Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Update on Vince Kelvin

Joe Carnage commented on my recent jab at Vince Kelvin that one of my favorite PUAs is not only suffering financially:

Vince is definitely desperate for cash for his mansion since that old Eastern European benefactor left when Speer did. Breaking news, he is in the hospital for suffering a heart attack because of extreme stress. Figures from not being able to foot the $14,000 a month mansion bill and not being invited to the biggest pua event of the year. 
From Valerie Hammond off his facebook: 
"Vince Kelvin is still at hospital, his heart monitored around the clock. He had a near seizure and heart attack earlier this week. The doctors are extremely concerned. I am answering his phone and Bao and Jesse are in charge at Project Hollywood. He was doing better but had another two intense panic attacks earlier this morning. I am doing my best but we can use his friends support and assistance, thank you. Will keep you posted."
"We're trying very hard to get Vince Kelvin back home, but he had another series of panic attacks leading to seizure last night! Doctors are pretty clear, it is not because of poor health, but extreme stress."

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