Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Someone's Got Justin Wayne by the Ballz (Video!)

This just came in:

It seems like you are right about Justin, there is at least one girl who he lied to pick up and it actually never happened. If you read his last article there were some chick he called Peagent Girl.

Anyways, somebody forwarded his blog with her pic on it, and she is thinking of suing him.

Watch broadcast for September 3, 2012. She talks about Justin from 01:51

Also watch broadcast for September 4, 2012 from the beginning, in the last one she actually begs her over phone to not sue him and she recorded and posted it online and broadcasted it while he is begging her.

Watch her conversation with Justin Wayne here:
The comments are quite amusing as well. Also, the MTV issue plays a prominent role. The girl seems very smart, too. Nice one!

So, dear Justin Wayne shills, how do you like them apples now?

EDIT: In the comments someone mentions that Justin Wayne was basically trying to run a prostitution ring. It seems exaggerated, but I can certainly see how you could view it that way. After all, the guys paid him money with the expectation to get laid.

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