sasha "Day Game", David Wygant, Erica Awakening; one of their own Knights named Maven, who is so overweight, bald-headed and dresses so out of style (combination of Chicago gangster and Hollywood in the fifties, with a Fedora to cover his bald head) has the personality of a turnip, and has a striking resemblance to "Uncle Fester from the old "Addams' Family television show, that I doubt that he could get laid if he had five $100.00 bills pinned to his lapel, some woman named Liz who I never got a last name/moniker for, Johnny Soporno, Ross Jefferies, Hydro-who was another one of their Knights and who supposedly specialized in on-line dating and sending text that would guarantee you'd get in their panties, and finally some dude out of New York, named John Keegan, who is supposedly another one of these day game/approach women on the street specialists.

So here's the kicker, all of the above mentioned would give their pick-up advice, and there was a 10 minute break between each speaker where they would be basically pitching their products and services when they were supposedly going to answer your questions, then the speakers would adjourn at around 7 pm, and then the sponsors Kelvin and Speer, would ungraciously kick everyone out of their house and tell you to come back in 3 hours for the boot camp! When you got back, they divided us into groups under the tutelage of the neophyte nights, and Kelvin may have taken one group, while Speer took off with some chick for his own agenda! We would for the most part walk the quarter mile or so to the "Saddle Ranch," or the Standard, where the coaching just amounted to them "pushing you into opening sets," while they stood across the room or 30 feet away, and gave you their "well informed" opinion on what you did wrong.

All Vince Kelvin himself did was tell the guys to "go where the pussy's at," such as the patio, near the entrance, or by the women's restroom, while he sat outside in the patio area and smoked! Shortly after, Vince Kelvin took off with a couple of beat up looking women in their 40's that were either past their prime of being in porn, or stripping, and were now probably pros who serviced the geriatric set. They were so skanky looking that I wouldn't have wanted to do either one of them with somebody else's dick! Not to mention fear of STDs!

Can you imagine the thought process or lack thereof to have 25-30 guys descend on a rather small venue with maybe a few dozen women, as opposed to a large venue with hundreds of women, and they are all basically using variations on the same pick-up lines and routines! I think the only thing we'they accomplished was creeping out the women and clearing the venue in record time!

So the misrepresentations were as follows: Not one of the guru guest speakers worked with anyone at the boot camps following the two days of speakers, unless you count Kelvin and Maven, out of which Kelvin bailed early or arrived late the ONE night of boot camp v. two nights as promised, because after the speakers on New Year's Eve, we were given the boot, until the party started at 9 or 10 pm! I heard that they had some semblance of a boot camp called a "charge-a-thon," or some similarly idiotic name on January 1st, but after two nights of sleeping in the back of my SUV, because I couldn't afford a pricey hotel room in Hollywood, or even a stay at a "Youth Hostel" several miles away, no money and just enough gas to get me home, I was out of there bright and early!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Update on Vince Kelvin

Joe Carnage commented on my recent jab at Vince Kelvin that one of my favorite PUAs is not only suffering financially:

Vince is definitely desperate for cash for his mansion since that old Eastern European benefactor left when Speer did. Breaking news, he is in the hospital for suffering a heart attack because of extreme stress. Figures from not being able to foot the $14,000 a month mansion bill and not being invited to the biggest pua event of the year. 
From Valerie Hammond off his facebook: 
"Vince Kelvin is still at hospital, his heart monitored around the clock. He had a near seizure and heart attack earlier this week. The doctors are extremely concerned. I am answering his phone and Bao and Jesse are in charge at Project Hollywood. He was doing better but had another two intense panic attacks earlier this morning. I am doing my best but we can use his friends support and assistance, thank you. Will keep you posted."
"We're trying very hard to get Vince Kelvin back home, but he had another series of panic attacks leading to seizure last night! Doctors are pretty clear, it is not because of poor health, but extreme stress."

Friday, September 14, 2012

Vince Kelvin is Desperate for Money: 2 days with him for $199

This don't seem to be going too well for Vince Kelvin, but I just can't figure out why. Just have a look at this exemplar of a man: Tall, muscular, beautiful, and always a super-hot chick by his side:

Yet, if you look him up these days, you wonder how well he's doing. He does seem to struggle quite a bit, as you'll soon see. Instead of trying to sell his services for a few grand, he places himself firmly in the bargain bin. His latest attempt to make some money off his fame as a pickup instructor is an offer to shack up with him.
You can chose between those price levels:
  • 2 days & 1 night: $199
  • 2 days & 2 nights: $349
  • 3 days & 3 nights: $499
There is also a "The 'Mack Daddy' BIG BOY V.I.P." package for the customary $2,997.

Seriously, if I lived in LA, I'd book his $199 package just for the entertainment value, and I'd have him approach fatties until I fell of the chair laughing.

If you are interested, then act soon, because even though it is already the 14th of September, this offer ends on the 7th:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Game Over: Justin Wayne Leaves the USA and Intends to Drop "PUA" From his Name

Closure is psychologically satisfying, not just in a novel, a book, or a videogame, but also when you read that one of the worst scammers the PUA industry has ever seen --- and this means a lot given this field --- packs his stuff, leaves the USA and quits.

Justin Wayne tried to spin the recent events in a more positive light here and there and has sent out his army of shills. Yet, none of this has helped, and the more he tried to get out of the mess he's gotten himself in, the more shit just hit the fan.

Quite recently, one of Justin Wayne's alleged conquests (yes, he has just made that up) announced that she's going to take legal steps, and announced that she wants to see "Justin Wayne" getting locked up. Yet, I was quite surprised to hear that Justin Wayne has announced that he's back in Jamaica due to "documentation issues." I think he really shit his pants after he realized that he had admitted on video that he's been scamming and lying all along.

It seems he packed his bags literally hours after that call, because very soon after, you could find this on his blog:

Please note the lame attempt at spinning his recent "popularity". Justin, the word you were looking for is "infamy."

I guess this was it for Justin Wayne:

So, Justin Wayne, it was a pleasure meeting you. I wish you good luck with your next harebrained scheme. Oh, by the way, when are you going to approve my comment?

Goodbye, Justin! Here's a song to wish you well:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If You're Sexy and No One Knows It...

On my forum we were discussing the importance of dressing sexy. In this thread, one guy, discuss, posted two pictures that illustrate very well how much your appearance changes if you put on clothes that show off your body. It's one thing to talk about it, but quite another when you see it on pictures.

First, we have some dude who looks rather average. He wouldn't really stand out. Heck, you can't even tell what his body is like. You'll be very surprised when you see the second picture of him, though.

...but now look at this picture:

It's a difference like night and day. Yes, it's the same guy.

Someone's Got Justin Wayne by the Ballz (Video!)

This just came in:

It seems like you are right about Justin, there is at least one girl who he lied to pick up and it actually never happened. If you read his last article there were some chick he called Peagent Girl.

Anyways, somebody forwarded his blog with her pic on it, and she is thinking of suing him.

Watch broadcast for September 3, 2012. She talks about Justin from 01:51

Also watch broadcast for September 4, 2012 from the beginning, in the last one she actually begs her over phone to not sue him and she recorded and posted it online and broadcasted it while he is begging her.

Watch her conversation with Justin Wayne here:
The comments are quite amusing as well. Also, the MTV issue plays a prominent role. The girl seems very smart, too. Nice one!

So, dear Justin Wayne shills, how do you like them apples now?

EDIT: In the comments someone mentions that Justin Wayne was basically trying to run a prostitution ring. It seems exaggerated, but I can certainly see how you could view it that way. After all, the guys paid him money with the expectation to get laid.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Another Example of a PUA Scammer in Action

I think we could all need a little break from reading about Justin Wayne. There are more scammers out there, though. The following is an email I was sent some time ago, and hadn't it been for the Justin Wayne/Marcus Nero exposure, I would have posted it much sooner.

In a nutshell, the following is a testimony of a guy from California who had a run-in with a PUA called "Arash Dibazar", and he tells us how that PUA tried to make him part with some money. The guy who sent me this said that I could even publicly use his name if I wanted, but I'll refrain from it as only PUA shills would claim that I make this stuff up anyway.

It's an interesting story as it also illustrates the thought process that makes men buy into the empty promises of pickup coaches. Luckily, the guy who emailed me was smart enough to get out before losing a lot of money.

Here is his email:

So after failed attempts with women, which I now realize was because they were never interested, I decided to research online like most guys do and hopefully figure some things out. Of course I got sucked into the PUA world and soon enough found myself reading The Game by Neil Strauss (dick head). In his book he mentions boot camps where guys can actually train under masters to become pick up artists themselves.

I figured since I had never had much luck with the techniques I was probably doing something wrong, and could use some coaching. Out of curiosity I went on Google and searched for some local pick up places. I came across the Celcius Lounge located in Campbell, California. The self-proclaimed guru is named Arash Dibazar, and he had about 5 henchmen under him who I originally thought were just regular guys like me who had learned from him, but I later realized were part of the same organization trying to lure insecure guys with hopes of becoming ladies men.

They offered free meet ups every Tuesday and Thursday where Arash himself would often come in and give an hour or two lecture on picking up girls. He claimed to have trained under Matador from the VHI show with Mystery. They told us that we were a tribe, and that if you signed up to make the monthly payment you had full access to the video and you were an official tribe member. They also offered to teach you "genuine Brazilian Jui Jitsu" for another fee, as Arash was forced to learn martial arts when he was young because he was beat up all through school, so he claimed.

It all sounded promising so I went for a few weeks. Soon enough they were pressuring me to start taking their camps. I told them that I'd love to but I only make like $18,000 a year and I pay for my living expenses and college tuition, so there was no way I could do it. One of the henchmen, Eugene, told me how he used to suck with women in college but when he graduated he took out loans for a boot camp and it changed his life. I told him that I was not sure that was a great idea for me at the time.

After we had this talk they started mentioning at meet ups that they decided to offer more flexible payment plans for people with less steady income. Ultimately the price was the same ($1000 up to $5000 for a week/weekend and makeover), but they were offering to allow people to make payments rather than do the full amount at once. They were also strongly encouraging people to take out loans because this was an investment in your future happiness and money did not matter nearly as much as that. 

I also went in to see their professional stylist Hennassy Bear, a super hot girl, and she was sooooo forceful in trying to get me to sign up for her style makeover. Once again prices were ranging from $1000 for a simple one day makeover up to like $10,000 to shut down an entire store and have it to ourselves. I told her I could not afford that, but maybe in a few months when my income is more stable. She kept insisting she only had two spots left that month and that if I gave her my number she would talk to Arash and see if he would allow her to workout a payment plan. I kept shutting her down softly by saying no I just can't afford it. She insisted on taking my number and said she'd call me back, but thankfully she never did. After realizing these people were con artists who are full of shit I stopped going to the meetings. Too bad dozens of other guys are still lured in there every week and drop big bills for nothing. Even with their $5000 makeovers they look fake and uncomfortable. 

Hope that wasn't too long. Good luck with what you're doing it's a great thing.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Justin Wayne's Disinformation Campaign: No, he is NOT Brandon Rice.

This will hopefully be the last post on Justin Wayne aka Marcus Nero. I've written far too much about this scammer already. However, one thing has come up that should be documented. While I was busy exposing Justin Wayne, I was contacted by a guy who claimed that Justin Wayne wasn't Marcus Nero either but "Brandon Rice." That guy has started to post this disinformation on other places on the Internet as well. But let's see what kind of evidence he presented.

The first red flag was that he was trying to usher me literally from the get-go to post on my blog that Justin Wayne was "Brandon Rice". When I didn't he made up one thing after another. Let's just go through it one by one.

First Email:
Marcus is not his real name. It is a fake name and profile that he uses for women that he 'games'. His real name is Brandon Rice. I know people who KNOW him. First of all, He did not go to the college that he mentioned. He went to Queens College. He got kicked out for selling drugs on campus. A girl had a panic attack and ratted on him. I think this was in 2006. He has an brother named Benjamin Rice. They both were known to be in shady shit that I will get more information on. Here is Justin Wayne's real Facebook account and his brother Benjamin Rice

This is definitely his real account with 1138 friends on his list and pictures galore. I attached some in this email.
However, the "pictures" he attached turned out to be one random shot with Justin Wayne. I asked him for more pictures, but he couldn't get any, despite claiming that he was "saving pictures NOW". I laughed when hours later he wrote:
I just want to make things easier. He uses Marcus as a fake name to give the girls so no one would find his real identity. 

Everyone in my town knows him as Brandon. Brandon Rice is his government name.
So far, I had seen nothing but claims and no compelling evidence. I was asking for "proof", but since that guy was unable to provide any, he just kept making stuff up, merely alluding that there was "a lot of dirt." More red flags were showing, like that guy claiming he would send me "proof" and "more information" after (!) I had posted that Justin Wayne was Brandon Rice (instead of Marcus Nero). Apparently in an eager mood, that Justin Wayne's sockpuppet then demanded I tell him the email addresses of the girls that had contacted me because he "maybe wants to work with them."

The hilarity continued when I received images from random black guys who were claimed to have been accomplices of "Brandon Rice". Apparently it was too much to ask for a picture showing both the accomplice and Justin Wayne/Marcus Nero.

The whole "selling weed" story didn't impress me either. At this point I wasn't even responding to those emails anymore, but still received five within a couple of hours. Apparently someone got really desperate. Suddenly, the "selling weed" story got dropped in favor of this one:
He is originally Jamaican. He MAY be an illegal Immigrant! I think they have overstayed their Visa. 

I hope he gets DEPORTED..
So now Justin Wayne/Marcus Nero is an illegal immigrant. I wasn't reacting to this either, but little later I was presented with another story, even lamer, and of course once again without any evidence at all:
Ok so this is what I found out. Brandon is engaged to this bimbo, he is trying to get married for his papers so he can be an American Citizen. Here name is Sarah. I will try and get her facebook info. From what I know she knows NOTHING of "Justin Wayne". 
Oh, what a sudden twist of fate! However, the guy knows who she is, but for some strange reason can't even send me the link to the facebook page of the "bimbo" Justin Wayne is claimed to be engaged to. It must really suck to be so stupid.

As unbelievable as it may sound, this wasn't even the end of it. That sockpuppet claimed that I now had "enough info" to post something on my blog, but of course this was all just stuff someone pulled out of his ass. You wouldn't guess the next move, though.

In a last desperate attempt, I was sent "ultimate proof" that was supposed to validate all the nonsense I had mentioned above. Have a look at this:

Here is the ultimate proof....

That same email in leads you to his Facebook profile. He forgot to make that profile private. The others are private however.

Now, let the girls know who he Really is.
 Oh, a whois entry! I had checked the whois entries of Justin Wayne/Marcus Nero's websites just some hours ago, so I was quite eager to learn what's to be seen there. When I had a look, all the contact entries were anonymized.

For some strange reason, though, now it suddenly looked like this:

This was a bit odd, so I checked the whois myself, and look what I found:

Do you want to know when I received the email, relative to the time the screenshot was taken? Five minutes ago! So, immediately after changing the whois entry, I happen to receive an email telling me about this discovery. Isn't this an incredible coincidence?

The lesson of all of this is that Justin Wayne/Marcus Nero is a bit thick and not afraid of lies and deception. But that's not news, or is it?