Friday, September 14, 2012

Vince Kelvin is Desperate for Money: 2 days with him for $199

This don't seem to be going too well for Vince Kelvin, but I just can't figure out why. Just have a look at this exemplar of a man: Tall, muscular, beautiful, and always a super-hot chick by his side:

Yet, if you look him up these days, you wonder how well he's doing. He does seem to struggle quite a bit, as you'll soon see. Instead of trying to sell his services for a few grand, he places himself firmly in the bargain bin. His latest attempt to make some money off his fame as a pickup instructor is an offer to shack up with him.
You can chose between those price levels:
  • 2 days & 1 night: $199
  • 2 days & 2 nights: $349
  • 3 days & 3 nights: $499
There is also a "The 'Mack Daddy' BIG BOY V.I.P." package for the customary $2,997.

Seriously, if I lived in LA, I'd book his $199 package just for the entertainment value, and I'd have him approach fatties until I fell of the chair laughing.

If you are interested, then act soon, because even though it is already the 14th of September, this offer ends on the 7th:

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