Friday, September 28, 2012

Roosh V Sucks With Women And Doesn't Know It

After bashing  Vince Kelvin, it's time for a break. A guy people on my forum occasionally mention, but someone I haven't paid much attention to is Roosh. His "game" consists of travelling to poorer countries and trying his luck with the ladies. However, more often than not he goes home empty handed.

Roosh has a particularly deluded crowd of followers who don't even realize that there is something wrong with a guy who proclaims that a "real player" gets between five and eight girls in a year. No, this is not a typo. Despite having little luck with the ladies, Roosh keeps on going to foreign countries. Recent highlight included three weeks in Sweden and one or two "lays". For a guy whose full-time job is getting laid this is nothing but pathetic.

A member of my forum, neparlepas, recently collected a number of Roosh's tweets, and I felt like sharing them with the readers of my blog. Read them and marvel. Neparlepas writes:

When Roosh announced he was going to eastern-europe, I was thrilled. I knew that his "pen opener" would make him look like an alien. So for your enjoyment, here is a collection of quotes from his twitter and forum account. 
Don't forget this is from a "professional pua" making a living by teaching guys how to get laid.

Without further ado, here are some of Roosh's own admissions of failure. I find it ludicrous when he calls girls who see through his lame act "simple minded."

My first instinct was to think that these girls don't care about sex, but truth is they're all getting it from some guy. So this neighborhood guy gets easy pussy, while I'm sweating my ass off for measly droppings. It seems like their entire game is "don't show any interest." I can spend an hour with a girl here and have no idea where I stand.
Would you guys call Ukrainian girls "simple minded"? I don't mean that to insult, but from a Western perspective, that's the first word that pops to mind.
What a waste of effort. one month here and I know that Western game will lead to paltry results.
Also a lot of girls here don't drink at all, or just one drink. It's fucked up my whole dating progression. I've never done so many coffee shop dates in my life. And we know that even if a coffee shop date goes well, the odds of sex or even a kiss is very low.
So just when I thought I was figuring it out, last night I was massacred. Just completely shut out. I have to admit that my club ROI is the lowest it's ever been since Colombia. My American sarcasm fell off the boat months ago. You can be funny but it's more of a silly humor they dig instead of the witty/dry humor that Americans dig. They don't understand dry humor here. You know the deadpan humor I use in my old Youtube videos? That doesn't fly here.
It's hard. Night game, anyway. The initial approach is going fine... I'm getting warm responses. Girls ask me where I'm from, etc. But the conversations are crapping out and I can't figure out why. It doesn't help that the girls don't really talk much, because of both a language barrier and their shy nature. One night stands... forget it.
It's not as bad as Latvia, but somewhat similar. I feel like I'm hitting a lot of foul balls. So I am making contact with the ball, but not rounding the bases. Unless the girl is REALLY into me from the beginning, I have no idea what the optimum game is.
(last twitter)
I gave up on Russian b/c main girl speaks English and I have enough survival knowledge. It was a good effort, though I faded bad in the end. And now back to Spanish. :banana:

This is simply breathtaking. Please note that he is unable to realize that the girls are just not into him. Thus, he keeps looking for ways to improve his "game." Buddy, if the girl isn't really into you, it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you move the interaction forward. On the other hand, if she's not into you, then it also doesn't really matter what you do because you simply won't get anywhere.

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